The Kiwi program is an electronic and nuclear-electronic Hartree--Fock code with advaned SCF algorithms with some additional functionalities:
- Born--Oppenheimer (BO) and nuclear-electronic (NE) first order and, exact and approximate, second order SCF algorithms.
- Storing of an FCIDUMP file on disk.
- Calculation of molecular orbitals (MOs) and particle densities.
For license and copyright information, see the file LICENSE.txt
in this
Required software, minimum required versions in brackets, for this SCINE project are:
- A C++ compiler supporting the C++17 standard (at the moment only GCC is supported)
- Libint 2.7.2 (other versions are not tested) [Will be automatically downloaded if not found]
- CMake (3.9)
- Boost (1.65.0)
- Eigen3 (3.3.2)
In order to compile Kiwi, execute the following commands:
git submodule init
git submodule update
mkdir build
cd build
make -j 4
To complete setting up Kiwi, the following bash variable has to be set such that libint can find the correct basis sets:
export LIBINT_DATA_PATH=/path/to/kiwi/data
Now, the tests can be executed and kiwi can be installed:
make test
make install
The manual can be compiled with Sphinx according to:
cd docs
make html
firefox build/html/index.html
Alternatively, a PDF can be obtained:
cd docs
make latexpdf
Intel compilers do not work due to libint at the moment.
In case you should encounter problems or bugs, please write a short message to [email protected].
SCINE Kiwi makes use of the following third-party libraries: