This is a simple and quick Spring Boot (SB) based Noclist solution based on SB CmdLineRunner This ( markdown file ) may be viewed with formatting using the free online tool found at ( or any other decent markdown tool ) ...just paste the file text into the editor pane.
This app assumes that you have the following tools installed on the system where you intend to compile and run.
- Java 8 or higher
- Docker ( to run Noclist server )
- Maven 3.6 or higher to build the application
Place the source code in the desired folder. Ensure that you are in the folder containing the pom.xml file that accompanies the app.
Check the file in the src/main/resources folder to ensure that the property settings are as required for your environment... assuming that the requirements in the homework as regards the URL's have not changed, only the SleepTime may require adjustment. The SleepTime setting is to allow a small defined period of time between retries of a failure in communicating with the auth or users API call(s).
Base URI for API calls noclist.base =
Users part of URL for API calls noclist.users=/users
Auth part of URL for API calls noclist.auth=/auth
Header tokens:
Max attempts to API calls noclist.MaxAttempts=3
Sleep time on API retry ...can be 0 noclist.SleepTime=1000
Execute to following command:
mvn package
*The above command will construct a Java jar file for execution. The constructed jar file will be in the folder named target.
Activate the Noclist server
docker run --rm -p 8888:8888 adhocteam/noclist
As required by the instructions for construction of the application ( ) the application must only send the useful results to stdout. Errors and other logging are to be sent to stderr. Based on the above requirements, there are a few ways to execute the application.
1. Execute the app and preserve the output from stderr to filename err. The stdout output will be directed to the console.
java -jar target\NoclistSolution-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar 2> err
2. Execute the app and preserve the output stderr to filename err. The stdout output will be directed to filename norm on your system.
java -jar target\NoclistSolution-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar > norm 2> err
3. Execute the app and preserve the output stderr to filename err. stdout output will piped to application x, where application x is any application capable of receiving an output stream from the pipe symbol. The following example pipes output through the more command.
java -jar target\NoclistSolution-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar | more 2> err