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A collection of standards as PHP Enums: ISO3166, ISO4217, ISO639...


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A collection of standards as PHP Enums

Daily updated from their sources, whether it is ISO or IANA directly, or a maintaining party like the SIX Group or the US Library of Congress.


Note Make sure you are running PHP 8.1 or higher to use this package

To start right away, run the following command in your composer project;

composer require prinsfrank/standards

Or for development only;

composer require prinsfrank/standards --dev

How this package works

This package implements a bunch of specs as PHP Enums, so you can typehint them in methods. Currently, all specs are implemented as backed enums. That means that besides a name, they have also an internal 'value', either as an integer or a string.

In the Country, Currency and language specifications, there is also a relation between different enums. For example, the Alpha2 country code 'NL' is related to the Alpha3 'NLD', the numeric value '528' and the name 'Netherlands (the)'. Internally, these specs rely on the fact that the keys for these values are identical, so it is possible to convert between these.

Entities and their relations

All specifications in this package are closely related, except for the Http status code and methods. Not all relations are bidirectional though. For example, a language tag is build up of a language and optionally a country, but only a country cannot be converted to a language tag.

Below you can find an overview of all the relationships between specifications. As not all relationships are implemented yet, a dotted line indicates when there is a relationship, but that has not yet been implemented in this package.

    Country {
        class CountryAlpha2
        class CountryAlpha3
        class CountryNumeric
        class CountryName
    GeographicRegion {
        class GeographicRegion
    CountryGroup {
        class BRICS
        class EEA
        class EFTA
        class EU
        class NATO
        class Schengen
    CountryCallingCode {
        class CountryCallingCode
    Currency {
        class CurrencyAlpha3
        class CurrencyName
        class CurrencyNumeric
    CurrencySymbol {
        class CurrencySymbol
    InternationalCallPrefix {
        class InternationalCallPrefix
    Language {
        class LanguageName
        class LanguageAlpha2
        class LanguageAlpha3Common
        class LanguageAlpha3Bibliographic
        class LanguageAlpha3Terminology
        class LanguageAlpha3Extensive
    Script {
        class ScriptAlias
        class ScriptCode
        class ScriptName
        class ScriptNumber
    LanguageTag {
        class LanguageTag
        class LanguageTagVariant
        class PrivateUsePrimarySubtag
        class SingleCharacterSubtag
    HttpMethod {
        class HtppMethod
    HttpStatusCode {
        class HttpStatusCode

    GeographicRegion }|--o{ Country: ""
    GeographicRegion ||--o{ GeographicRegion: ""
    Language }o..o{ Country: ""
    Language }o..|{ Script: ""
    Country }|--o{ CountryGroup: ""
    Country }|--o{ CountryCallingCode: ""
    Country }o..o{ Currency: ""
    Country }|--o{ InternationalCallPrefix: ""
    Currency }|--o| CurrencySymbol: ""
    LanguageTag ||--o{ LanguageTag: ""
    Language }|--o{ LanguageTag: ""
    Script |o--o{ LanguageTag: ""
    Country |o--o{ LanguageTag: ""
    LanguageTag }o--o| GeographicRegion: ""


This package adheres to semver. This means that there are no breaking changes between minor releases (for example from 1.1 to 1.2), but that breaking changes are released as a major release (for example from 1.x to 2.x). To read about upgrading from one major release to the next, please refer to the file in the root of this project.

Country (ISO3166-1)

Daily country spec update

πŸŽ“ Alpha2/3 country codes are always UPPERCASE to avoid confusion with language codes. It is recommended to use Alpha2/Alpha3 codes when exposing the specification in APIs

At a glance

All the Alpha2, Alpha3, Numeric and Name values have a corresponding enum in the other country enums. These can be converted using their corresponding methods (toAlpha2, toAlpha3 etc...).

Country group membership can be checked by calling the isMemberOf method, supplying the FQN of a class that implements the GroupInterface. Several country groups are available: BRICS, EEA, EFTA etc.

