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AWS Red5 Pro Terraform module

Terraform Red5 Pro AWS module which create Red5 Pro resources on AWS.

This module has 4 variants of Red5 Pro deployments

  • single - Single EC2 instance with installed and configured Red5 Pro server
  • cluster - Stream Manager cluster (MySQL DB + Stream Manager instance + Autoscaling Node group with Origin, Edge, Transcoder, Relay instances)
  • autoscaling - Autoscaling Stream Managers (MySQL RDS + Load Balancer + Autoscaling Stream Managers + Autoscaling Node group with Origin, Edge, Transcoder, Relay instances)
  • vpc - VPC only (VPC, Sunbets, Route table, Internet Gateway) - this option is useful if you need to create VPC separately and after that use this VPC to deploy Red5 Pro resources



cp ~/Downloads/ ./
cp ~/Downloads/aws-cloud-controller-0.0.0.jar ./

Single Red5 Pro server deployment (single) - Example

  • VPC create or use existing
  • Elastic IP create or use existing
  • Security group create or use existing
  • SSH key create or use existing
  • SSL certificate install Let's encrypt or use Red5Pro server without SSL certificate (HTTP only)

Usage (single)

provider "aws" {
  region     = "us-west-1" # AWS region
  access_key = ""          # AWS IAM Access key
  secret_key = ""          # AWS IAM Secret key

module "red5pro" {
  source  = "red5pro/red5pro/aws"

  type = "single"         # Deployment type: single, cluster, autoscaling, vpc
  name = "red5pro-single" # Name to be used on all the resources as identifier

  ubuntu_version        = "22.04"                                 # Ubuntu version for Red5 Pro servers
  path_to_red5pro_build = "./" # Absolute path or relative path to Red5 Pro server ZIP file

  # SSH key configuration
  ssh_key_create       = true                                                # true - create new SSH key, false - use existing SSH key
  ssh_key_name         = "example_key"                                       # Name for new SSH key or for existing SSH key
  ssh_private_key_path = "/PATH/TO/EXISTING/SSH/PRIVATE/KEY/example_key.pem" # Path to existing SSH private key

  # VPC configuration
  vpc_create      = true        # true - create new VPC, false - use existing VPC
  vpc_id_existing = "vpc-12345" # VPC ID for existing VPC

  # Security group configuration
  security_group_create      = true       # true - create new security group, false - use existing security group
  security_group_id_existing = "sg-12345" # Security group ID for existing security group

  # Elastic IP configuration
  elastic_ip_create   = true      # true - create new elastic IP, false - use existing elastic IP
  elastic_ip_existing = "" # Elastic IP for existing elastic IP

  # Single Red5 Pro server HTTPS/SSL certificate configuration
  https_letsencrypt_enable                  = true                  # true - create new Let's Encrypt HTTPS/SSL certificate, false - use Red5 Pro server without HTTPS/SSL certificate
  https_letsencrypt_certificate_domain_name = "" # Domain name for Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
  https_letsencrypt_certificate_email       = "[email protected]"   # Email for Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
  https_letsencrypt_certificate_password    = "examplepass"         # Password for Let's Encrypt SSL certificate

  # Single Red5 Pro server EC2 instance configuration
  single_instance_type = "t3.medium" # Instance type for Red5 Pro server. Example: t3.medium, c5.large, c5.xlarge, c5.2xlarge, c5.4xlarge
  single_volume_size   = 8           # Volume size for Red5 Pro server

