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@StudyNotion StudyNotion is a full-stack educational platform designed to streamline learning by providing structured courses, easy enrollment, and a reliable review system.
Table of Contents Features Tech Stack Setup Usage API Endpoints Contributing License Features
- Course Enrollment: Register and enroll in various courses with ease. Rating & Reviews: Users can rate courses and leave reviews for others to see. Swiper Integration: Smooth navigation within course content through Swiper integration. API-Driven Architecture: Backed by robust RESTful APIs to manage course data, enrollment, and reviews.
- Tech Stack Frontend: React, Redux Toolkit, Tailwind CSS, Swiper Backend: Node.js, Express Database: MongoDB (using MongoDB Atlas) API: RESTful APIs with Express
$Setup Prerequisites Node.js & npm installed MongoDB Atlas account for cloud database Installation Clone the repository:
%bash Copy code git clone cd studynotion Install dependencies for both frontend and backend:
bash Copy code npm install cd client npm install Environment Variables:
In the root folder, create a .env file and add your MongoDB URI, JWT secrets, and other environment-specific variables. Start the development servers:
Start the backend server: bash Copy code npm run server Start the frontend server: bash Copy code cd client npm start Access the app at http://localhost:3000.
#Usage Explore courses, enroll, and leave reviews on the platform. Navigate between lessons with Swiper for an immersive experience.
#Contributing Contributions are welcome! Please fork this repository and submit a pull request for new features, bug fixes, or enhancements.
#License This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.