Hello World! Welcome to my GitHub!👋 I hope you enjoy my projects ;)
Data Science & AI ◦ DevOps & MLOps ◦ Backend
- 🎓I'm an undergraduate student in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB) - João Pessoa, PB / Brazil;
- 🖳 Studies currently focused on Data Science, Backend and Devops;
- ⚡I'm from Brazil, and I've always been curious about what can I do with programming. I like to go beyond everything I do and it makes me an excellent self-taught person. Whenever I'm not solving math lists from college or sleeping, I code some cool stuff here and there. I have a very methodical mindset, which helps me develop projects;
- 🎵 My favorite hobby is music and I like to play guitar in my free time, things like bossa-nova and classical guitar music. Also, I love writing and poetry, and I write some ideas down when I have time. Furthermore, I love sports and competitions in general, things like running, soccer, volleyball, gym, calisthenics... whatever makes me move, I'm into it!
- 🧠 Data is my passion, and I have a goal to develop interesting things and contribute to the AI market in some way, maybe innovating with some startup or becoming a researcher in the area. I see technology as much more than just a career, but also as a cause to be fought for and to make it even more accessible, positively impacting on society's progress.
class RafaelHenriqueSkills:
def __init__(self):
self.username = 'rafaelhenrique-ra'
self.name = 'Rafael Henrique'
self.role = ['Data Science Student']
self.code = ['Python, C']
self.python_libs = ['Pandas', 'Numpy', 'Matplotlib', 'Scikit-Learn', 'TensorFlow']
self.tools = ['Docker', 'Kubernets', 'Jupyter', 'Power BI', 'Git', 'VS Code', 'Office']
self.database = ['MySQL']
self.language_spoken = ['pt-BR', 'en-US']
self.currently_involved = 'TAIL'
def say_hi(self):
print("Hi! That's all I know at the moment... but I'm constantly learning as I create more complex projects. It'll only end the day my eyes close forever ;)")
if __name__ == '__main__':
me = RafaelHenriqueSkills()
Contact me if you want to talk about career, technology, recommend a song or an anime... (I promise no ghosting!)