Inspired by The New Solidity Dev Stack: Buidler + Ethers + Waffle + Typescript, this is a pre-configured starter kit that uses the latest and greatest tool set to go from zero to hero 💪 in a quarter of the time, with 10x the type safety 🛡️ and debugging 🐞 capabilities.
Leverage best practice tools such as: Buidler 🔨 for stack traces and console.log
in contracts, TypeChain 🔗 for contract and front end type definitions, Waffle 🥞 for type safe ethers.js contract testing, and Vue with TypeScript/TypeChain support 🎀 to round out the stack.
If that's not enough: hit the ground running with test driven development 🧪 following the examples provided for contract, unit, and end to end testing. Objectively know when functionality is complete ✅ while catching bugs in updates before releasing.
As an added bonus: easily deploy upgradeable contracts - where one can update their contract logic 📝 while maintaining its state 🔒 - using the built-in OpenZeppelin CLI. Never worry about migrating again!
Finally, there's lots of under the hood goodies that come pre-configured to build beautiful Progressive Web Apps 🦋 that include state management and routing; with more features being released rapidly!
Next on deck: gasless transactions ⛽🔥
Ready to develop like the pros? Use this template to get started! 🚀
Once you've generated a project and cloned it locally:
yarn build:contracts
yarn test:contracts
yarn start:node
and in a new terminal
yarn start:dev
then open the app running locally in your favorite browser.
yarn upgrade:local
yarn start:web
yarn lint
yarn build
yarn test:unit
yarn test:e2e
yarn test