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Our aim is to make a website that will make the process easier of taking the appointments of Doctor’s , as any person have to travel two times to a doctor, for taking an appointment and then for checkup . So, through our website, they can take appointment of any doctor by just one click and filling the basic detail form. Once you sign up you get various options such as you can see the various visits you made to the doctor and the confirmed appointments with the prescription uploaded there. When as a patient you go to the explore page you see various varoius cards with specialization written through which you can go to the doctor's specialized in that particular specialization. Here, you can go to the doctor's profile and fill the appointment form.
As a doctor it's so easy to take appointments as you can go the the appointmnet request page and approve the appointment by giving a date for it. You can also attach the prescription for the patient and the particular page can be viewed in the patient visits page.