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🎨📺 Paint TV

QVC for Bob Ross


Install all dependencies once after cloning (and whenever they change).

npm install

Run npm test to execute tests. See supplemental development notes.

Local Iframe Development

Develop locally for iframe (web view code under src/iframe and src/shared).

npm start

Visit http://localhost:1234 in your web browser. No code or data is uploaded.

Playtest Production and Devvit Blocks

Develop in prod with playtest for Devvit Blocks (src/main.ts, src/devvit, and src/shared).

First, copy the template and upload an initial version. This only needs to be done once.

cp tools/devvit.template.yaml
# edit the name field to be uniquely associated to you such as painttvfoo; it
# must be 16 characters or less.

npm run devvit:dev:upload

⚠️ Execute npm run devvit:dev:upload verbatim; it references the dev config.

Now playtest whenever wanted.

npm run playtest -- r/<development subreddit uniquely associated to you>

Visit<sub>?playtest&devvitdebug=app. Also, launches local iframe development.

⚠️ devvit logs do not include iframe output.

NPM Scripts

  • install: install app dependencies.
  • start: run development server on http://localhost:1234.
  • playtest r/<sub>: live-reload on Don't forget to append the ?playtest&devvitdebug=app query parameters to the URL. Also starts the local development server.
  • test: execute all tests. Anything that can be validated automatically before publishing runs through this command.
  • run test:unit: run the unit tests. Pass --update to update all test snapshots.
  • run format: apply lint fixes automatically where available.
  • run build: compile source inputs to artifacts under dist/ and webroot/.
  • run devvit:install: build, upload, and install a new version to r/PaintTV.
  • run devvit:dev:upload: upload a new development version for new dev setup.

💡 Add -- to pass arguments to the script command. For example, npm run test:unit -- --update to update snapshots.

Project Structure

  • assets/: Devvit Blocks data uploads.
  • docs/: supplemental documentation.
  • src/: source inputs.
    • devvit/, src/main.ts: Devvit Blocks code.
    • iframe/: web view code.
    • shared/: code that may run in iframe and / or Devvit.
    • test/, *.test.ts: tests and test utils.
  • tools/: development scripts and configs.
  • webroot/: iframe uploads.
    • assets/: iframe data uploads.
    • index.*: iframe web page code uploads.


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