CountryAlpha2::from('NL');                                      // CountryAlpha2::Netherlands
CountryNumeric::from('528');                                    // CountryNumeric::Netherlands
CountryNumeric::fromInt(528);                                   // CountryNumeric::Netherlands
CountryAlpha3::from('NLD');                                     // CountryAlpha3::Netherlands
CountryAlpha3::from('NLD')->value;                              // 'NLD'
CountryAlpha3::from('NLD')->name;                               // 'Netherlands'
CountryAlpha3::from('NLD')->toCountryAlpha2()->value;           // 'NL'
CountryAlpha3::from('NLD')->toCountryNumeric()->value;          // '528'
CountryAlpha3::from('NLD')->toCountryNumeric()->valueAsInt();   // 528
CountryAlpha3::from('NLD')->toCountryName()->value;             // 'Netherlands (Kingdom of the)'
CountryAlpha3::from('NLD')->isMemberOf(EU::class);              // true
CountryAlpha2::Netherlands;                                     // CountryAlpha2::Netherlands

CountryAlpha3::from('NLD')->getCountryCallingCodes();           // [CountryCallingCode::Netherlands_Kingdom_of_the]
CountryAlpha3::from('NLD')->getCountryCallingCodes()[0]->value; // 31

CountryAlpha3::from('NLD')->getInternationalCallPrefix();        // InternationalCallPrefix::_00
CountryAlpha3::from('NLD')->getInternationalCallPrefix()->value; // '00'

CountryAlpha3::from('NLD')->getFlagEmoji();                      // 'πŸ‡³πŸ‡±' (This might not be displayed correctly in this readme if you're on windows, see ' to make these flag emojis visible for Windows users.')

public function foo(CountryAlpha2 $countryAlpha2) {}            // Use spec as typehint to enforce valid value
Full documentation
    CountryAlpha3 ||--|| CountryName: equals
    CountryAlpha3 ||--|| CountryAlpha2: equals
    CountryAlpha3 ||--|| CountryNumeric: equals

    CountryNumeric ||--|| CountryName: equals

    CountryName ||--|| CountryAlpha2: equals
    CountryNumeric ||--|| CountryAlpha2: eguals

    CountryAlpha2 {
        Netherlands NL

    CountryAlpha3 {
        Netherlands NLD

    CountryNumeric {
        Netherlands _528

    CountryName {
        Netherlands Netherlands_(Kingdom_of_the)

    CountryAlpha2 }o--o| Brics: isMemberOf
    CountryAlpha2 }o--o| EEA: isMemberOf
    CountryAlpha2 }o--o| EFTA: isMemberOf
    CountryAlpha2 }o--o| EU: isMemberOf
    CountryAlpha2 }o--o| NATO: isMemberOf
    CountryAlpha2 }o--o| Schengen: isMemberOf


$valueAlpha2 = CountryAlpha2::from('NL');         // CountryAlpha2::Netherlands
$value = $valueAlpha2->value;                     // 'NL'
$valueName = $valueAlpha2->name;                  // 'Netherlands'
$valueAlpha3 = $valueAlpha2->toCountryAlpha3();   // CountryAlpha3::Netherlands
$valueNumeric = $valueAlpha2->toCountryNumeric(); // CountryNumeric::Netherlands
$valueName = $valueAlpha2->toCountryName();       // CountryName::Netherlands

$nameString = $valueAlpha2->toCountryName()->value; // 'Netherlands (Kingdom of the)'

$isMemberOfEu = $valueAlpha2->isMemberOf(EU::class);       // true
$isMemberOfBrics = $valueAlpha2->isMemberOf(Brics::class); // false

$valueAlpha2->getCountryCallingCodes();           // [CountryCallingCode::Netherlands_Kingdom_of_the]
$valueAlpha2->getCountryCallingCodes()[0]->value; // 31

$valueAlpha2->getInternationalCallPrefix();        // InternationalCallPrefix::_00
$valueAlpha2->getInternationalCallPrefix()->value; // '00'

$valueAlpha2::from('NLD')->getFlagEmoji();         // 'πŸ‡³πŸ‡±' (This might not be displayed correctly in this readme if you're on windows, see ' to make these flag emojis visible for Windows users.')


