Open a terminal and navigate to the
directory: -
Create a new virtual environment:
λ virtualenv env --python python3
Activate virtual environment:
λ source env/bin/activate
Install requirements:
λ pip setup.py local
If your terminal gets filled with red text, don't freak out, it's because of psycopg2 run this commands, and try again
λ xcode-select --install λ export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/
Go into the crawler directory and use:
λ scrapy crawl lucas_crawl_spider -t csv -o links.csv
λ scrapy crawl [crawler_name] -t [output-format] -o [output-file-path]
We use scrapyd to execute the spiders. Scrapyd is an application (typically run as a daemon) that listens to requests for spiders to run and spawns a process for each one.
To run scrapyd go to the crawler
directory and run:
λ scrapyd
If everything works, you will be able to see scrapyd web console at
For django we use postgresql, if you don't have it installed run:
λ brew install postgresql
The database url is taken from DATABASE_URL
env variable, and if the variable is empty it will use lucas
To create it just run:
λ createdb lucas
After that you can go in backend/lucas
and run
λ python manage.py migrate
λ python manage.py runserver
The django app will be available on localhost:8000
The frontend is build with react. And served by django. To run the frontend run:
λ yarn install
λ yarn start
The frontend will be available on localhost:3000
To run code formatting and flow run:
λ yarn fix
If you want to see the frontend served by django, run:
λ yarn build
This will create the build directory in frontend, and django will serve the files from there. Now you should see the frontend on: localhost:8000
We run scrapyd and django under the same dyno, with nginx on top. Nginx will send the traffic to django and scrapyd depending on the routes.
Scrapyd web console should be available under /scrapyd/
Use python setup.py format
in the backend
dir to format the python code.
Use yarn format
in frontend
for js code.