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Deploy and maintain Quilt stacks with Terraform


Get a Terraform-compatible CloudFormation template

You must use a specially configured Terraform-compatible Quilt CloudFormation template (local.build_file_path). Ask your account manger for details.


See examples/ for a starting point.


The aws_elasticsearch_domain called by the quilt module requires the 5.20.0 provider version.


You may wish to set a specific AWS profile before executing terraform commands.

export AWS_PROFILE=your-aws-profile

We discourage the use of provider.profile in team environments where profile names may differ across users and machines.

Rightsize your search domain

Your primary consideration is the total data node disk size. If you multiply your average document size (likely a function of the number of deep-indexed documents and your depth limit) by the total number of documents that will give you "Source data" below.

Each shallow-indexed document requires a constant number of bytes on the order of 1kB.

Follow AWS's documentation on Sizing Search Domains and note the following simplified formula:

Source data * (1 + number of replicas) * 1.45 = minimum storage requirement

For a production Quilt deployment the number of replicas will be 1, so multiplying "Source data" by 3 (2.9 rounded up) is a fair starting point. Be sure to account for growth in your Quilt buckets. "Live" resizing of existing domains is supported but requires time and may reduce quality of service during the blue/green update.

Below are known-good search sizes that you can set on the quilt module.


search_dedicated_master_enabled = false
search_zone_awareness_enabled = false
search_instance_count = 1
search_instance_type = "m5.large.elasticsearch"
search_volume_size = 512

Medium (default)

search_dedicated_master_enabled = true
search_zone_awareness_enabled = true
search_instance_count = 2
search_instance_type = "m5.xlarge.elasticsearch"
search_volume_size = 1024


search_dedicated_master_enabled = true
search_zone_awareness_enabled = true
search_instance_count = 2
search_instance_type = "m5.xlarge.elasticsearch"
search_volume_size = 2*1024
search_volume_type = "gp3"


search_dedicated_master_enabled = true
search_zone_awareness_enabled = true
search_instance_count = 2
search_instance_type = "m5.2xlarge.elasticsearch"
search_volume_size = 3*1024
search_volume_type = "gp3"
search_volume_iops = 16000


search_dedicated_master_enabled = true
search_zone_awareness_enabled = true
search_instance_count = 2
search_instance_type = "m5.4xlarge.elasticsearch"
search_volume_size = 6*1024
search_volume_type = "gp3"
search_volume_iops = 18750


search_dedicated_master_enabled = true
search_zone_awareness_enabled = true
search_instance_count = 2
search_instance_type = "m5.12xlarge.elasticsearch"
search_volume_size = 18*1024
search_volume_type = "gp3"
search_volume_iops = 40000
search_volume_throughput = 1187


search_dedicated_master_enabled = true
search_zone_awareness_enabled = true
search_instance_count = 4
search_instance_type = "m5.12xlarge.elasticsearch"
search_volume_size = 18*1024
search_volume_type = "gp3"
search_volume_iops = 40000
search_volume_throughput = 1187

Deploying and updating Quilt

As a rule, terraform apply is sufficient to both deploy and update Quilt.

Verify the plan

Before calling apply read terraform plan carefully to ensure that it does not inadvertently destroy and recreate the stack. The following modifications are known to cause issues (see examples/ for context).

  • Modifying
  • Modifying local.build_file_path.
  • Modifying quilt.template_file.

And for older versions of Terraform and customers whose usage predates the present module:

  • Modifying template_url= (in older versions of Terraform).

Terraform cheat sheet


terraform init

If for instance you change the provider pinning you may need to -upgrade:

terraform init -upgrade


terraform fmt


terraform validate


terraform plan -out tfplan


If the plan is what you want:

terraform apply tfplan

Output sensitive values

Sensitive values must be named in order to display on the command line:

terraform output admin_password



terraform state list

Or, to show a specific entity:

terraform state show 'thing.from.list'


terraform refresh


terraform destroy

Routine updates

  1. Start with a clean commit of the previous apply in your Quilt Terraform folder (nothing uncommitted).
  2. In your file, do the following:
    1. Update the YAML file at local.build_file_path with the new CloudFormation template that you received from Quilt.

      Do not change the value of build_file_path, as noted above.

    2. Update the quilt.source= pin to the newest hash from the present repository.
  3. Initialize.
  4. Plan.
  5. Verify the plan.
  6. Apply.
  7. Commit the appropriate files.

Git version control

Check these files in

  • *.tf
  • terraform.lock.hcl
  • Your Quilt build_file

Ignore these files

You may wish to create a .gitignore file similar to the following:


We recommend that you use remote state so that no passwords are checked into version control.

Known issues

RDS InvalidParameterCombination

InvalidParameterCombination: Cannot upgrade postgres from 11.X to 15.Y

Later versions of the current module set database auto_minor_version_upgrade = false. As a result some users may find their Quilt RDS instance on Postgres 11.19. These users should first upgrade to 11.22 using the AWS Console and then apply a recent version of the present module, which will upgrade Postgres to 15.5.

Users who have auto-minor-version-upgraded to 11.22 can apply the present module to automatically upgrade to 15.5 (without any manual steps).

Engine version changes are applied during the next maintenance window, therefore you may not see them immediately in AWS Console.

Elasticsearch ValidationException

Error: updating Elasticsearch Domain (arn:aws:es:foo:bar/baz) config:
ValidationException: A change/update is in progress. Please wait for it to
complete before requesting another change.

If you encounter the above error we suggest that you use the latest version of the current repo which no longer uses an auto_tune_options configuration block in the search module. We further recommend that you only use search instances that support Auto-Tune as the AWS service may automatically enable Auto-Tune without cause and without warning, leading to search domains that are difficult to upgrade.

Some users have overcome the above error by pinning the provider to 5.20.0 as shown below but this is not recommended given that 5.20.0 is an older version.

provider "aws" {
    version = "= 5.20.0"


  1. Terraform: AWS Provider Tutorial
  2. Terraform: Basic CLI Features