This repository contains the implementation of a small-scale evaluation of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) with the mission to find and inspect a pipeline located on a seabed which was inspired by the exemplar SUAVE.
The small-scale evaluation in this repository is an extended version of the small-scale evaluation presented and published at iFM 2023, the paper can be found here. The artifact associated to the iFM 2023 paper was published as an original software publication in Science of Computer Programming, the publication can be found here and the models here or in the scp-ifm_artifact
branch on GitHub.
The goal of this artifact is to show how a self-adaptive system can be modelled and analysed with a probabilistic, feature guarded transition system and a controller switching between features. ProFeat is used as a tool to show this approach. The artifact accompanies the paper "Analysing Self-Adaptive Systems as Software Product Lines", submitted to the special issue on Intelligent Software Product Lines of the Journal of Systems and Software.
The artifact is available on zenodo and on GitHub.
Authors: Juliane Päßler, Maurice H. ter Beek, Ferruccio Damiani, Einar Broch Johnsen, S. Lizeth Tapia Tarifa
- Set-up
- Replication Instructions and Examples of Usage
- Extend and Modify the Artifact
- Acknowledgements
To run the model, PRISM and ProFeat have to be installed. We recommend getting PRISM v4.7 and ProFeat v1.0.2.1 (commit id dfa7f03214bb92e7fd30f1402ff5a19dbdd5929c) from the respective Github repositories, the PRISM Github repository and the ProFeat Github repository.
When both PRISM and ProFeat are installed, make them executable from anywhere or put them in the same folder. In the latter case, the commands below have to be run from the directory which includes the executables of PRISM and ProFeat, and the file names have to include the path to these files. Below, we will assume that PRISM and ProFeat are executable from anywhere.
All analysis results documented in the paper can be replicated with the artifact. The results for the properties without experiments for Scenario 1 can be replicated by running the commands in Run the Analysis. To replicate the results for Scenario 2, the scenario has to be changed as described in Change Scenarios before running the commands in Run the Analysis. To replicate the results for unsafe states with PRISM experiments, follow the instructions in Replicate the PRISM Experiments.
To replicate the results for the properties without experiments, navigate to the folder auv_profeat
in the terminal.
Then type the following.
profeat -t casestudy.profeat casestudy.fprops
prism out.prism out.props > out.log
The first command translates the ProFeat model and the ProFeat property files to PRISM model and property files, the second command uses PRISM to compute the results which are saved in the out.log
file. To view the results, open the out.log
file which is saved in the auv_profeat
If you want to analyse additional properties, include them in the casestudy.fprops
file. Remember to include ${...}
around ProFeat specific constructs.
The beginning of the out.log
file should look like the following.
Date: xxx
Hostname: xxx
Memory limits: cudd=1g, java(heap)=1g
Command line: prism out.prism out.props
Parsing model file "out.prism"...
Type: MDP
Modules: _environment _hardware _auv _controller
Variables: _water_visib _sonar_failed _camera_failed _camera_blocked _s _d_insp _t_failed _robot_navigation_high _robot_navigation_low _robot_navigation_med _robot_navigation_very_high _robot_pipeline_inspection_follow _robot_pipeline_inspection_search _robot_vision_camera _robot_vision_sonar
Parsing properties file "out.props"...
