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Extra Configurations

Yash Khare edited this page Nov 27, 2020 · 1 revision

The gitgo file

You can edit the gitgo file directly if you want to change some configurations. The emojis are stored in their markdown format, so ensure to replace emojis with their markdown itself in order to be parsed by the GitHub Markdown syntax.

TO edit emojis, you can just replace their markdown in the following section:

"emojis": {
    "initial_commit": "tada",
    "feature": "sparkles",
    "ui": "art",
    "code_quality": "package",
    "performance": "racehorse",
    "security": "lock",
    "config": "wrench",
    "accessibility": "wheelchair",
    "dev_tools": "rocket",
    "docs": "pencil",
    "release": "gem",
    "bug_fix": "bug",
    "crash": "boom",
    "cleanup": "fire",
    "wip": "construction"

Suggested branch names and commit messages

You can edit these as well directly by doing gtg display.

  • For editing the branch name just type in the new branch name and press enter.
  • For editing the commit message, press e which will open your text editor in the terminal itself and allow you to edit the commit message, add an added description, or whatever you want to change in the commit message.

Link to the package on NPM: 🚀

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