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WP Template Wrapper

A better way to develop Wordpress templates.


Organized Template Files

All the template files reside in the templates folder.
Any template files at the theme's root folder will not work

Template Slug

Template Wrapper transforms wordpress's default template file naming to provide better organization of the files.
'Slugged' template files, i.e. single-{post_type|post_name|post_id} etc., are grouped in a subdirectory named to that type.


  • templates/single/post.php will be used in place of single-post.php.
  • templates/page/about-us.php will be used in place of page-about-us.php.
  • templates/archive/4.php will be used in place of archive-4.php.
  • Template-type files will still be used as is; e.g., templates/single.php, templates/page.php, etc.

In general, files are organized by {type}/{slug|id|custom-name}.php format.

Custom Page Templates

Custom page templates should be placed in the templates folder.

Template Wrapper uses custom page template files only for registration in the admin.
That is, custom page template files will not be used as "views".
You have to create a file of the same name in the templates/page folder.


To use a custom "Donate Page Template" using custom-donate-page.php,
Create one in the page-templates folder as a registry, containing only the template name.
Create another one in the templates/page folder as a "view". This will be the one rendering your view.

Template Based Routing

Template Wrapper allows route registration through template_routes hook.
Routes are placed in src/routes.php in the following manner:

// src/routes.php

add_filter( 'template_routes', function () {

	return array(
		$template_slug => $callable,


$template_slug (String)

The "route" to the template slug. This is similar to the Wordpress's template hierarchy, though transformed to become directory-based.

$callable (Function or Object/Class Method)

The "controller". This will handle the data passed to the template. This can be either a function or an object/class method, similar to MVC approach.


	// Matches is_single(), using a function name
	'single' => 'post_data',
	// Matches 'project' post type single, Using a static class method
	'single/project' => [ 'MyControllerClass', 'project_single' ],
	// Matches single for a post_id of 12
	'single/12' => [ 'MyControllerClass', 'project_single' ],
	// Will match about page, using a namespaced class method
	'page/about' => [ '\\MyNamespace\\AnotherController', 'about' ],
	// Will match a custom page template registered in `page-templates/custom-page.php`
	'page/custom-page' => [ 'MyControllerClass', 'custom_page_data' ],
 	// Will match any page or single which is not registered in route
	'page' => 'any_page_data',
	'single' => 'any_single_data',

A "slugged" route doesnt require a template counterpart. Just like wordpress's template hierarchy, it will use the available template for that slug. That is, a page/about route will use templates/page.php if templates/page/about.php is not available.

Template Wrapper

This is inspired by scribu's theme wrapper which also implemented in Sage starter themes.
It allows you to have your main layout in wrapper.php, and the main template will be automatically wrapped with it. It prevents code repition caused by using get_header() or get_footer() at each main template.

Template Includes

The Template Wrapper provides a way to include templates and passing data through include_template method of the Wrapper class.

// single.php

use QtGye\TemplateWrapper\Wrapper;

<h1>This is an awesome post!</h1>

	Wrapper::include_template( 'modules/content', $content_data );

To avoid having to declare Wrapper's namespace in every template, it is recommended to wrap it in a global function instead, like so:

// functions.php

function include_template ( $template_slug ='', $data = [] ) {
	QtGye\TemplateWrapper\Wrapper::include_template( $template_slug, $data );

$template_slug (String)

The slug of the template file relative to the templates folder. In the example, it will load templates/modules/content.php.

$data (Assoc. Array)

The data to be passed into the included template. Note that user-defined globals are also available in the included templates, so if there are common variable names, the template data will override it.

Template Data

The route callable handles the data being passed to the template. Through reflection, the callable may receive user-defined globals as arguments.


 class MyControllerClass {
	// Using the $post global
	static function about_page ( $post ) {

		$data = [];

		$data['id'] = $post->ID;
		$data['slug'] = $post->name;

		// The variables $id and $slug are now available in the template
		return $data;

Global Data

The user-defined global data is defined in the src/global.php through the template_global_data hook. These globals are available within templates.


 // src/global.php

 add_filter('template_global_data', function ( $predefined_globals )
	// For some reason, use $wp_roles global
	global $wp_roles;
	// $wp_roles variable is now ready to be used in the templates
	return compact('wp_roles');

Template Wrapper provides pre-defined globals to which user-defined globals are merged:
$wp, $wpdb, $wp_query, $post, $authordata, $page;

AJAX Routes

Template Wrapper provides a way to handle ajax routing using action.

Register ajax routes through the ajax_routes hook.

   // src/routes.php

   add_action( 'ajax_routes', function () {

   	return array(
   		// Matches ?action=items
   		'items' => [ "MyController", "ajax" ],


Within the ajax callback, GET parameters and user-defined globals are passed through reflection.

class MyController {
   // Handling ?action=items&filter=all&page=3
   // The argument names should match the GET parameter names. Hence, order is irrelevant.
   static function ajax ( $page, $filter, $post ) {
   	// $filter === 'all'
   	// $page === '3'
   	$response = [
   		'items' => get_filtered_posts( $filter, $page),
   		'current_id' => $post->ID,
   	// Returned data is sent as json-encoded response.
   	return $response;



  • [] Multiple wrappers


A better way to organize Wordpress templates.






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