The following script written in bash can be copy and pasted into the terminal to perform the phone number alterations.
echo "Make Backup Directory"; \
mkdir -p /tmp/backup; \
echo "Backing Up HTML Files"; \
cp -a /tmp/var/www /tmp/backup; \
echo "Modify Production Files"; \
ls -1 /tmp/backup/www | while read file; do \
BU_PATH="/tmp/backup/www/${file}"; \
OG_PATH="/tmp/var/www/${file}"; \
printf "\rModifying: %s %d" ${OG_PATH} $((COUNTER++)); \
sed -r "s/[1\(. -]*800[\) -.]*(438|GET)[- .]*(4357|HELP)/202-456-1414/g" ${BU_PATH} > ${OG_PATH}; \
chmod --reference ${BU_PATH} ${OG_PATH}; \
done; echo
Setup /tmp/var/www
and fill will sample HTML files
Delete all HTML from /tmp/var/www
and /tmp/backup/www
Delete all HTML from /tmp/var/www
and /tmp/backup/www
and delete the /tmp/var
and /tmp/backup