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Merge pull request #17 from phonohawk/master
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Support Erlang/OTP R17B and later
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michaelklishin committed Jan 20, 2016
2 parents 72c4ff0 + 7bdb559 commit 1c1ef25
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Showing 18 changed files with 391 additions and 146 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -195,14 +195,23 @@ you're just defining another list element.
#### Records

-record(vector, { x, y, z }).

test() ->
GetZ = _#vector.z,
7 = GetZ(#vector { z = 7 }),
SetX = _#vector{x = _},
V = #vector{ x = 5, y = 4 } = SetX(#vector{ y = 4 }, 5).

#### Maps

test() ->
GetZ = maps:get(z, _),
7 = GetZ(#{ z => 7 }),
SetX = _#{x => _},
V = #{ x := 5, y := 4 } = SetX(#{ y => 4 }, 5).

#### Case

F = case _ of
Expand Down
18 changes: 0 additions & 18 deletions include/monad_plus_specs.hrl

This file was deleted.

19 changes: 0 additions & 19 deletions include/monad_specs.hrl

This file was deleted.

61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions src/cut.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -96,6 +96,10 @@ pattern({cons,Line,H0,T0}) ->
pattern({tuple,Line,Ps0}) ->
Ps1 = pattern_list(Ps0),
%% OTP 17.0: EEP 443: Map pattern
pattern({map, Line, Fields0}) ->
Fields1 = map_fields(Fields0),
{map, Line, Fields1};
%%pattern({struct,Line,Tag,Ps0}) ->
%% Ps1 = pattern_list(Ps0),
%% {struct,Line,Tag,Ps1};
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -234,6 +238,27 @@ expr({tuple, Line, Es0}) ->
{'fun', Line, {clauses, [{clause, Line, Pattern, [],
[{tuple, Line, Es2}]}]}}
%% OTP 17.0: EEP 443: Map construction
expr({map, Line, Fields0}) ->
Fields1 = map_fields(Fields0),
case find_map_cut_vars(Fields1) of
{[], _Fields2} ->
{map, Line, Fields1};
{Pattern, Fields2} ->
{'fun', Line, {clauses, [{clause, Line, Pattern, [],
[{map, Line, Fields2}]}]}}
%% OTP 17.0: EEP 443: Map update
expr({map, Line, Expr0, Fields0}) ->
Expr1 = expr(Expr0),
Fields1 = map_fields(Fields0),
case {find_cut_vars([Expr1]), find_map_cut_vars(Fields1)} of
{{[], _Expr2}, {[], _Fields2}} ->
{map, Line, Expr1, Fields1};
{{Pattern1, [Expr2]}, {Pattern2, Fields2}} ->
{'fun', Line, {clauses, [{clause, Line, Pattern1++Pattern2, [],
[{map, Line, Expr2, Fields2}]}]}}
%%expr({struct,Line,Tag,Es0}) ->
%% Es1 = pattern_list(Es0),
%% {struct,Line,Tag,Es1};
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -328,6 +353,10 @@ expr({'fun', Line, Body}) ->
{function, M, F, A} -> %% R10B-6: fun M:F/A.
{'fun', Line, {function, M, F, A}}
%% OTP 17.0: EEP 37: Funs with names
expr({named_fun, Line, Name, Cs0}) ->
Cs1 = fun_clauses(Cs0),
{named_fun, Line, Name, Cs1};
expr({call, Line, F0, As0}) ->
%% N.B. If F an atom then call to local function or BIF, if F a
%% remote structure (see below) then call to other module,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -404,6 +433,17 @@ expr_list([E0|Es]) ->
expr_list([]) -> [].

%% -type map_fields([MapField]) -> [MapField].
map_fields([{map_field_assoc, Line, ExpK0, ExpV0}|Fs]) ->
ExpK1 = expr(ExpK0),
ExpV1 = expr(ExpV0),
[{map_field_assoc, Line, ExpK1, ExpV1}|map_fields(Fs)];
map_fields([{map_field_exact, Line, ExpK0, ExpV0}|Fs]) ->
ExpK1 = expr(ExpK0),
ExpV1 = expr(ExpV0),
[{map_field_exact, Line, ExpK1, ExpV1}|map_fields(Fs)];
map_fields([]) -> [].

