this is the code and hardware repository for my Line Tracer
Originally built upon an accident in MTsN 4 Sidoarjo, this is built out of the need to replace the original ones damaged during the soldering process, due to the inexperience of middle school children. It currently has :
- 6 LDR-based light sensor with red LED each
- Arduino Nano as the main controller
- L293D motor controller (though now I know that it really sucks :( )
- 1 auxiliary analog input and 4 additional digital I/O exposed for additional function
- jumper-based power supply selector for auxiliary port power rail (battery or Nano's onboard 5V regulator)
- all connectors use screw terminals and pin headers for easy sourcing and wide availability
It might act as a basis for my future line follower project, because it has the potential to be expanded and improved, yet hindered by how short the development time is
hope one can benefit from my project, cheers! Raditya Eka
All the files under this repository are licensed under Creative Commons 4.0 CC-BY-SA