Add Git Status to oil.nvim directory listings. Git status is added to the listing asynchronously after creating the oil
directory listing so it won't slow oil
down on big repositories. The plugin puts the status in two new sign columns, the left being the status of the index, the right being the status of the working directory, just as you'd get if you ran git status --short
Change the oil
configuration to allow at least 2 sign columns:
win_options = {
signcolumn = "yes:2",
dependencies = {
config = true,
use {
after = {
config = function()
show_ignored = true -- show files that match gitignore with !!
symbols = { -- customize the symbols that appear in the git status columns
index = {
["!"] = "!",
["?"] = "?",
["A"] = "A",
["C"] = "C",
["D"] = "D",
["M"] = "M",
["R"] = "R",
["T"] = "T",
["U"] = "U",
[" "] = " ",
working_tree = {
["!"] = "!",
["?"] = "?",
["A"] = "A",
["C"] = "C",
["D"] = "D",
["M"] = "M",
["R"] = "R",
["T"] = "T",
["U"] = "U",
[" "] = " ",
The following highlight groups are defined:
Status Code | In Index | In Working Tree |
OilGitStatusIndexUnmodified |
OilGitStatusWorkingTreeUnmodified |
! |
OilGitStatusIndexIgnored |
OilGitStatusWorkingTreeIgnored |
? |
OilGitStatusIndexUntracked |
OilGitStatusWorkingTreeUntracked |
A |
OilGitStatusIndexAdded |
OilGitStatusWorkingTreeAdded |
C |
OilGitStatusIndexCopied |
OilGitStatusWorkingTreeCopied |
D |
OilGitStatusIndexDeleted |
OilGitStatusWorkingTreeDeleted |
M |
OilGitStatusIndexModified |
OilGitStatusWorkingTreeModified |
R |
OilGitStatusIndexRenamed |
OilGitStatusWorkingTreeRenamed |
T |
OilGitStatusIndexTypeChanged |
OilGitStatusWorkingTreeTypeChanged |
U |
OilGitStatusIndexUnmerged |
OilGitStatusWorkingTreeUnmerged |
You can access these programmatically through the require('oil-git-status').highlight_groups
for _, hl_group in pairs(require("oil-git-status").highlight_groups) do
if hl_group.index then
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, hl_group.hl_group, { fg = "#ff0000" })
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, hl_group.hl_group, { fg = "#00ff00" })