  # Red5Pro server configuration
  red5pro_license_key                         = "1111-2222-3333-4444"              # Red5 Pro license key (
  red5pro_api_enable                          = true                               # true - enable Red5 Pro server API, false - disable Red5 Pro server API (
  red5pro_api_key                             = "examplekey"                       # Red5 Pro server API key (
  red5pro_inspector_enable                    = false                              # true - enable Red5 Pro server inspector, false - disable Red5 Pro server inspector (
  red5pro_restreamer_enable                   = false                              # true - enable Red5 Pro server restreamer, false - disable Red5 Pro server restreamer (
  red5pro_socialpusher_enable                 = false                              # true - enable Red5 Pro server socialpusher, false - disable Red5 Pro server socialpusher (
  red5pro_suppressor_enable                   = false                              # true - enable Red5 Pro server suppressor, false - disable Red5 Pro server suppressor
  red5pro_hls_enable                          = false                              # true - enable Red5 Pro server HLS, false - disable Red5 Pro server HLS (
  red5pro_webhooks_enable                     = false                              # true - enable Red5 Pro server webhooks, false - disable Red5 Pro server webhooks (
  red5pro_webhooks_endpoint                   = ""  # Red5 Pro server webhooks endpoint
  red5pro_round_trip_auth_enable              = false                              # true - enable Red5 Pro server round trip authentication, false - disable Red5 Pro server round trip authentication (
  red5pro_round_trip_auth_host                = ""      # Round trip authentication server host
  red5pro_round_trip_auth_port                = 3000                               # Round trip authentication server port
  red5pro_round_trip_auth_protocol            = "http"                             # Round trip authentication server protocol
  red5pro_round_trip_auth_endpoint_validate   = "/validateCredentials"             # Round trip authentication server endpoint for validate
  red5pro_round_trip_auth_endpoint_invalidate = "/invalidateCredentials"           # Round trip authentication server endpoint for invalidate
  red5pro_cloudstorage_enable                 = false                              # true - enable Red5 Pro server cloud storage, false - disable Red5 Pro server cloud storage (
  red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_access_key         = ""                                 # AWS access key for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
  red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_secret_key         = ""                                 # AWS secret key for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
  red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_bucket_name        = "s3-bucket-example-name"           # AWS bucket name for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
  red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_region             = "us-west-1"                        # AWS region for Red5 Pro cloud storage  (S3 Bucket)
  red5pro_cloudstorage_postprocessor_enable   = false                              # true - enable Red5 Pro server postprocessor, false - disable Red5 Pro server postprocessor (
  red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_bucket_acl_policy  = "public-read"                      # AWS bucket ACL policy for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket) Example: none, public-read, authenticated-read, private, public-read-write
  red5pro_stream_auto_record_enable           = false                              # true - enable Red5 Pro server broadcast stream auto record, false - disable Red5 Pro server broadcast stream auto record
  red5pro_coturn_enable                       = false                              # true - enable customized Coturn configuration for Red5Pro server, false - disable customized Coturn configuration for Red5Pro server (
  red5pro_coturn_address                      = "stun:"                # Customized coturn address for Red5Pro server (
  red5pro_efs_enable                          = false                              # enable/disable EFS mount to record streams
  red5pro_efs_dns_name                        = "" # EFS DNS name
  red5pro_brew_mixer_enable                   = false                              # true - enable Red5 Pro server brew mixer, false - disable Red5 Pro server brew mixer

  # Red5 Pro tags configuration - it will be added to all Red5 Pro resources
  tags = {
    Terraform   = "true"
    Environment = "dev"
    Project     = "red5pro"

output "module_output" {
  value = module.red5pro

Red5 Pro Stream Manager cluster deployment (cluster) - Example

  • VPC create or use existing
  • Elastic IP create or use existing
  • Security groups will be created automatically (Stream Manager, Nodes, MySQL DB)
  • SSH key create or use existing
  • MySQL DB create in RDS or install it locally on the Stream Manager
  • Stream Manager instance will be created automatically
  • SSL certificate install Let's encrypt or use Red5 Pro Stream Manager without SSL certificate (HTTP only)
  • Origin node image create
  • Edge node image create or not (it is optional)
  • Transcoder node image create or not (it is optional)
  • Relay node image create or not (it is optional)
  • Autoscaling node group using API to Stream Manager (optional) - (

Usage (cluster)

provider "aws" {
  region     = "us-west-1"                                                    # AWS region
  access_key = ""                                                             # AWS IAM Access key
  secret_key = ""                                                             # AWS IAM Secret key

module "red5pro" {
  source  = "red5pro/red5pro/aws"

  type    = "cluster"                                                         # Deployment type: single, cluster, autoscaling
  name    = "red5pro-cluster"                                                 # Name to be used on all the resources as identifier

  ubuntu_version               = "22.04"                                      # Ubuntu version for Red5 Pro servers
  path_to_red5pro_build        = "./"      # Absolute path or relative path to Red5 Pro server ZIP file
  path_to_aws_cloud_controller = "./aws-cloud-controller-0.0.0.jar"           # Absolute path or relative path to AWS Cloud Controller JAR file