$valueAlpha3 = CountryAlpha3::from('NLD');        // CountryAlpha3::Netherlands
$value = $valueAlpha3->value;                     // 'NLD'
$valueName = $valueAlpha3->name;                  // 'Netherlands'
$valueAlpha2 = $valueAlpha3->toCountryAlpha2();   // CountryAlpha2::Netherlands
$valueNumeric = $valueAlpha3->toCountryNumeric(); // CountryNumeric::Netherlands
$valueName = $valueAlpha3->toCountryName();       // CountryName::Netherlands

$nameString = $valueAlpha3->toCountryName()->value; // 'Netherlands (Kingdom of the)'

$isMemberOfEu = $valueAlpha3->isMemberOf(EU::class);       // true
$isMemberOfBrics = $valueAlpha3->isMemberOf(Brics::class); // false

$valueAlpha3->getCountryCallingCodes();           // [CountryCallingCode::Netherlands_Kingdom_of_the]
$valueAlpha3->getCountryCallingCodes()[0]->value; // 31

$valueAlpha3->getInternationalCallPrefix();        // InternationalCallPrefix::_00
$valueAlpha3->getInternationalCallPrefix()->value; // '00'

$valueAlpha3::from('NLD')->getFlagEmoji();         // 'πŸ‡³πŸ‡±' (This might not be displayed correctly in this readme if you're on windows, see ' to make these flag emojis visible for Windows users.')


$valueNumeric = CountryNumeric::from('528');     // CountryNumeric::Netherlands
$valueNumeric = CountryNumeric::fromInt(528);    // CountryNumeric::Netherlands
$value = $valueNumeric->value;                   // '528'
$valueName = $valueNumeric->name;                // 'Netherlands'
$valueAlpha2 = $valueNumeric->toCountryAlpha2(); // CountryAlpha2::Netherlands
$valueAlpha3 = $valueNumeric->toCountryAlpha3(); // CountryAlpha3::Netherlands
$valueName = $valueNumeric->toCountryName();     // CountryName::Netherlands

$nameString = $valueNumeric->toCountryName()->value; // 'Netherlands (Kingdom of the)'

$isMemberOfEu = $valueNumeric->isMemberOf(EU::class);       // true
$isMemberOfBrics = $valueNumeric->isMemberOf(Brics::class); // false

$valueNumeric->getCountryCallingCodes();           // [CountryCallingCode::Netherlands_Kingdom_of_the]
$valueNumeric->getCountryCallingCodes()[0]->value; // 31

$valueNumeric->getInternationalCallPrefix();        // InternationalCallPrefix::_00
$valueNumeric->getInternationalCallPrefix()->value; // '00'

$valueNumeric::from('NLD')->getFlagEmoji();         // 'πŸ‡³πŸ‡±' (This might not be displayed correctly in this readme if you're on windows, see ' to make these flag emojis visible for Windows users.')


$valueName = CountryName::from('Netherlands (Kingdom of the)'); // CountryName::Netherlands
$value = $valueName->value;                                     // 'Netherlands (Kingdom of the)'
$valueName = $valueName->name;                                  // 'Netherlands'
$valueAlpha2 = $valueName->toCountryAlpha2();                   // CountryAlpha2::Netherlands
$valueAlpha3 = $valueName->toCountryAlpha3();                   // CountryAlpha3::Netherlands
$valueNumeric = $valueName->toCountryNumeric();                 // CountryNumeric::Netherlands

$isMemberOfEu = $valueName->isMemberOf(EU::class);       // true
$isMemberOfBrics = $valueName->isMemberOf(Brics::class); // false

$valueName->getCountryCallingCodes();           // [CountryCallingCode::Netherlands_Kingdom_of_the]
$valueName->getCountryCallingCodes()[0]->value; // 31

$valueName->getInternationalCallPrefix();        // InternationalCallPrefix::_00
$valueName->getInternationalCallPrefix()->value; // '00'

$valueName::from('NLD')->getFlagEmoji();         // 'πŸ‡³πŸ‡±' (This might not be displayed correctly in this readme if you're on windows, see ' to make these flag emojis visible for Windows users.')

Country Calling Codes (ITU-T E.164)

πŸŽ“ Country calling codes can be anywhere from 1 to 3 digits, and can span several countries. There are no leading zeros in this specification.

At a glance

Country calling codes are quite straight forward. One country can have multiple country calling codes though, And one country calling code can span multiple countries. That's why the forCountry and getCountriesAlpha2 both return an array of country calling codes/countries and not a single item.

