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  • Ruby: 3.1.0
  • Rails: 7.1
  • Blacklight: 7.33.0

Development pre-requisites

  • In order to run locally, you must have Lando installed for your system - see

  • If you don't have yarn installed you can install it with

    npm install -g yarn
  • You may need to install the bundler referenced in the Gemfile.lock, e.g.

gem install bundler:2.3.26

Installing the application

To install run

bundle install
yarn install

On macOS: If the command yarn install gives error "No Xcode or CLT version detected" try re-installing xCode tools.

Run the development Environment locally

All commands are assumed to be run from your local orangelight directory

  1. Start all the servers/set up database/seed index (this uses Lando to bring up the postgres database, and both the development and test Solr instances)

    bundle exec rake servers:start

    *Note: You can stop everything with rake servers:stop

  2. Run a rails server

    bundle exec rails s

    This will continue running until you Ctrl C, you will need a new tab or window for the next step

Deploying with Capistrano

Default branch for deployment is main. You can specify a branch using the BRANCH environment variable.

BRANCH=my_branch bundle exec cap staging deploy # deploys my_branch to staging
bundle exec cap staging deploy # deploys main branch to staging

Staging Mail Catcher

To see mail that has been sent on the staging server you must ssh tunnel into the server

ssh -L 1082:localhost:1080 pulsys@catalog-staging1

To see mail that has been sent on the qa server you must ssh tunnel into the server

ssh -L 1082:localhost:1080 pulsys@catalog-qa1

Once the tunnel is open you can see the mail that has been sent on staging here


Run Tests

  1. Start all the servers/set up database/seed index

    bundle exec rake servers:start

    *Note: You can stop everything with rake servers:stop

  2. initialize the browse lists see instructions

  3. Run the all the tests

    bundle exec rake spec
  4. To run just the rspec tests

    bundle exec rspec spec
  5. To run just the javascript tests

    yarn test

To run a specific test

  1. Run steps one and two above
  2. run the individual test
    bundle exec rake spec SPEC=path/to/your_spec.rb:linenumber

Running system specs in the browser

RUN_IN_BROWSER=true bundle exec rspec spec/system

The browser will only display for system specs with js: true.

Running javascript unit tests

$ yarn install $ yarn test

Debugging jest tests
  1. Place a debugger; line in your javascript
  2. Open up Chrome and type in the address bar: chrome://inspect
  3. Click on "Open dedicated DevTools for Node"
  4. Back in terminal run yarn test:debug [path_to_test] (This has been added to package.json)

Run erblint

  • erblint
  • bundle exec erblint --lint-all

Running rubocop

bundle exec rubocop

Running reek

bundle exec reek app

Running stylelint

yarn stylelint "**/*.scss"

Run lighthouse from the command line

This command runs a rails server, so you will need to stop any rails server that is already running locally before running the commands below.

bundle exec rake servers:start # if you have not yet started the servers
npm install -g @lhci/[email protected]
lhci autorun

You can safely ignore the message "GitHub token is not set" -- this is for an integration that we don't currently use.

It will tell you if you've passed the assertion(s) specified in lighthouserc.js. It will also give you a URL where you can see the complete lighthouse results.

Running CodeQL locally

If you get a CodeQL warning on your branch, you may wish to run CodeQL locally to learn more about the issue.

brew install codeql
codeql database create orangelight-codeql --language=ruby # creates a gitignored folder for codeql to do its work
codeql database analyze orangelight-codeql --format=csv --output=codeql_results.csv --download codeql/ruby-queries

Your results will then be available in the file codeql_results.csv.

Building the browse lists

RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake browse:all
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake browse:load_all

Refreshing the fixtures

bundle exec rake pulsearch:solr:deindex
bundle exec rake pulsearch:solr:index

Adding a fixture to the test/dev index

Use an example.xml marc record. Start bibdata in the dev environment. Use the bibdata solr url from lando and run: bundle exec traject -c marc_to_solr/lib/traject_config.rb path-to-xml/example.xml -u http://localhost:<solr-port-number>/solr/name-of-local-solr-index -w Traject::JsonWriter This will print a JSON. Copy the JSON and add it to the bottom of spec/fixtures/current_fixtures.json. Note that file contains a list so you have to make sure you add a comma to the end of the last record and keep the closing bracket at the end of the file. Then run rake pulsearch:solr:index for both the dev and the test environment, as specified above.

Update Solr configuration

Run the following command to update pull in Solr configuration updates from the pul_solr repo:

bundle exec rake pulsearch:solr:update

Local development with Figgy

Orangelight is configured to use two environment variables in order to query and retrieve IIIF Manifests for resources linked to catalog records in the Figgy digital object repository. By default, these are provided with the following values:


This will ensure that Orangelight will search for linked resources in the production environment. To test against linked resources in the staging environment, please use the following invocation when starting the Rails server:

GRAPHQL_API_URL= FIGGY_URL= bundle exec rails s

Local development with browse lists

To start up a copy of the project with a solr index of fixture data

bundle exec rake servers:start

Then, in another terminal window build browse index csv files in /tmp:

RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rake browse:all

Then, load browse data into the development database:

RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rake browse:load_all

Local development with account/request features

For more information, see requests dev hints.

You will need a working local copy of Bibdata. Start the Bibdata server, and then set the bidata_base value in OrangeLight's config/requests.yml file to the local URL where Bibdata is running (e.g., http://localhost:{port}) or use the BIBDATA_BASE environment variable.

Development Mailcatcher

Update config/hosts.dat from private repo

  1. Go to
  • If you don't have access to this private repo, speak to others on the team about getting access
  1. Click "Raw". This should give you a url that looks something like
  2. Copy the url, and set it to a variable on the command line
MY_URL=the url you copied above
  1. Copy the latest version of the remote file to the local file
curl $MY_URL -o config/hosts.dat
  1. Optionally, alphabetize the file using your local editor

Announcement messages

  1. To see the current announcement message and feature status, run
bundle exec rake announcement:show
  1. To set a new announcement message, run
bundle exec rake announcement:set\["My message in a string. Must escape quotes."\]
  1. To toggle announcements on and off, sign in and go to /features and toggle message display.

Git Hook

Changes need to be made in 'simple-git-hooks':

  1. Make the change in package.json
"simple-git-hooks": {
    "pre-commit": "yarn lint-staged"
  "lint-staged": {
    "*.js": [
      "prettier --write",
  1. Run yarn simple-git-hooks to reconfigure the settings.