  # AWS authetification variables it use for Stream Manager autoscaling configuration
  aws_region     = "us-west-1"                                                # AWS region 
  aws_access_key = ""                                                         # AWS IAM Access key
  aws_secret_key = ""                                                         # AWS IAM Secret key

  # SSH key configuration
  ssh_key_create          = true                                              # true - create new SSH key, false - use existing SSH key
  ssh_key_name            = "example_key"                                     # Name for new SSH key or for existing SSH key
  ssh_private_key_path    = "/PATH/TO/EXISTING/SSH/PRIVATE/KEY/example_key.pem" # Path to existing SSH private key
  # VPC configuration
  vpc_create              = true                                              # true - create new VPC, false - use existing VPC
  vpc_id_existing         = "vpc-12345"                                       # VPC ID for existing VPC

  # MySQL DB configuration
  mysql_rds_create        = false                                             # true - create new RDS instance, false - install local MySQL server on the Stream Manager EC2 instance
  mysql_rds_instance_type = "db.t2.micro"                                     # Instance type for RDS instance
  mysql_user_name         = "exampleuser"                                     # MySQL user name
  mysql_password          = "examplepass"                                     # MySQL password
  mysql_port              = 3306                                              # MySQL port

  # Stream Manager Elastic IP configuration
  elastic_ip_create       = true                                              # true - create new elastic IP, false - use existing elastic IP
  elastic_ip_existing     = ""                                         # Elastic IP for existing elastic IP

  # Stream Manager HTTPS/SSL certificate configuration
  https_letsencrypt_enable                   = true                           # true - create new Let's Encrypt HTTPS/SSL certificate, false - use Red5 Pro server without HTTPS/SSL certificate
  https_letsencrypt_certificate_domain_name  = ""          # Domain name for Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
  https_letsencrypt_certificate_email        = "[email protected]"            # Email for Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
  https_letsencrypt_certificate_password     = "examplepass"                  # Password for Let's Encrypt SSL certificate

  # Stream Manager configuration 
  stream_manager_instance_type  = "t3.medium"                                 # Instance type for Stream Manager
  stream_manager_volume_size    = 20                                          # Volume size for Stream Manager
  stream_manager_api_key        = "examplekey"                                # API key for Stream Manager
  stream_manager_coturn_enable  = false                                       # true - enable customized Coturn configuration for Stream Manager, false - disable customized Coturn configuration for Stream Manager (
  stream_manager_coturn_address = "stun:"                         # Customized coturn address for Stream Manager (

  # Red5 Pro general configuration
  red5pro_license_key           = "1111-2222-3333-4444"                       # Red5 Pro license key (
  red5pro_cluster_key           = "examplekey"                                # Red5 Pro cluster key
  red5pro_api_enable            = true                                        # true - enable Red5 Pro server API, false - disable Red5 Pro server API (
  red5pro_api_key               = "examplekey"                                # Red5 Pro server API key (

  # Red5 Pro autoscaling Origin node image configuration
  origin_image_create                                       = true                          # Default: true for Autoscaling and Cluster, true - create new Origin node image, false - not create new Origin node image
  origin_image_instance_type                                = "t3.medium"                         # Instance type for Origin node image
  origin_image_volume_size                                  = 8                                   # Volume size for Origin node image
  origin_image_red5pro_inspector_enable                     = false                               # true - enable Red5 Pro server inspector, false - disable Red5 Pro server inspector (
  origin_image_red5pro_restreamer_enable                    = false                               # true - enable Red5 Pro server restreamer, false - disable Red5 Pro server restreamer (
  origin_image_red5pro_socialpusher_enable                  = false                               # true - enable Red5 Pro server socialpusher, false - disable Red5 Pro server socialpusher (
  origin_image_red5pro_suppressor_enable                    = false                               # true - enable Red5 Pro server suppressor, false - disable Red5 Pro server suppressor
  origin_image_red5pro_hls_enable                           = false                               # true - enable Red5 Pro server HLS, false - disable Red5 Pro server HLS (
  origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_enable               = false                               # true - enable Red5 Pro server round trip authentication, false - disable Red5 Pro server round trip authentication (
  origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_host                 = ""       # Round trip authentication server host
  origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_port                 = 3000                                # Round trip authentication server port
  origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_protocol             = "http"                              # Round trip authentication server protocol
  origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_endpoint_validate    = "/validateCredentials"              # Round trip authentication server endpoint for validate
  origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_endpoint_invalidate  = "/invalidateCredentials"            # Round trip authentication server endpoint for invalidate
  origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_enable                  = false                               # true - enable Red5 Pro server cloud storage, false - disable Red5 Pro server cloud storage (
  origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_access_key          = ""                                  # AWS access key for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
  origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_secret_key          = ""                                  # AWS secret key for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
  origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_bucket_name         = "s3-bucket-example-name"            # AWS bucket name for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
  origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_region              = "us-west-1"                         # AWS region for Red5 Pro cloud storage  (S3 Bucket)
  origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_postprocessor_enable    = false                               # true - enable Red5 Pro server postprocessor, false - disable Red5 Pro server postprocessor (
  origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_bucket_acl_policy   = "public-read"                       # AWS bucket ACL policy for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket) Example: none, public-read, authenticated-read, private, public-read-write
  origin_image_red5pro_stream_auto_record_enable            = false                               # true - enable Red5 Pro server broadcast stream auto record, false - disable Red5 Pro server broadcast stream auto record
  origin_image_red5pro_efs_enable                           = false                               # enable/disable EFS mount to record streams
  origin_image_red5pro_efs_dns_name                         = ""  # EFS DNS name