CountryCallingCode::from(1);                    // CountryCallingCode::Integrated_numbering_plan
CountryCallingCode::from(31);                   // CountryCallingCode::Netherlands_Kingdom_of_the
CountryCallingCode::from(31)->value;            // 31
CountryCallingCode::from(31)->name;             // 'Netherlands_Kingdom_of_the'
CountryCallingCode::Netherlands_Kingdom_of_the; // CountryCallingCode::Netherlands_Kingdom_of_the

CountryCallingCode::from(31)->getCountriesAlpha2(); // [CountryAlpha2::Netherlands]
CountryCallingCode::from(7)->getCountriesAlpha2();  // [CountryAlpha2::Kazakhstan, CountryAlpha2::Russian_Federation]

CountryCallingCode::forCountry(CountryAlpha2::Netherlands); // [CountryCallingCode::Netherlands_Kingdom_of_the]

public function foo(CountryCallingCode $countryCallingCode) {} // Use spec as typehint to enforce valid value

Currency (ISO4217)

Daily currency spec update

πŸŽ“ Alpha3 codes are uppercase. When communicating or storing currencies, it is recommended to do so using the Alpha3 or Numeric representation.

At a glance

All the Alpha3, Numeric and Name values have a corresponding enum in the other currency enums. These can be converted using their corresponding methods (toCurrencyAlpha3, etc...). A fourth enum is available that maps all currencies to a currency symbol, that can be accessed by calling the 'getSymbol' method.

CurrencyAlpha3::from('EUR');                               // CurrencyAlpha3::Euro
CurrencyAlpha3::from('EUR')->value;                        // 'EUR'
CurrencyAlpha3::from('EUR')->lowercaseValue();             // 'eur'
CurrencyAlpha3::from('EUR')->toCurrencyName()->value;      // 'Euro'
CurrencyAlpha3::from('EUR')->getSymbol();                  // CurrencySymbol::Euro
CurrencyAlpha3::from('EUR')->getSymbol()->value;           // '€'
CurrencyAlpha3::from('EUR')->toCurrencyNumeric()->value;   // '978'
CurrencyNumeric::from('978');                              // CurrencyNumeric::Euro
CurrencyNumeric::fromInt(978);                             // CurrencyNumeric::Euro
CurrencyNumeric::from('978')->value;                       // '978'
CurrencyNumeric::from('978')->valueAsInt();                // 978
CurrencySymbol::from('€');                                 // CurrencySymbol::Euro
CurrencySymbol::from('€')->value;                          // '€'
CurrencySymbol::forCurrency(CurrencyAlpha3::Euro);         // CurrencySymbol::Euro
CurrencySymbol::forCurrency(CurrencyNumeric::Euro);        // CurrencySymbol::Euro
CurrencySymbol::forCurrency(CurrencyName::Euro);           // CurrencySymbol::Euro
CurrencySymbol::forCurrency(CurrencyNumeric::from('978')); // CurrencySymbol::Euro
CurrencyAlpha3::Euro;                                      // CurrencyAlpha3::Euro

public function foo(CurrencyAlpha3 $currencyAlpha3) {}     // Use spec as typehint to enforce valid value
Full documentation
    direction LR
    class CurrencyAlpha3 {
        +String value [EUR]
        from(string $value) self
        tryfrom(string $value) self|null
    class CurrencyName {
        +String value [Euro]
        from(string $value) self
        tryfrom(string $value) self|null
    class CurrencyNumeric {
        +String value [978]
        from(string $value) self
        tryfrom(string $value) self|null
    class CurrencySymbol {
        +String value [€]
        forCurrency(CurrencyAlpha3|CurrencyName|CurrencyNumeric $value) self|null
    CurrencyName <--> CurrencyNumeric: toXXX()
    CurrencyName <--> CurrencyAlpha3: toXXX()
    CurrencyNumeric <--> CurrencyAlpha3: toXXX()
    CurrencyName --> CurrencySymbol: getSymbol
    CurrencyAlpha3 --> CurrencySymbol: getSymbol
    CurrencyNumeric --> CurrencySymbol: getSymbol


$currencyAlpha3 = CurrencyAlpha3::from('EUR');         // CurrencyAlpha3::Euro
$value = $currencyAlpha3->value;                       // 'EUR'
$value = $currencyAlpha3->lowercaseValue();            // 'eur'
$valueName = $currencyAlpha3->name;                    // 'Euro'
$valueNumeric = $currencyAlpha3->toCurrencyNumeric();  // CurrencyNumeric::Euro
$valueName = $currencyAlpha3->toCurrencyName();        // CurrencyName::Euro
$valueName = $currencyAlpha3->toCurrencyName()->value; // 'Euro'
$valueSymbol = $currencyAlpha3->getSymbol();           // CurrencySymbol::Euro
$valueSymbol = $currencyAlpha3->getSymbol()->value;    // '€'


