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Rapidez Wishlist


composer require rapidez/wishlist

After that you'll get:

  • Wishlist button on a product item in listings
  • Button on product pages on top of the image
  • Wishlist account page

You can see here how that's implemented in various packages:

Optionally you could publish and change the views with

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Rapidez\Wishlist\WishlistServiceProvider" --tag=views

Showing the button somewhere else

Just include the button where you'd like it:


And make sure the required information is available, see the button view.

Wishlist items count

You can get the count of the customer's wishlist items by using the wishlist component. This could be used somewhere in the header, example:

<wishlist v-cloak>
    <span slot-scope="{ itemsCount }">
        @{{ itemsCount }}