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Magic Layout

Simple And Powerfull Layout Customization for Unity

What is Magic Layout?

Magic Layout is a custom unity editor tool that gives you more flexibility when you are working with unity editor layout.


  • Powerfull & Easy to Use, Just install.


Known Issues

  • This package is not recommended for linux users due to unity editor problems on linux, see also #5.

Download and Installation

✅ Using OpenUPM (Recommended) By using scoped registry, you will access to future updates and bug fixes through Package Manager.

To add Magic Layout to your project, In unity editor:

  • open Edit/Project Settings/Package Manager
  • add a new Scoped Registry:
Name:  OpenUPM
Scope: com.rahul-corleone
  • click Save
  • open Package Manager
  • select My Registries in dropdown top left
  • select Magic Layout and click Install

🟨 Using GitHub URL

Note that you won't be able to receive updates through Package Manager this way, you'll have to update manually.

To add Magic Layout to your project, In unity editor:

  • open Window > Package Manager

  • click +

  • select Add from Git URL

  • paste

  • click Add


Want to contribute? I am happy to hear that! Magic Layout is great but it can be greater. Please make sure to read the Contributing Guide before making a pull request.

Want to add some features to Magic Layout? Refer to open issues.


Thank you to all the people who have already contributed to Magic Layout [contributors]