$currencyNumeric = CurrencyNumeric::from('978');        // CurrencyNumeric::Euro
$currencyNumeric = CurrencyNumeric::fromInt(978);       // CurrencyNumeric::Euro
$value = $currencyNumeric->value;                       // '978'
$value = $currencyNumeric->valueAsInt();                // 978
$valueName = $currencyNumeric->name;                    // 'Euro'
$valueAlpha3 = $currencyNumeric->toCurrencyAlpha3();    // CurrencyAlpha3::Euro
$valueName = $currencyNumeric->toCurrencyName();        // CurrencyName::Euro
$valueName = $currencyNumeric->toCurrencyName()->value; // 'Euro'
$valueSymbol = $currencyNumeric->getSymbol();           // CurrencySymbol::Euro
$valueSymbol = $currencyNumeric->getSymbol()->value;    // '€'


$currencySymbol = CurrencySymbol::from('€');                        // CurrencySymbol::Euro
$currencySymbol =  $currencySymbol->name;                           // 'Euro'
$currencySymbol =  $currencySymbol->value;                          // '€'
$currencySymbol = CurrencySymbol::forCurrency(CurrencyAlpha3::Euro) // CurrencySymbol::Euro


$currencyName = CurrencyName::from('Euro');        // CurrencyName::Euro 
$currencyName = CurrencyName::Euro;                // CurrencyName::Euro
$name = $currencyName->name;                       // 'Euro'
$value = $currencyName->value;                     // 'Euro'
$valueAlpha3 = $currencyName->toCurrencyAlpha3();  // CurrencyAlpha3::Euro
$valueAlpha3 = $currencyName->toCurrencyNumeric(); // CurrencyNumeric::Euro

HTTP Methods

Daily HTTP method spec update

At a glance

HttpMethod::from('POST');        // HttpMethod::Post
HttpMethod::from('POST')->value; // 'POST'
HttpMethod::from('POST')->name;  // Post
HttpMethod::Post;                // HttpMethod::Post

public function foo(HttpMethod $httpMethod) {} // Use spec as typehint to enforce valid value

HTTP Status Codes

Daily HTTP Status code spec update

At a glance

HttpStatusCode::from(404);       // HttpStatusCode::Not_Found
HttpStatusCode::from(404->value; // 404
HttpStatusCode::from(404->name;  // Not_Found
HttpStatusCode::Not_Found;       // HttpStatusCode::Not_Found

public function foo(HttpStatusCode $httpStatusCode) {} // Use spec as typehint to enforce valid value

International Call Prefixes (ITU-T E.164)

Different countries have different international call prefixes. This is a spec extracted from ITU-T E.164 listing all possible international call prefixes.

At a glance

InternationalCallPrefix::from('0');                // InternationalCallPrefix::_0
InternationalCallPrefix::from('0')->value;         // '0'
InternationalCallPrefix::from('0')->name;          // '_0'
InternationalCallPrefix::_0;                       // InternationalCallPrefix::_0
InternationalCallPrefix::_0->getCountriesAlpha2(); // [CountryAlpha2::Samoa]

InternationalCallPrefix::forCountry(CountryAlpha2::Netherlands);  // InternationalCallPrefix::_00
InternationalCallPrefix::forCountry(CountryAlpha3::Netherlands);  // InternationalCallPrefix::_00
InternationalCallPrefix::forCountry(CountryNumeric::Netherlands); // InternationalCallPrefix::_00
InternationalCallPrefix::forCountry(CountryName::Netherlands);    // InternationalCallPrefix::_00

public function foo(InternationalCallPrefix $internationalCallPrefix) {} // Use spec as typehint to enforce valid value

Language (ISO639)

Daily language spec update

πŸŽ“ Language codes are always in lowercase to avoid confusion with country codes.

πŸŽ“ The alpha2 specification has 184 languages, the alpha3 Bibliographic/Terminology specification has 486 languages and the alpha3 Extensive specification has 7908 languages.

πŸŽ“ If you have to choose between the alpha3 Bibliographic and Terminology specification, the Terminology specification is more widely used.