  # Red5 Pro autoscaling Node group - (Optional)
  node_group_create                               = true                      # Linux or Mac OS only. true - create new Node group, false - not create new Node group
  node_group_name                                 = "terraform-node-group"    # Node group name
  # Origin node configuration
  node_group_origins_min                          = 1                         # Number of minimum Origins
  node_group_origins_max                          = 20                        # Number of maximum Origins
  node_group_origins_instance_type                = "t3.medium"               # Instance type for Origins
  node_group_origins_capacity                     = 20                        # Connections capacity for Origins
  # Edge node configuration
  node_group_edges_min                            = 1                         # Number of minimum Edges
  node_group_edges_max                            = 40                        # Number of maximum Edges
  node_group_edges_instance_type                  = "t3.medium"               # Instance type for Edges
  node_group_edges_capacity                       = 200                       # Connections capacity for Edges
  # Transcoder node configuration
  node_group_transcoders_min                      = 0                         # Number of minimum Transcoders
  node_group_transcoders_max                      = 20                        # Number of maximum Transcoders
  node_group_transcoders_instance_type            = "t3.medium"               # Instance type for Transcoders
  node_group_transcoders_capacity                 = 20                        # Connections capacity for Transcoders
  # Relay node configuration
  node_group_relays_min                           = 0                         # Number of minimum Relays
  node_group_relays_max                           = 20                        # Number of maximum Relays
  node_group_relays_instance_type                 = "t3.medium"               # Instance type for Relays
  node_group_relays_capacity                      = 20                        # Connections capacity for Relays
  # Red5 Pro tags configuration - it will be added to all Red5 Pro resources

  tags = {
    Terraform   = "true"
    Environment = "dev"
    Project     = "red5pro"

output "module_output" {
  value = module.red5pro

Red5 Pro Stream Manager cluster with AWS autoscaling Stream Managers (autoscaling) - Example

  • VPC create or use existing
  • Security groups will be created automatically (Stream Managers, Nodes, MySQL DB)
  • SSH key create or use existing
  • MySQL DB will be created automaticaly in RDS
  • SSL certificate use existing in AWS Certificate Manager or use Load Balancer without SSL certificate (HTTP only) - it can be useful with Cloudflare
  • Load Balancer for Stream Managers will be created automatically
  • Autoscaling group for Stream Managers will be created automatically
  • Stream Manager image will be created automatically
  • Launch configuration for Stream Managers will be created automatically
  • Target group for Stream Managers will be created automatically
  • Origin node image create or not (it is optional)
  • Edge node image create or not (it is optional)
  • Transcoder node image create or not (it is optional)
  • Relay node image create or not (it is optional)
  • Autoscaling node group using API to Stream Manager (optional) - (

Usage (autoscaling)

provider "aws" {
  region     = "us-west-1"                                                    # AWS region
  access_key = ""                                                             # AWS IAM Access key
  secret_key = ""                                                             # AWS IAM Secret key

module "red5pro" {
  source  = "red5pro/red5pro/aws"

  type    = "autoscaling"                                                        # Deployment type: single, cluster, autoscaling
  name    = "red5pro-auto"                                                       # Name to be used on all the resources as identifier

  ubuntu_version               = "22.04"                                      # Ubuntu version for Red5 Pro servers
  path_to_red5pro_build        = "./"      # Absolute path or relative path to Red5 Pro server ZIP file
  path_to_aws_cloud_controller = "./aws-cloud-controller-0.0.0.jar"           # Absolute path or relative path to AWS Cloud Controller JAR file

