This is a clientless version of All credit for the display code goes to bezeredi.
This monitor currently supports cpuminer
API version 1.1. This means that it
should work with the following CPU miners:
port = 4048 #! NOTE: Change port numbers to those in use by your miners
- Install
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip
to a machine on your LAN that can reach all of your mining machines (for me, that was on my LAN controller). Create a file called.chosts
in your user's home directory and add the IP of each mining machine on your LAN (hostnames can be used if you are running DNS or have them enumerated in your/etc/hosts
file) -
and you should see statistics coming from each of your mining machines
- Arrow Up, Arrow Down - Up and down
- Home, End - First worker, last worker
- q, ESC - Quit
Free to use, just give credit where it's due. If this software helped you out, consider a small donation.
VRM: VBwPRc7gmmqgJTsiB6LqsStVk2nxgRoyjh