At a glance

There are four language code specifications:

  • 184 Language Alpha2 (ISO 639-1)
  • 486 Language Alpha3 Bibliographic (ISO 639-2)
  • 486 Language Alpha3 Terminology (ISO 639-2)
  • 7908 Language Alpha3 Extensive (ISO 639-3)

As you see, the Bibliographic and Terminology specifications have an identical number of languages, so there is a one-to-one relation between these.

LanguageAlpha2::from('nl');                                         // LanguageAlpha2::Dutch_Flemish
LanguageAlpha2::from('nl')->value;                                  // 'nl'
LanguageAlpha2::from('nl')->name;                                   // 'Dutch_Flemish'
LanguageAlpha2::from('nl')->toLanguageAlpha3Bibliographic();        // LanguageAlpha3Bibliographic::Dutch_Flemish
LanguageAlpha2::from('nl')->toLanguageAlpha3Bibliographic()->value; // 'dut'
LanguageAlpha2::from('nl')->toLanguageAlpha3Terminology();          // LanguageAlpha3Terminology::Dutch_Flemish
LanguageAlpha2::from('nl')->toLanguageAlpha3Terminology()->value;   // 'nld'
LanguageAlpha2::from('nl')->toLanguageName()->value;                // 'Dutch; Flemish'

LanguageAlpha3Terminology::from('nld');                             // LanguageAlpha3Terminology::Dutch_Flemish
LanguageAlpha3Bibliographic::from('dut');                           // LanguageAlpha3Bibliographic::Dutch_Flemish

LanguageAlpha3Extensive::from('nld');                               // LanguageAlpha3Extensive::Dutch
LanguageAlpha3Extensive::from('dse');                               // LanguageAlpha3Extensive::Dutch_Sign_Language

public function foo(LanguageAlpha2 $languageAlpha2);                // Use spec as typehint to enforce valid value
Full documentation

LanguageAlpha2 (ISO 639-1)

$valueAlpha2 = LanguageAlpha2::from('nl');                                 // LanguageAlpha2::Dutch_Flemish
$value = $valueAlpha2->value;                                              // 'nl'
$valueName = $valueAlpha2->name;                                           // 'Dutch_Flemish'
$valueAlpha3Bibliographic = $valueAlpha2->toLanguageAlpha3Bibliographic(); // LanguageAlpha3Bibliographic::Dutch_Flemish
$valueAlpha3Terminology = $valueAlpha2->toLanguageAlpha3Terminology();     // LanguageAlpha3Terminology::Dutch_Flemish
$valueAlpha3Terminology = $valueAlpha2->toLanguageName();                  // LanguageName::Dutch_Flemish
$valueAlpha3Terminology = $valueAlpha2->toLanguageName()->value;           // 'Dutch; Flemish'

LanguageAlpha3Bibliographic (ISO 639-2)

$valueAlpha3 = LanguageAlpha3Bibliographic::from('dut');               // LanguageAlpha3Bibliographic::Dutch_Flemish
$value = $valueAlpha3->value;                                          // 'dut'
$valueName = $valueAlpha3->name;                                       // 'Dutch_Flemish'
$valueAlpha2 = $valueAlpha3->toLanguageAlhpa2();                       // LanguageAlpha2::Dutch_Flemish
$valueAlpha3Terminology = $valueAlpha3->toLanguageAlpha3Terminology(); // LanguageAlpha3Terminology::Dutch_Flemish

LanguageAlpha3Terminology (ISO 639-2)

$valueAlpha3 = LanguageAlpha3Terminology::from('nld');                     // LanguageAlpha3Terminology::Dutch_Flemish
$value = $valueAlpha3->value;                                              // 'nld'
$valueName = $valueAlpha3->name;                                           // 'Dutch_Flemish'
$valueAlpha2 = $valueAlpha3->toLanguageAlpha2();                         // LanguageAlpha2::Dutch_Flemish
$valueAlpha3Bibliographic = $valueAlpha3->toLanguageAlpha3Bibliographic(); // LanguageAlpha3Bibliographic::Dutch_Flemish

LanguageAlpha3Extensive (ISO 639-3)

$valueAlpha3 = LanguageAlpha3Extensive::from('nld'); // LanguageAlpha3Extensive::Dutch
$value = $valueAlpha3->value;                        // 'nld'
$valueName = $valueAlpha3->name;                     // 'Dutch'

Language Tags (RFC 5646)

At a glance

Geographic regions

πŸŽ“ Geographic regions are represented by three digits. Leading zeros are required. Each geographic region can span multiple other geographic regions or countries.

