Web application for the project devPlaces which is inspired in Rocketseat Omnistack Week 9
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/rafaelcalhau/devplaces-web.git devplaces
Navigate into the project folder
cd devplaces
Install all dependencies using the NPM or YARN
npm install # or yarn
There is a settings file and you can utilize in order to configure the App's name, API server address and more. First, copy it to "settings.json" and edit it with your own data.
cp ./src/config/settings.example.json ./src/config/settings.json
Development start:
npm run start # or yarn start
To build it:
npm run build # or yarn build
After to build it, check the build directory, all compiled files will be there. Now, just publish it on your local or remote server :)