%% -type record_inits([RecordInit]) -> [RecordInit].
%% N.B. Field names are full expressions here but only atoms are allowed
%% by the *linter*!.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -478,6 +518,27 @@ find_binary_cut_vars(BinFields) ->

find_map_cut_vars(MapFields) ->
fun ({map_field_assoc, _Line, {var, _Line1, '_'} = ExpK, {var, _Line2, '_'} = ExpV}) -> [ExpK, ExpV];
({map_field_assoc, _Line, {var, _Line1, '_'} = ExpK, _ExpV}) -> [ExpK];
({map_field_assoc, _Line, _ExpK, {var, _Line1, '_'} = ExpV}) -> [ExpV];
({map_field_assoc, _Line, _ExpK, _ExpV}) -> [];
({map_field_exact, _Line, {var, _Line1, '_'} = ExpK, {var, _Line2, '_'} = ExpV}) -> [ExpK, ExpV];
({map_field_exact, _Line, {var, _Line1, '_'} = ExpK, _ExpV}) -> [ExpK];
({map_field_exact, _Line, _ExpK, {var, _Line1, '_'} = ExpV}) -> [ExpV];
({map_field_exact, _Line, _ExpK, _ExpV}) -> [];
(_) -> []
fun ({map_field_assoc, Line, _ExpK , _ExpV }, [ExpK, ExpV]) -> {map_field_assoc, Line, ExpK, ExpV};
({map_field_assoc, Line, {var, _Line1, '_'}, ExpV }, [ExpK] ) -> {map_field_assoc, Line, ExpK, ExpV};
({map_field_assoc, Line, ExpK , {var, _Line2, '_'}}, [ExpV] ) -> {map_field_assoc, Line, ExpK, ExpV};
({map_field_exact, Line, _ExpK , _ExpV }, [ExpK, ExpV]) -> {map_field_assoc, Line, ExpK, ExpV};
({map_field_exact, Line, {var, _Line1, '_'}, ExpV }, [ExpK] ) -> {map_field_assoc, Line, ExpK, ExpV};
({map_field_exact, Line, ExpK , {var, _Line2, '_'}}, [ExpV] ) -> {map_field_assoc, Line, ExpK, ExpV}

find_record_cut_vars(RecFields) ->
fun ({record_field, _Line, _FName, {var, _Line1, '_'} = Var}) -> [Var];
Expand Down
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions src/do.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -95,6 +95,10 @@ pattern({cons,Line,H0,T0}) ->
pattern({tuple,Line,Ps0}) ->
Ps1 = pattern_list(Ps0),
%% OTP 17.0: EEP 443: Map pattern
pattern({map, Line, Fields0}) ->
Fields1 = map_fields(Fields0, []),
{map, Line, Fields1};
%%pattern({struct,Line,Tag,Ps0}) ->
%% Ps1 = pattern_list(Ps0),
%% {struct,Line,Tag,Ps1};
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -201,6 +205,15 @@ expr({bc, Line, E0, Qs0}, MonadStack) ->
expr({tuple, Line, Es0}, MonadStack) ->
Es1 = expr_list(Es0, MonadStack),
{tuple, Line, Es1};
%% OTP 17.0: EEP 443: Map construction
expr({map, Line, Fields0}, MonadStack) ->
Fields1 = map_fields(Fields0, MonadStack),
{map, Line, Fields1};
%% OTP 17.0: EEP 443: Map update
expr({map, Line, Expr0, Fields0}, MonadStack) ->
Expr1 = expr(Expr0, MonadStack),
Fields1 = map_fields(Fields0, MonadStack),
{map, Line, Expr1, Fields1};
expr({record_index, Line, Name, Field0}, MonadStack) ->
Field1 = expr(Field0, MonadStack),
{record_index, Line, Name, Field1};
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -254,6 +267,10 @@ expr({'fun', Line, Body}, MonadStack) ->
{function, M, F, A} -> %% R10B-6: fun M:F/A.
{'fun', Line, {function, M, F, A}}
%% OTP 17.0: EEP 37: Funs with names
expr({named_fun, Line, Name, Cs0}, MonadStack) ->
Cs1 = fun_clauses(Cs0, MonadStack),
{named_fun, Line, Name, Cs1};
%% do syntax detection:
expr({call, Line, {atom, _Line1, do},
[{lc, _Line2, {AtomOrVar, _Line3, _MonadModule} = Monad, Qs}]},
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -320,6 +337,17 @@ expr_list([E0|Es], MonadStack) ->
[E1|expr_list(Es, MonadStack)];
expr_list([], _MonadStack) -> [].

%% -type map_fields([MapField]) -> [MapField].
map_fields([{map_field_assoc, Line, ExpK0, ExpV0}|Fs], MonadStack) ->
ExpK1 = expr(ExpK0, MonadStack),
ExpV1 = expr(ExpV0, MonadStack),
[{map_field_assoc, Line, ExpK1, ExpV1}|map_fields(Fs, MonadStack)];
map_fields([{map_field_exact, Line, ExpK0, ExpV0}|Fs], MonadStack) ->
ExpK1 = expr(ExpK0, MonadStack),
ExpV1 = expr(ExpV0, MonadStack),
[{map_field_exact, Line, ExpK1, ExpV1}|map_fields(Fs, MonadStack)];
map_fields([], _MoandStack) -> [].

%% -type record_inits([RecordInit]) -> [RecordInit].
%% N.B. Field names are full expressions here but only atoms are allowed
%% by the *linter*!.
Expand Down
18 changes: 12 additions & 6 deletions src/error_m.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,21 +16,27 @@



-export(['>>='/2, return/1, fail/1]).