  # AWS authetification variables it use for Stream Manager autoscaling configuration
  aws_region     = "us-west-1"                                                # AWS region 
  aws_access_key = ""                                                         # AWS IAM Access key
  aws_secret_key = ""                                                         # AWS IAM Secret key

  # SSH key configuration
  ssh_key_create          = true                                             # true - create new SSH key, false - use existing SSH key
  ssh_key_name            = "example_key"                                     # Name for new SSH key or for existing SSH key
  ssh_private_key_path    = "/PATH/TO/EXISTING/SSH/PRIVATE/KEY/example_key.pem" # Path to existing SSH private key
  # VPC configuration
  vpc_create              = true                                             # true - create new VPC, false - use existing VPC
  vpc_id_existing         = "vpc-12345"                                      # VPC ID for existing VPC

  # MySQL DB configuration
  mysql_rds_instance_type = "db.t2.micro"                                     # Instance type for RDS instance
  mysql_user_name         = "exampleuser"                                     # MySQL user name
  mysql_password          = "examplepass"                                     # MySQL password
  mysql_port              = 3306                                              # MySQL port

  # Load Balancer HTTPS/SSL certificate configuration
  https_certificate_manager_use_existing     = true                           # If you want to use SSL certificate set it to true
  https_certificate_manager_certificate_name = ""          # Domain name for your SSL certificate

  # Stream Manager configuration 
  stream_manager_instance_type                = "t3.medium"                   # Instance type for Stream Manager
  stream_manager_volume_size                  = 20                            # Volume size for Stream Manager
  stream_manager_api_key                      = "examplekey"                  # API key for Stream Manager
  stream_manager_autoscaling_desired_capacity = 1                             # Desired capacity for Stream Manager autoscaling group
  stream_manager_autoscaling_minimum_capacity = 1                             # Minimum capacity for Stream Manager autoscaling group
  stream_manager_autoscaling_maximum_capacity = 1                             # Maximum capacity for Stream Manager autoscaling group
  stream_manager_coturn_enable                = false                         # true - enable customized Coturn configuration for Stream Manager, false - disable customized Coturn configuration for Stream Manager (
  stream_manager_coturn_address               = "stun:"           # Customized coturn address for Stream Manager (

  # Red5 Pro general configuration
  red5pro_license_key           = "1111-2222-3333-4444"                       # Red5 Pro license key (
  red5pro_cluster_key           = "examplekey"                                # Red5 Pro cluster key
  red5pro_api_enable            = true                                        # true - enable Red5 Pro server API, false - disable Red5 Pro server API (
  red5pro_api_key               = "examplekey"                                # Red5 Pro server API key (

