This GitHub organization and repository has a single, simple mission: to help you create better, more useful README files for use in GitHub and elsewhere
View this file as source code:
View this file as a web page using GitHub Pages:
- Assume you are reading your readme for the first time
- Assume you know nothing about
- the project
- the language it is written in
- the dependencies
- the intended audience
- the features and benefits you provide
- the history of the project
- the people involved
- the monetization
- Assume you have never seen your work at work
- Provide a graphic
- Link directly to an online working version
- Assume people want to use your work
- Provide links to your license
- Assume you are also wildly popular
- Have something for people what visit very regularly
Wikipedia README
- Includes the history of the README
- Explains the use of uppercase
Tom Preston-Werner Readme Driven Development
- One of the founders of GitHub
Readme file guides on GitHub:
Stephen Whitmore Art of README
Patrick Balestra How to Improve Your GitHub README
- Some good technical tips
GitHub About READMEs
Claire N Streb All Hail the README File!
GitHub: Open Source Guides
Richard Littauer Standard Readme
If you are a GitHub user named %username% and and create a repository at and add a file,
then the README file will be auto-magically be translated into HTML and will display as HTML when you go to
This README is a good example. Go to to see the result.
John Gruber Daring Fireball: Markdown Basics
- The creator of Markdown
GitHub Mastering Markdown