Autonomous vehicle behaviors using object detection with LIDAR
Take a look at a more detailed article here about this project:
LIDAR Detective is a reinforcement learning system for LiDAR-based autonomous navigation built from scratch for the CUDA-enabled Jetson Nano SBC. By utilizing the CUDA cores found on the Jetson Nano, adaptive autonomous behavior can be enabled with a real-time 100Hz steering control loop. The result is a blazingly fast intelligent control system enabling obstacle avoidance, target following, and other behaviors using a single low-cost LiDAR sensor.
- Header filessrc
- Source files
- pthread
- udev
- i2c
Prerequisites can be installed on Ubuntu using the following command:
apt -y install libudev-dev libpthread-stubs0-dev nvidia-cuda-toolkit libi2c-dev i2c-tools
- Create new build directory in project root
- Navigate to newly created directory
- Run
cmake ..
- Run
- Built files will be found in build directory