Save tap>
calls for debugging in the REPL.
; Load the library (includes a call to clojure.core/add-tap)
(require 'rads.tap)
; Send some messages
(doseq [x (range 1000)] (tap> x))
; By default, we only save the last 100 values in-memory
(count @rads.tap/log) ; => 100
; Values are ordered by insertion time in ascending order
(take-last 5 @rads.tap/log) ; => (995 996 997 998 999)
; Use the rads.tap/limit to change the size of the buffer
(rads.tap/limit 1000)
Add io.github.rads/tap
to deps.edn
{:deps {io.github.rads/tap {:mvn/version "0.2.0"}}}
Add io.github.rads/tap
to ~/.lein/profiles.clj
{:dependencies [[io.github.rads/tap "0.2.0"]]}