  # Red5 Pro autoscaling Origin node image configuration
  origin_image_create                                       = true                                # Default: true for Autoscaling and Cluster, true - create new Origin node image, false - not create new Origin node image
  origin_image_instance_type                                = "t3.medium"                         # Instance type for Origin node image
  origin_image_volume_size                                  = 8                                   # Volume size for Origin node image
  origin_image_red5pro_inspector_enable                     = false                               # true - enable Red5 Pro server inspector, false - disable Red5 Pro server inspector (
  origin_image_red5pro_restreamer_enable                    = false                               # true - enable Red5 Pro server restreamer, false - disable Red5 Pro server restreamer (
  origin_image_red5pro_socialpusher_enable                  = false                               # true - enable Red5 Pro server socialpusher, false - disable Red5 Pro server socialpusher (
  origin_image_red5pro_suppressor_enable                    = false                               # true - enable Red5 Pro server suppressor, false - disable Red5 Pro server suppressor
  origin_image_red5pro_hls_enable                           = false                               # true - enable Red5 Pro server HLS, false - disable Red5 Pro server HLS (
  origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_enable               = false                               # true - enable Red5 Pro server round trip authentication, false - disable Red5 Pro server round trip authentication (
  origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_host                 = ""       # Round trip authentication server host
  origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_port                 = 3000                                # Round trip authentication server port
  origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_protocol             = "http"                              # Round trip authentication server protocol
  origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_endpoint_validate    = "/validateCredentials"              # Round trip authentication server endpoint for validate
  origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_endpoint_invalidate  = "/invalidateCredentials"            # Round trip authentication server endpoint for invalidate
  origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_enable                  = false                               # true - enable Red5 Pro server cloud storage, false - disable Red5 Pro server cloud storage (
  origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_access_key          = ""                                  # AWS access key for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
  origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_secret_key          = ""                                  # AWS secret key for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
  origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_bucket_name         = "s3-bucket-example-name"            # AWS bucket name for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
  origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_region              = "us-west-1"                         # AWS region for Red5 Pro cloud storage  (S3 Bucket)
  origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_postprocessor_enable    = false                               # true - enable Red5 Pro server postprocessor, false - disable Red5 Pro server postprocessor (
  origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_bucket_acl_policy   = "public-read"                       # AWS bucket ACL policy for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket) Example: none, public-read, authenticated-read, private, public-read-write
  origin_image_red5pro_stream_auto_record_enable            = false                               # true - enable Red5 Pro server broadcast stream auto record, false - disable Red5 Pro server broadcast stream auto record
  origin_image_red5pro_efs_enable                           = false                               # enable/disable EFS mount to record streams
  origin_image_red5pro_efs_dns_name                         = ""  # EFS DNS name

  # Red5 Pro autoscaling Node group - (Optional)
  node_group_create                               = true                      # Linux or Mac OS only. true - create new Node group, false - not create new Node group
  node_group_name                                 = "terraform-node-group"    # Node group name
  # Origin node configuration
  node_group_origins_min                          = 1                         # Number of minimum Origins
  node_group_origins_max                          = 20                        # Number of maximum Origins
  node_group_origins_instance_type                = "t3.medium"               # Instance type for Origins
  node_group_origins_capacity                     = 20                        # Connections capacity for Origins
  # Edge node configuration
  node_group_edges_min                            = 1                         # Number of minimum Edges
  node_group_edges_max                            = 40                        # Number of maximum Edges
  node_group_edges_instance_type                  = "t3.medium"               # Instance type for Edges
  node_group_edges_capacity                       = 200                       # Connections capacity for Edges
  # Transcoder node configuration
  node_group_transcoders_min                      = 0                         # Number of minimum Transcoders
  node_group_transcoders_max                      = 20                        # Number of maximum Transcoders
  node_group_transcoders_instance_type            = "t3.medium"               # Instance type for Transcoders
  node_group_transcoders_capacity                 = 20                        # Connections capacity for Transcoders
  # Relay node configuration
  node_group_relays_min                           = 0                         # Number of minimum Relays
  node_group_relays_max                           = 20                        # Number of maximum Relays
  node_group_relays_instance_type                 = "t3.medium"               # Instance type for Relays
  node_group_relays_capacity                      = 20                        # Connections capacity for Relays

  # Red5 Pro tags configuration - it will be added to all Red5 Pro resources
  tags = {
    Terraform   = "true"
    Environment = "dev"
    Project     = "red5pro"

AWS VPC create only (vpc) - Example

  • VPC create

Usage (vpc)

provider "aws" {
  region     = "us-west-1" # AWS region
  access_key = ""          # AWS IAM Access key
  secret_key = ""          # AWS IAM Secret key

module "red5pro_vpc" {
  source = "red5pro/red5pro/aws"

  type = "vpc"         # Deployment type: single, cluster, autoscaling, vpc
  name = "red5pro-vpc" # Name to be used on all the resources as identifier

  # VPC configuration
  vpc_create         = true # true - create new VPC, false - use existing VPC
  vpc_cidr_block     = ""
  vpc_public_subnets = ["", "", "", ""] # Public subnets for Stream Manager and Red5 Pro server instances

  # Red5 Pro tags configuration - it will be added to all Red5 Pro resources
  tags = {
    Terraform   = "true"
    Environment = "dev"
    Project     = "red5pro"


  • To activate HTTPS/SSL you need to add DNS A record for Elastic IP (single/cluster) or CNAME record for Load Balancer DNS name (autoscaling)

Future updates

  • Add logic to validate existing Security group (open ports)
  • Add Monitoring tools
  • Add Mixer parts