24 properties:
(1) filter(printall, Pmin=? [ F _s=done ], "init")
(2) filter(printall, Pmax=? [ F _s=done ], "init")
(3) filter(printall, Pmin=? [ F _s=abort_mission ], "init")
(4) filter(printall, Pmax=? [ F _s=abort_mission ], "init")
(5) filter(printall, Pmin=? [ !_sonar_failed U _s=done ], "init")
(6) filter(printall, Pmax=? [ !_sonar_failed U _s=done ], "init")
(7) filter(printall, Pmin=? [ !_camera_failed U _s=done ], "init")
(8) filter(printall, Pmax=? [ !_camera_failed U _s=done ], "init")
(9) filter(printall, Pmin=? [ !_camera_blocked U _s=done ], "init")
(10) filter(printall, Pmax=? [ !_camera_blocked U _s=done ], "init")
(11) filter(printall, P>=1.0 [ G (_camera_failed=>(F G !_robot_vision_camera_active)) ], "init")
(12) filter(printall, P>=1.0 [ G (_sonar_failed=>(F G !_robot_vision_sonar_active)) ], "init")
(13) filter(printall, P>=1.0 [ G (_camera_blocked=>(F (!_robot_vision_camera_active|!_camera_blocked))) ], "init")
(14) filter(printall, P>=1.0 [ G (_camera_blocked=>(F !_camera_blocked)) ], "init")
(15) filter(printall, P>=1.0 [ G ((_robot_vision_camera_active&_robot_pipeline_inspection_search_active&_water_visib<(max_visib-min_visib)/3)=>(F (_robot_navigation_low_active|_water_visib>=(max_visib-min_visib)/3))) ], "init")
(16) filter(printall, P>=1.0 [ G ((_robot_vision_camera_active&_robot_pipeline_inspection_search_active&_water_visib>=(max_visib-min_visib)/3&_water_visib<(2*(max_visib-min_visib))/3)=>(F (_robot_navigation_med_active|_robot_navigation_low_active|_water_visib>=(2*(max_visib-min_visib))/3))) ], "init")
(17) filter(printall, P>=1.0 [ G ((_robot_pipeline_inspection_search_active&!_sonar_failed)=>(F (_robot_vision_sonar_active|_sonar_failed))) ], "init")
(18) filter(printall, P>=1.0 [ G ((_robot_pipeline_inspection_follow_active&!(_camera_failed|_camera_blocked))=>(F (_robot_vision_camera_active|_camera_failed|_camera_blocked))) ], "init")
(19) filter(printall, R{"energy"}min=? [ F _s=done ], "init")
(20) filter(printall, R{"energy"}max=? [ F _s=done ], "init")
(21) filter(printall, R{"time"}min=? [ F _s=done ], "init")
(22) filter(printall, R{"time"}max=? [ F _s=done ], "init")
(23) filter(printall, Pmin=? [ G "safe" ], "init")
(24) filter(printall, Pmax=? [ F "unsafe" ], "init")
After a PRISM header, it specifies the model type, the modules and the variables of the PRISM file that was automatically translated from the ProFeat file. Then the analysed properties are listed. They are slightly different from the properties specified in casestudy.fprops
because they have been translated to PRISM properties.
For each of the properties, the out.log
file then includes a paragraph, separated by ----
, with the analysis results. For example, the paragraph for determining the minimum probability of finally reaching the state "done" should look like the following.
Model checking: filter(printall, Pmin=? [ F _s=done ], "init")
Building model...
Computing reachable states...
Reachability (BFS): 27 iterations in 0.04 seconds (average 0.001407, setup 0.00)
Time for model construction: 0.552 seconds.
Type: MDP
States: 89820 (1 initial)
Transitions: 2976260
Choices: 308850
Transition matrix: 195736 nodes (1885 terminal), 2976260 minterms, vars: 27r/27c/19nd
Prob0E: 25 iterations in 0.05 seconds (average 0.001880, setup 0.00)
Prob1A: 2 iterations in 0.00 seconds (average 0.001000, setup 0.00)
yes = 2700, no = 41770, maybe = 45350
Computing remaining probabilities...
Engine: Hybrid
Building hybrid MTBDD matrices... [nm=61, levels=27, nodes=290237] [13.3 MB]
Adding sparse bits... [levels=27-27, num=61, compact=61/61] [14.4 MB]
Creating vector for yes... [dist=2, compact] [175.4 KB]
Allocating iteration vectors... [3 x 701.7 KB]
TOTAL: [29.9 MB]
Starting iterations...
Iterative method: 113 iterations in 2.01 seconds (average 0.012248, setup 0.63)
Results (including zeros) for filter "init":
Value in the initial state: 0.9622511424275723
Time for model checking: 2.089 seconds.