At a glance

GeographicRegion::from('150');        // GeographicRegion::Europe
GeographicRegion::from('150')->value; // '150'
GeographicRegion::from('150')->name;  // EUrope
GeographicRegion::Europe;             // GeographicRegion::Europe

GeographicRegion::from('150')->getDirectSubRegions();   // [GeographicRegion::Eastern_Europe, GeographicRegion::Northern_Europe, ...]
GeographicRegion::from('150')->getAllSubRegions();      // [GeographicRegion::Eastern_Europe, GeographicRegion::Northern_Europe, ...]

GeographicRegion::from('150')->getDirectSubCountries(); // []
GeographicRegion::from('150')->getAllSubCountries();    // [CountryNumeric::Belarus, CountryNumeric::Bulgaria, ...]

public function foo(GeographicRegion $geographicRegion) {} // Use spec as typehint to enforce valid value


Daily Script spec update

At a glance

ScriptAlias::from('Latin');                 // ScriptAlias::Latin
ScriptAlias::from('Latin')->value;          // 'Latin'
ScriptAlias::from('Latin')->name;           // 'Latin'
ScriptAlias::Latin;                         // ScriptAlias::Latin
ScriptAlias::from('Latin')->toScriptCode(); // ScriptCode::Latin
ScriptCode::from('Latn');                   // ScriptCode::Latin
ScriptName::from('Latin');                  // ScriptName::Latin
ScriptNumber::from('215');                  // ScriptNumber::Latin

public function foo(ScriptAlias $scriptAlias) {} // Use spec as typehint to enforce valid value
Full documentation


ScriptAlias::from('Latin');                   // ScriptAlias::latin
ScriptAlias::from('Latin')->value;            // 'Latin'
ScriptAlias::from('Latin')->name;             // 'Latin'
ScriptAlias::from('Latin')->toScriptCode();   // ScriptCode::Latin
ScriptAlias::from('Latin')->toScriptName();   // ScriptName::Latin
ScriptAlias::from('Latin')->toScriptNumber(); // ScriptNumber::Latin
ScriptAlias::Latin;                           // ScriptAlias::Latin

public function foo(ScriptAlias $scriptAlias) {} // Use spec as typehint to enforce valid value


ScriptCode::from('Latn');                   // ScriptCode::latin
ScriptCode::from('Latn')->value;            // 'Latin'
ScriptCode::from('Latn')->name;             // 'Latin'
ScriptCode::from('Latn')->toScriptAlias();  // ScriptAlias::Latin
ScriptCode::from('Latn')->toScriptName();   // ScriptName::Latin
ScriptCode::from('Latn')->toScriptNumber(); // ScriptNumber::Latin
ScriptCode::Latin;                          // ScriptCode::Latin

public function foo(ScriptCode $scriptCode) {} // Use spec as typehint to enforce valid value


ScriptName::from('Latin');                   // ScriptName::latin
ScriptName::from('Latin')->value;            // 'Latin'
ScriptName::from('Latin')->name;             // 'Latin'
ScriptName::from('Latin')->toScriptCode();   // ScriptCode::Latin
ScriptName::from('Latin')->toScriptAlias();  // ScriptAlias::Latin
ScriptName::from('Latin')->toScriptNumber(); // ScriptNumber::Latin
ScriptName::Latin;                           // ScriptName::Latin

public function foo(ScriptName $scriptName) {} // Use spec as typehint to enforce valid value


ScriptNumber::from('215');                   // ScriptNumber::latin
ScriptNumber::from('215')->value;            // 'Latin'
ScriptNumber::from('215')->name;             // 'Latin'
ScriptNumber::from('215')->toScriptCode();   // ScriptCode::Latin
ScriptNumber::from('215')->toScriptName();   // ScriptName::Latin
ScriptNumber::from('215')->toScriptAlias();  // ScriptAlias::Latin
ScriptNumber::Latin;                         // ScriptNumber::Latin

public function foo(ScriptNumber $scriptNumber) {} // Use spec as typehint to enforce valid value


A collection of standards as PHP Enums: ISO3166, ISO4217, ISO639...







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