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Programming Language Comparison Cheat Sheet

Pros and cons of widely used programming languages from a technical point of view.


Language Compiled/interpreted Process virtual machine (VM) Garbage collector (GC) Build time
Javascript JIT Yes (web browser, Node.js) Yes -
Typescript JIT Yes (web browser, Node.js) Yes -
Dart JIT/AOT Yes (web) / No (mobile) Yes -
Python interpreted Yes Yes (reference counting) -
Java JIT Yes (JVM) Yes (tracing) faster
Go AOT No Yes faster
Rust AOT No No slower
C++ AOT No No slower
C AOT No No slower


Language Memory safety Type safety Null safety Data race safety
Javascript Yes (GC) weak No Yes (single-threaded)
Typescript Yes (GC) strong (in strict mode) Yes Yes (single-threaded)
Dart Yes (GC) strong Yes Yes (single-threaded)
Python Yes (GC) strong No Yes (single-threaded)
Java Yes (GC) strong No No
Go Yes (GC) strong No Yes
Rust Yes (RAII, ownership) strong Yes Yes
C++ Partially (RAII) weak No No
C No weak No No

Type system

Language Nominal/Structural Static/Dynamic Manifest/Inferred Sum types
Javascript - dynamic inferred No
Typescript structural static manifest Yes (discriminated union)
Dart nominal static gradual No
Python nominal dynamic inferred / optional manifest No
Java nominal static manifest / optional inferred Yes (sealed classes)
Go partially structural / partially nominal static partially inferred No
Rust mostly nominal static manifest / optional inferred Yes (enum)
C++ nominal static manifest / optional inferred No
C nominal static manifest No


Four types of poylmorphism:

  1. Ad hoc polymorphism (overloading)
  2. Parametric polymorphism (compile-time polymorphism)
  3. Subtype polymorphism (runtime polymorphism)
    1. Nominal subtyping (interface inheritance)
    2. Structural subtyping (duck typing)
  4. Coercion polymorphism (implicit or explicit casting)
Language Ad hoc Parametric Subtype Coercion
Javascript No No Yes (duck typing) Yes
Typescript Yes Yes Yes Yes
Dart No Yes Yes Yes
Python No Yes Yes (duck typing) Yes
Java Yes (overloading) Yes Yes Yes
Go No Yes Yes Yes
Rust Yes (traits) Yes (bounded, generics) Yes (trait objects) Yes (type coercions)
C++ Yes (overloading) Yes (templates) Yes Yes
C No No No Yes


Language Raw pointer Smart pointer References
Java No No Yes (can be null)
Rust Yes (unsafe Rust) Yes (std::boxed::Box, std::rc::Rc, std::sync::Arc) Yes (can't be null)
C++ Yes Yes (std::unique_ptr, std::shared_ptr) Yes (can't be null, can't be reseated)
C Yes No No

Memory safety

Language Double free Use after free (dangling pointer) Null dereferencing Buffer overflow
Java No (GC) No (GC) Yes (NullPointerException) No
Go No (GC) No (GC) Yes (nil pointer dereference) No
Rust No (ownership rules) No (borrowing rules) No (std::option::Option) No
C++ Yes Yes Yes Yes
C Yes Yes Yes Yes


Language Async/await Multithreading Channels
Javascript Yes Yes (web workers) No
Typescript Yes Yes (web workers) No
Python Yes (asyncio) Yes (multiprocessing with IPC; thread and threading but GIL) No
Java Yes Yes (java.lang.Thread) Yes (java.nio.channels.Channels)
Go Yes (via channels) Yes (goroutines) Yes (chan)
Rust Yes (async-std, tokio) Yes (std::thread, tokio, rayon) Yes (std::sync::mpsc)
C++ Yes (std::async) Yes (std::thread, std::execution) No


Language Package manager Toolchain management Formatter Linting Testing
Javascript npm, yarn, pnpm nvm, nvs prettier, beautifier eslint jest, mocha
Typescript npm, yarn, pnpm nvm, nvs prettier, beautifier eslint jest, mocha
Python pip, venv, setuptools pyenv autopep8, black mypy, pyright pytest
Java maven, gradle -- various spotbugs JUnit, mockito
Go go go go fmt go vet go test, testify
Rust cargo rustup rustfmt clippy cargo
C++ vcpkg, conan -- clang-format clang-tidy --


Type safety (or type soundness): The extent to which a programming language discourages or prevents type errors.

Polymorphism: A common interface to entities of different types.

Nominal type system: A name-based type system.

Structural type system: A property-based type system.

Type inference: Implicit typing.

Manifest typing: Explicit typing.

Static type checking: Verifying the type safety at compile-time.

Dynamic type checking: Verifying the type safety at runtime.

Strong typing: Stricter typing rules at compile-time.

Weak typing: Looser typing rules at compile-time.

Duck typing: If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck.

Data race: Two or more threads concurrently accessing a location of memory; one or more of them is a write; one or more of them is unsynchronized.

Memory safety: The extent to which a programming language protects from memory errors.

Buffer overflow: An anomaly where a program, while writing data to a buffer, overruns the buffer's boundary and overwrites adjacent memory locations.

Dangling pointer (or wild pointer): Pointers that do not point to a valid object. Null pointer, uninitialized pointer, and stale pointer are special cases of a dangling pointer.

Double free: Calling free twice on the same memory address.

Use after free: A dangling pointer that is used after it has been freed.

Null dereferencing: Dereferencing a null pointer.



Comparison of widely used programming languages







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