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This library is a react native implementation of Paytm's custom-ui SDK android/ios. For more information you can visit Current version works for Android only. Will support ios integration very soon.

Getting started

$ npm install react-native-paytm-customui-sdk --save

Mostly automatic installation

$ react-native link react-native-paytm-customui-sdk

Manual installation


  1. In XCode, in the project navigator, right click LibrariesAdd Files to [your project's name]
  2. Go to node_modulesreact-native-paytm-customui-sdk and add RNPaytmCustomuiSdk.xcodeproj
  3. In XCode, in the project navigator, select your project. Add libRNPaytmCustomuiSdk.a to your project's Build PhasesLink Binary With Libraries
  4. Run your project (Cmd+R)


For react >= 16.0 auto linking is supported, for react < 16.0 use custom linking #####Custom linking

  1. Open up android/app/src/main/java/[...]/

    • Add import com.reactlibrary.RNPaytmCustomuiSdkPackage; to the imports at the top of the file
    • Add new RNPaytmCustomuiSdkPackage() to the list returned by the getPackages() method
  2. Append the following lines to android/settings.gradle:

    include ':react-native-paytm-customui-sdk'
    project(':react-native-paytm-customui-sdk').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, 	'../node_modules/react-native-paytm-customui-sdk/android')
  3. Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in android/app/build.gradle:

      compile project(':react-native-paytm-customui-sdk')
  4. Open up android/app/src/main/java/[...]/

  • Add import net.one97.paytm.nativesdk.PaytmSDK; to the imports at the top of the file
  • Add PaytmSDK.init(this); at the end of onCreate() method.


import PaytmCustomuiSdk from 'react-native-paytm-customui-sdk';


All the APIs return promise. Please go to for more information about different function and parameter information.

####checkPaytmInstalled() Checks if the Paytm App is installed on the device.


PaytmCustomuiSdk.isPaytmAppInstalled().then(paytmInstalled => {
    // your logic

####fetchAuthCode() Fetch auth code for Paytm.

  1. Input Params:
    • clientId - String - provided by Paytm
  2. Returns authCode as string.


PaytmCustomuiSdk.fetchAuthCode(clientId).then(authCode => {
    // returns authCode as a string

####getUPIAppsInstalled() Gets the list of UPI apps installed on the device.

  1. Input Params:
    • clientId - String - provided by Paytm
  2. Returns list of UPI app names as string.


PaytmCustomuiSdk.getUPIAppsInstalled().then(apps => {
    // returns list of app names ex.['Paytm', 'GooglePay'] as string. parse it to JSON
    const appNames = JSON.parse(apps);

####startUPIIntentTransaction(mid, orderId, txnToken, amount, isAssistEnabled, loggingEnabled, customEndpoint, merchantCallbackUrl, paymentFlow, appName) Start paytm via Paytm UPI intent flow

  1. Input Params:
    • mid - String - provided by Paytm
    • orderId - String
    • txnToken - String - received from initiate transaction API response via server
    • amount - float
    • isAssistEnabled - boolean
    • loggingEnabled - boolean
    • customEndpoint - String - provided by paytm,
    • merchantCallbackUrl - String - optional in case you want txn result to be sent to server
    • paymentFlow - String - It’s value can be NONE,HYBRID,ADDNPAY
    • selectedAppName - any one value selected from app list you get it by calling getUPIAppsInstalled()
  2. Returns TransactionInfo object data as string.


PaytmCustomuiSdk.startUPIIntentTransaction(mid, orderId, txnToken, amount, isAssistEnabled, loggingEnabled, customEndpoint, merchantCallbackUrl, paymentFlow, selectedAppName).then(txnInfo => {
    // returns TransactionInfo object data

#####Sample TransactionInfo data:

