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Extensible periodic table of the elements

This package provides a periodic table of the elements with support for mass, density and xray/neutron scattering information.

Neutron scattering calculations use values collected by the Atomic Institute of the Austrian Universities as they appear in the neutron data booklet, with support for some energy dependent scattering in rare earth elements given by Lynn and Seeger (1990). X-ray scattering calculations use a combination of empirical and theoretical values from the LBL Center for X-ray Optics.

Tabulated values differ from those given in other sources such as the International Tables for Crystallography, Volume C, and so computed cross sections may give different results from other packages.

Neutron activation calculations are based on Shleien (1998), with isotopes important to health physics. They do not perform a full activation analysis, but instead give a gross estimate of the amount of activation expected for a sample in the beam.

Install using:

pip install periodictable

There are several web interfaces to this package:

Documentation is available online.

Source links:

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