Result: 0.9622511424275723 (+/- 9.193913976757655E-6 estimated; rel err 9.55458878808208E-6)
The result of the analyis (Result
) can be found at the bottom of the paragraph, preceded by the time for model checking (Time for model checking
To change the scenario, open the file auv_profeat/casestudy.profeat
, uncomment parameters of the scenario you want to run and comment the parameters of the other scenario. If you, for example, want to run Scenario 2, the beginning of casestudy.profeat
should look like this:
// Scenario 1: Short pipeline inspection in the North Sea
//const int max_visib = 10; // The maximum visibility
//const int min_visib = 1; // The minimum visibility
//const double current_prob = 0.6; // The probability of currents
//const int inspect = 10; // The meters of pipeline that should be inspected
//const double camera_block_prob = 0.05; // The probability the camera getting blocked (e.g. because of something in front of the camera)
// Scenario 2: Longer pipeline inspection in the Caribbean Sea
const int max_visib = 20;
const int min_visib = 3;
const double current_prob = 0.3;
const int inspect = 30;
const double camera_block_prob = 0.03;
// Scenario independent parameters
const int infl_tf = 10; // The influence a thruster failure has on the path of the AUV. The bigger the value, the less influence a thruster failure has on the path (it can keep the path even in case of a thruster failure)
const double sonar_fail_prob = 0.01; // The probability of a sonar failure
const double camera_fail_prob = 0.005; // The probability of a camera failure
const double camera_unblock_prob = current_prob*0.8; // The probability of the camera getting unblocked depends on the current probability
To create a new scenario, change the parameters min_visib
, max_visib
, current_prob
, inspect
, and camera_block_prob
. You can also change the scenario independet parameters, namely, the influence the thruster failures have on the path of the AUV (infl_tf
), the probability with which the sonar fails (sonar_fail_prob
), the probability with which the camera fails (camera_fail_prob
), and the probability with which the camera gets unblocked (camera_unblock_prob
The files for replicating the PRISM experiments for Scenarios 1 and 2 can be found in the folder auv_profeat/experiments
as scenario1.prism
and scenario2.prism
, respectively. The necessary property file, containing the properties used for the experiments, is experiments.props
in the same folder.
Open the PRISM GUI by opening the executable xprism
that should have been downloaded when you downloaded PRISM. Open the model file of one of the two scenarios by going to Model -> Open model
and selecting scenario1.prism
or scenario2.prism
. Parse and build the model by pressing F2
and F3
, respectively. To load the properties, go to the Properties
Tab in the lower left corner. Open the properties list by going to Properties -> Open properties list
and select experiments.props
The GUI should now look like the following.
The experiments will use a variable named
for the number of time steps. To declare this variable, make a double click in the Constants
field and change the name from C0
to k
To run an experiment, click one of the properties and press F7
. In the dialog that opens, first decide which range your parameter should have, i.e., how many time steps you want to consider; in the paper we display the graph with 300 time steps. Click on Okay
, give the graph a name and either print it to an already existing graph or to a new one.
It is also possible to inspect the values that were calculated for the graph. To do that, in the Experiments
part of xprism, do a right click on the property whose results you want to inspect and click on View results
as shown in the picture below.
This will enable you to determine after how many time steps the probability for the respective property to be satisfied is above a certain threshold.
For more information about PRISM experiments, including how to run them from the command line, consult the PRISM manual.
The artifact can be modified and extended in different ways, some ideas are collected below.
- Explore new scenarios.
- Analyse different properties.
- Change the probabilites of the transitions.
- Introduce different environmental or internal parameters that can trigger adaptation, i.e., feature changes by the feature controller.
- Include new modules. This would probably also entail modifying or extending the synchronisation between the different modules and extending the feature controller.
- Make the feature model richer, including more functionalities of the AUV that can be changed during runtime. This would also include extending both the module for the AUV and the feature controller.
- Include new states in the AUV module, representing for example another task that the AUV has to do. This might also require extending the feature controller.
In the following, we describe how to run the PRISM experiments with modified parameters, a modified model, as well different properties.