%% This is really instance (Error e) => Monad (Either e) with 'error'
%% for Left and 'ok' for Right.
-type error_m(A) :: ok | {ok, A} | {error, any()}.

-type(monad(A) :: 'ok' | {'ok', A} | {'error', any()}).

-spec '>>='(error_m(A), fun( (A) -> error_m(B) )) -> error_m(B).
'>>='({error, _Err} = Error, _Fun) -> Error;
'>>='({ok, Result}, Fun) -> Fun(Result);
'>>='(ok, Fun) -> Fun(ok).

-spec return(A) -> error_m(A).
return(ok) -> ok;
return(X) -> {ok, X}.
fail(X) -> {error, X}.
return(X ) -> {ok, X}.

-spec fail(any()) -> error_m(_A).
fail(X) ->
{error, X}.
58 changes: 36 additions & 22 deletions src/error_t.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,30 +14,36 @@
%% Copyright (c) 2011-2013 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.

-module(error_t, [InnerMonad]).
-compile({parse_transform, do}).

-export(['>>='/2, return/1, fail/1, run/1, lift/1]).

-type(monad(A) :: fun (() -> 'ok' | {'ok', A} | {'error', any()})).
-export([new/1, '>>='/3, return/2, fail/2, run/2, lift/2]).

'>>='(X, Fun) -> fun () ->
do([InnerMonad ||
R <- X(),
case R of
{error, _Err} = Error -> return(Error);
{ok, Result} -> (Fun(Result))();
ok -> (Fun(ok))()
-opaque error_t(M, A) :: monad:monadic(M, ok | {ok, A} | {error, any()}).

return(ok) -> fun () -> InnerMonad:return(ok) end;
return(X) -> fun () -> InnerMonad:return({ok, X}) end.

-spec new(M) -> TM when TM :: monad:monad(), M :: monad:monad().
new(M) ->

-spec '>>='(error_t(M, A), fun( (A) -> error_t(M, B) ), M) -> error_t(M, B).
'>>='(X, Fun, {?MODULE, M}) ->
do([M || R <- X,
case R of
{error, _Err} = Error -> return(Error);
{ok, Result} -> Fun(Result);
ok -> Fun(ok)

-spec return(A, M) -> error_t(M, A).
return(ok, {?MODULE, M}) -> M:return(ok);
return(X , {?MODULE, M}) -> M:return({ok, X}).

%% This is the equivalent of
%% fail msg = ErrorT $ return (Left (strMsg msg))
Expand All @@ -48,8 +54,16 @@ return(X) -> fun () -> InnerMonad:return({ok, X}) end.
%% I.e. note that calling fail on the outer monad is not a failure of
%% the inner monad: it is success of the inner monad, but the failure
%% is encapsulated.
fail(X) -> fun () -> InnerMonad:return({error, X}) end.
-spec fail(any(), M) -> error_t(M, _A).
fail(E, {?MODULE, M}) ->
M:return({error, E}).

-spec run(error_t(M, A), M) -> monad:monadic(M, ok | {ok, A} | {error, any()}).
run(EM, _M) -> EM.

run(Fun) -> Fun().

lift(X) -> fun () -> do([InnerMonad || A <- X, return({ok, A})]) end.
-spec lift(monad:monadic(M, A), M) -> error_t(M, A).
lift(X, {?MODULE, M}) ->
do([M || A <- X,
return({ok, A})]).
20 changes: 14 additions & 6 deletions src/identity_m.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,16 +15,24 @@




-export(['>>='/2, return/1, fail/1]).

-type(monad(A) :: A).

-type identity_m(A) :: A.

-spec '>>='(identity_m(A), fun( (A) -> identity_m(B) )) -> identity_m(B).
'>>='(X, Fun) -> Fun(X).

-spec return(A) -> identity_m(A).
return(X) -> X.
fail(X) -> throw({error, X}).

-spec fail(any()) -> identity_m(_A).
fail(E) ->
throw({error, E}).
22 changes: 14 additions & 8 deletions src/list_m.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,21 +24,27 @@
-export([mzero/0, mplus/2]).

-type(monad(A) :: [A]).

%% Note that using a list comprehension is (obviously) cheating, but
%% it's easier to read. The "real" implementation is also included for
%% completeness.

-spec '>>='([A], fun( (A) -> [B] )) -> [B].
'>>='(X, Fun) -> lists:append([Fun(E) || E <- X]).
%% lists:foldr(fun (E, Acc) -> Fun(E) ++ Acc end, [], X).

-spec return(A) -> [A].
return(X) -> [X].
fail(_X) -> [].

-spec fail(any()) -> [_A].
fail(_E) -> [].

-spec mzero() -> [_A].
mzero() -> [].
mplus(X, Y) -> lists:append(X, Y).

-spec mplus([A], [A]) -> [A].
mplus(X, Y) ->
lists:append(X, Y).

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