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Releases: publishpress/PublishPress-Permissions


27 Jun 19:14
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Change Log

= 4.0.25 - 26 Jun 2024 =

  • Compat : PublishPress Revisions - Administrators could not be added to Change Request Notification group
  • Compat : Advanced Custom Fields - Custom Post Types did not have type-specific capabilities enforced unless explicitly configured in ACF settings
  • Compat : Admin Columns - Users listing inappropriately filtered under some conditions
  • Compat : Disable Gutenberg - Classic Editor mode was not detected under some configurations
  • Fixed : Settings UI - Checkbox for Permissions > Settings > Editing > Media Library > "Prevent editing uploads if attached to a non-editable post" not displayed under some conditions
  • Fixed : Fatal error if constant SSEO_VERSION is unexpectedly defined


07 May 20:30
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Change Log

  • Compat : Google Analytics by MonsterInsights - custom field error message on post update
  • Compat : PublishPress Revisions - Apply restrictive Submit Revisions permissions to limit Revision Queue listing
  • Compat : PublishPress Capabilities - Negated capabilities were not properly applied under some Permissions configurations
  • Fixed : On selection of multiple new users for group membership, if one was already a group member, none of the new selections were added


26 Apr 16:38
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Change Log

  • Fixed : Fatal error updating a subpage


25 Apr 19:30
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Change Log

  • Fixed : Gutenberg Editor - empty categories were unselectable on some installations
  • Change : Option to restore previous behavior by suppressing front end term filtering under some conditions
  • Change : Remove penguins from Permissions > Settings screen header
  • Fixed : PHP Warning on plugin activation
  • Perf : Improve performance of user groups retrieval query
  • Perf : Improve performance of post update query under some conditions
  • Perf : Improve performance on attachment upload / update


04 Mar 16:42
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Change Log

  • Fixed : PHP Warning on PublishPress\Permissions\Groups::getGroupsForUser() / pp_get_groups_for_user() call


29 Feb 20:43
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Change Log

  • API : Function pp_get_groups_for_user() no longer defaulted to returning group objects
  • Compat : bbPress - Forum Role column on Users screen was hidden
  • Lang : Upate ES, FR, IT translations


23 Feb 17:49
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Change Log

  • Perf : Eliminated scan of users table on plugin activation (impacting sites with large number of users)
  • Perf : Eliminated recursive query of subpages (impacting sites with complex page hierarchies)
  • Perf : Improved caching of post capability checks
  • Perf : On category / term queries, don't filter term counts if empty terms are not being hidden and counts are not being shown
  • Code : Improved PHP Code Sniffer scan results
  • Compat : Elementor - Could not use Elementor front end editor to save a draft of a published post
  • Compat : Nested Pages - Apply pp_force_quick_edit capability to Nested Pages' Quick Edit and Contextual Add / Insert buttons
  • Fixed : Filters for Post category, Tags, Terms, Parent or Status could be applied to wrong post under certain conditions
  • Fixed : Permissions > Settings > Core > Front End > "Performance: Don't filter category / tag counts" was not applied for Administrator
  • Fixed : Some strings on Permissions > Settings were not translated
  • Fixed : Gutenberg editor usage was not properly detected when triggered by another plugin, possibly leading to issues with category / term assignment filtering
  • Fixed : Category pages: Subcategory posts were inappropriately hidden on some sites
  • Fixed : Legacy Nav Menu Management - Limited Nav Menu editors saw uneditable menus in dropdown on Menus management screen
  • Fixed : Legacy Nav Menu Management filters interfered with front end filtering under some conditions
  • Fixed : Sanity check to prevent excessive version history logging if installed plugin's version tags or version tag storage is incorrect
  • Fixed : Terms were inappropriately auto-assigned under some conditions\
  • Change : Permissions > Settings > Editing option to disable auto-assignment of terms (when default term is not selectable). Note: Auto-assignment is required for some term-restricted editing configurations.
  • Change : Auto-assign a term only if no default terms are selectable and the user's editing access is modified by term-specific Permissions
  • Change : Never auto-assign a term to front page or posts page
  • Change : Constant definitions related to term auto-assignment to assist any potential troubleshooting or restore previous behavior
  • Change : User search for Specific Permission assignment - use LIKE matching for user meta field searches
  • Change : Suppress "Enable Permissions" metaboxes in Post editor, Edit Term screens
  • Change : Support constant PRESSPERMIT_MEDIA_UPLOAD_GRANT_PAGE_EDIT_CAPS for front end uploading solutions that require page editing capabilities for the async upload request
  • Lib : Update wordpress-reviews library to v1.1.20
  • Lib : Update wordpress-version-notices library to v2.1.3
  • Lang : Update ES, FR, IT translations


13 Dec 20:05
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v3.11.6 Pre-release

Change Log

  • Feature : Option to require Taxonomy edit capability to assign post tags that do not already exist
  • Fixed : On Post edit, Tags were not filtered based on Specific Permissions
  • Fixed : On Permissions > Settings, All Taxonomies remained checked even after updating with some disabled
  • Compat : Work around unidentified compatibility issue affecting term filtering and access to certain static methods


04 Jan 12:39
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v4.0.0 Pre-release

Change Log

  • Perf : Eliminated scan of users table on plugin activation (impacting sites with large number of users)
  • Perf : Eliminated recursive query of subpages (impacting sites with complex page hierarchies)
  • Perf : Improved caching of post capability checks
  • Code : Improved phpcs scan results
  • Feature : Option to require Taxonomy edit capability to assign post tags that do not already exist
  • Fixed : On Post edit, Tags were not filtered based on Specific Permissions
  • Fixed : On Permissions > Settings, All Taxonomies remained checked even after updating with some disabled
  • Compat : Work around unidentified compatibility issue affecting term filtering and access to certain static methods


02 Nov 20:34
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Change Log

  • Compat : Beaver Builder - Queries within BB shortcodes were improperly filtered
  • Fixed : Supplemental Role captions (for current assignments) were blank (since 3.11.4)
  • Fixed : PHP Warning "Attempt to read property 'count' on string"
  • Fixed : PHP Warning "Undefined variable $admin_post_new_url"