To run experiments with different scenario independet parameters, changing the influence a thruster failure has on the path of the AUV, the probability of a sonar or camera failure or of the camera getting unblocked, you can modify the values of infl_tf
, sonar_fail_prob
, camera_fail_prob
and camera_unblock_prob
, respectively, in the file scenario1.prism
or scenario2.prism
To introduce a different scenario, you can modify the values of the scenario dependent parameters in the file scenario1.prism
or scenario2.prism
To run the PRISM experiments with a modified model, first run the analysis with the modified model as described in Run the Analysis. The obtained file out.prism
, has to be modified such that the PRISM variables are initialised after their declaration and not in an init ... endinit
That is, in the file out.prism
, the block
((((((((((((((1 <= ((_robot_navigation_high + _robot_navigation_low) + _robot_navigation_med) + _robot_navigation_very_high & ((_robot_navigation_high + _robot_navigation_low) + _robot_navigation_med) + _robot_navigation_very_high <= 1) & (1 <= _robot_pipeline_inspection_follow + _robot_pipeline_inspection_search & _robot_pipeline_inspection_follow + _robot_pipeline_inspection_search <= 1)) & (0 <= _robot_vision_camera + _robot_vision_sonar & _robot_vision_camera + _robot_vision_sonar <= 1)) & (_robot_pipeline_inspection_follow = 1 => _robot_navigation_low = 1)) & (_robot_vision_camera = 1 => !_robot_navigation_very_high = 1)) & _robot_navigation_very_high_active) & _robot_pipeline_inspection_search_active) & _robot_vision_sonar_active) & _camera_blocked = false) & _camera_failed = false) & _d_insp = 0) & _s = start_task) & _sonar_failed = false) & _t_failed = 0) & _water_visib = round((max_visib - min_visib) / 2)
has to be deleted and the initial values of the variables have to be inserted at the correct positions in the out.prism
file. For the model used in this artifact, it should look like the following.
module _environment
_water_visib : [min_visib .. max_visib] init round((max_visib-min_visib)/2);
module _hardware
_sonar_failed : bool init false;
_camera_failed : bool init false;
_camera_blocked : bool init false;
module _auv
_s : [0 .. 15] init 11;
_d_insp : [0 .. inspect] init 0;
_t_failed : [0 .. infl_tf] init 0;
module _controller
_robot_navigation_high : [0 .. 1] init 0;
_robot_navigation_low : [0 .. 1] init 0;
_robot_navigation_med : [0 .. 1] init 0;
_robot_navigation_very_high : [0 .. 1] init 1;
_robot_pipeline_inspection_follow : [0 .. 1] init 0;
_robot_pipeline_inspection_search : [0 .. 1] init 1;
_robot_vision_camera : [0 .. 1] init 0;
_robot_vision_sonar : [0 .. 1] init 1;
where init
is the keyword for initialising a variable.
Note that the variables of the ProFeat model have a preceding _
in the PRISM model.
In the above example, the water visibility is initialised with round((max_visib-min_visib)/2)
, the variables sonar_failed
, camera_failed
and camera_blockd
with false
, and the initial value of state s
is 11
, which corresponds to the state start_task
. The variables d_insp
and t_failed
are both initialised with 0
The features of the feature model that can be activated and deactivated during runtime are represented as variables in the PRISM model. The variable _robot_navigation_high
in the above example, for example, corresponds to the feature high
which is a subfeature if navigation
that is a subfeature of robot
. The "feature variables" initialised with 0
are inactive at the beginning, the ones initialised with 1
are active.
To run PRISM experiments with different properties, run the commands in Run the Analysis with your modified property file to obtain the corresponding .props
file. The ProFeat property file used for the experiments in the paper can be found in auv_profeat/experiments
as casestudy_experiments.fprops
in case you want to use it as a template. If you do not want to modify the model, you can use the scenario1.prism
or scenario2.prism
file in the auv_profeat/experiments
folder as a model file for the experiments.
Then follow the steps for replicating the experiments in Replicate the PRISM Experiments.
We would like to thank Clemens Dubslaff for explaining ProFeat and its usage to us, and for answering numerous questions.
This work is part of the Reliable AI for Marine Robotics (REMARO) Project. For more information, please visit:
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 956200.