This is a Movies App built using Next.js, React and The Movie Database (TMDB) API.
## Quick setup
1. Take a copy of .env.local.example and re-name to .env.local
2. Get your TMDb API key
3. Get your TMDB API read access token
4. Enter the details into the .env.local file
## Running locally
* `npm run dev`: dev build
* `npm run build`: production build
* `npm run static-build`: production static build
* `npm run start`: start the project
* `npm run vercel-deploy`: deploy to vercel
* `npm run netlify-deploy`: deploy to netlify
* `npm run analyze`: bundle analysis
* (`analyze:server` and `analyze:browser` are available too)
## Tech Stack
Built with:
* Next.js
* Redux and Redux Thunk
* react-glider
* react-lazyload
* react-modal-video
* react-scroll
* react-select-search
* redaxios
* use-dark-mode
* @artsy/fresnel
* @loadable/component