    "ORDERID": "PARCEL15816826759",
    "MID": "AliSub58582630351896",
    "TXNID": "20200214111212800110168052313701129",
    "TXNAMOUNT": "1.00",
    "CURRENCY": "INR",
    "TXNDATE": "2020-02-14 17:48:13.0",
    "RESPCODE": "01",
    "RESPMSG": "Txn Success",
    "MERC_UNQ_REF": "test4",
    "UDF_1": "test1",
    "UDF_2": "test2",
    "UDF_3": "test3",
    "ADDITIONAL_INFO": "test5",
    "BANKTXNID": "68568621250",
    "PROMO_RESPCODE": "702",

####startWalletTransaction(mid, orderId, txnToken, amount, isAssistEnabled, loggingEnabled, customEndpoint, merchantCallbackUrl, paymentFlow) Start Paytm wallet transaction

  1. Input Params:
    • mid - String - provided by Paytm
    • orderId - String
    • txnToken - String - received from initiate transaction API response via server
    • amount - float
    • isAssistEnabled - boolean
    • loggingEnabled - boolean
    • customEndpoint - String - provided by paytm,
    • merchantCallbackUrl - String - optional in case you want txn result to be sent to server
    • paymentFlow - String - It’s value can be NONE,HYBRID,ADDNPAY
  2. Returns TransactionInfo object data as string.


PaytmCustomuiSdk.startWalletTransaction(mid, orderId, txnToken, amount, isAssistEnabled, loggingEnabled, customEndpoint, merchantCallbackUrl, paymentFlow).then(txnInfo => {
    // returns TransactionInfo object data

#####Sample TransactionInfo data:

    "ORDERID": "PARCEL15816826759",
    "MID": "AliSub58582630351896",
    "TXNID": "20200214111212800110168052313701129",
    "TXNAMOUNT": "1.00",
    "CURRENCY": "INR",
    "TXNDATE": "2020-02-14 17:48:13.0",
    "RESPCODE": "01",
    "RESPMSG": "Txn Success",
    "MERC_UNQ_REF": "test4",
    "UDF_1": "test1",
    "UDF_2": "test2",
    "UDF_3": "test3",
    "ADDITIONAL_INFO": "test5",
    "BANKTXNID": "68568621250",
    "PROMO_RESPCODE": "702",

####fetchUPIBalance(mid, orderId, txnToken, amount, isAssistEnabled, loggingEnabled, customEndpoint, merchantCallbackUrl, vpa, bankAccountString) Start Paytm wallet transaction

  1. Input Params:
    • mid - String - provided by Paytm
    • orderId - String
    • txnToken - String - received from initiate transaction API response via server
    • amount - float
    • isAssistEnabled - boolean
    • loggingEnabled - boolean
    • customEndpoint - String - provided by paytm,
    • merchantCallbackUrl - String - optional in case you want txn result to be sent to server
    • vpa - String - Virtual Payment Adress(
    • bankAccountString - String - JSON string representing a bank account for upi
  2. Returns TransactionInfo object data as string.


PaytmCustomuiSdk.startWalletTransaction(mid, orderId, txnToken, amount, isAssistEnabled, loggingEnabled, customEndpoint, merchantCallbackUrl, vpa, bankAccountString).then(balanceInfo => {
    // returns balance information

####setUpiMpin(mid, orderId, txnToken, amount, isAssistEnabled, loggingEnabled, customEndpoint, merchantCallbackUrl, vpa, bankAccountString) Start Paytm wallet transaction

  1. Input Params:
    • mid - String - provided by Paytm
    • orderId - String
    • txnToken - String - received from initiate transaction API response via server
    • amount - float
    • isAssistEnabled - boolean
    • loggingEnabled - boolean
    • customEndpoint - String - provided by paytm,
    • merchantCallbackUrl - String - optional in case you want txn result to be sent to server
    • vpa - String - Virtual Payment Adress(
    • bankAccountString - String - JSON string representing a bank account for upi
  2. Returns TransactionInfo object data as string.


PaytmCustomuiSdk.startWalletTransaction(mid, orderId, txnToken, amount, isAssistEnabled, loggingEnabled, customEndpoint, merchantCallbackUrl, vpa, bankAccountString).then(status => {
    // returns transaction status


React Native Implementation of Paytm Custom UI SDK






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