Qase TestOps reporters for Kotlin
Monorepo with Qase TestOps reporters for Kotlin testing frameworks.
For all of our reporters, there are two versions:
- The latest v1 series, either already released or in the beta stage.
If you're just starting, pick v1.
Name | Package name | v1 series |
Qase Kotlin Reporters | ||
Kaspresso | qase-kaspresso-reporter |
✅ released |
What each status means:
The "✅ released" reporters are stable and well-tested versions. They will receive more new features as well as bugfixes, should we find bugs.
The "🧪 open beta" reporters are in active development and rigorous testing. It's completely usable, but there can be some bugs and minor syntax changes. When starting a new test project, the "🧪 open beta" versions are the recommended choice. For existing projects, we recommend planning a migration — see the migration section in each reporter's readme and try out the new features.
The "🧰 closed beta" reporters are in active development, and can still have major bugs and future syntax changes. However, we encourage experimenting with them. Your feedback is always welcome.
The v3 series reporters in the "🗿stable" or "🗿deprecated" status only get some fixes, but no new features.