Sonarqube is a Ruby wrapper and CLI for the Sonarqube API
As of version 1.2.1
this gem only supports Sonarqube 7.9.
Install it from rubygems:
gem install sonarqube
Or add to a Gemfile:
gem 'sonarqube'
# gem 'sonarqube', github: 'psyreactor/sonarqube'
Mac OS users can install using Homebrew (may not be the latest version):
brew install sonarqube-gem
Sonarqube.configure do |config|
config.endpoint = '' # API endpoint URL, default: ENV['SONARQUBE_API_ENDPOINT']
config.private_token = 'Dfrt938dSgAOWd4' # user's private token, default: ENV['SONARQUBE_API_PRIVATE_TOKEN']
# Optional
# config.user_agent = 'Custom User Agent' # user agent, default: 'Sonarqube Ruby Gem [version]'
# set an API endpoint
Sonarqube.endpoint = ''
# => ""
# set a user private token
Sonarqube.private_token = 'Dfrt938dSgAOWd4'
# => "Dfrt938dSgAOWd4"
# configure a proxy server
Sonarqube.http_proxy('proxyhost', 8888)
# proxy server with basic auth
Sonarqube.http_proxy('proxyhost', 8888, 'proxyuser', 'strongpasswordhere')
# set timeout for responses
ENV['SONARQUBE_API_HTTPARTY_OPTIONS'] = '{read_timeout: 60}'
g = Sonarqube.client(
endpoint: '',
private_token: 'Dfrt938dSgAOWd4',
httparty: {
headers: { 'Cookie' => 'sonarqube_canary=true' }
# => #<Sonarqube::Client:0x00000001e62408 @endpoint="", @private_token="qEsq1pt6HJPaNciie3MG", @user_agent="Sonarqube Ruby Gem 2.0.0">
project = Sonarqube.project_create('new_project')
# => <Sonarqube::ObjectifiedHash:46200 {hash: {"project"=>{"key"=>"new_project", "name"=>"new_project", "qualifier"=>"TRK", "visibility"=>"public"}}}
# => "new_project"
# => {"project"=>{"key"=>"new_project", "name"=>"new_project", "qualifier"=>"TRK", "visibility"=>"public"}}
user = Sonarqube.user_create('new_user', 'key_new_user' ,'secretpassword')
# => #<Sonarqube::ObjectifiedHash:46320 {hash: {"user"=>{"login"=>"login_name", "name"=>"name_user", "scmAccounts"=>[], "active"=>true, "local"=>true}}}
# login_name
# name_user
groups = Sonarqube.search_groups({ q: 'sonar-users' })
# => #<Sonarqube::ObjectifiedHash:46520 {hash: {"paging"=>{"pageIndex"=>1, "pageSize"=>100, "total"=>1}, "groups"=>[{"uuid"=>"AXOt93S3gMZPhbn-E_O7", "name"=>"sonar-users", "description"=>"Any new users created will automatically join this group", "membersCount"=>5, "default"=>true}]}}
groups.groups.each do | group |
puts "name: #{}"
puts "login: #{group.description}"
puts "membersCount: #{group.membersCount}"
# name: sonar-users
# description: Any new users created will automatically join this group
# MembersCount: 5
For more information, refer to documentation.
docker-compose up -d sonarqube # Will start the Sonarqube instance in the background (approx. 3 minutes)
After a while, your Sonarqube instance will be accessible on http://localhost:9000.
You can login with the admin/admin user/password.
You can now setup a personal access token here: http://localhost:9000
Once you have your token, set the variables to the correct values in the docker.env
Then, launch the tool:
docker-compose run app
=> [#<Sonarqube::ObjectifiedHash:47231290771040 {hash: {"id"=>1, "name"=>"Administrator", "username"=>"root", ...]
To launch the specs:
docker-compose run app rake spec
First, set the variables to the correct values in the docker.env
Then, launch the tool:
docker-compose run app
=> [#<Sonarqube::ObjectifiedHash:47231290771040 {hash: {"id"=>1, "name"=>"Administrator", "username"=>"root", ...]
To launch the specs,
docker-compose run app rake spec
For more information see
Released under the BSD 2-clause license. See LICENSE.txt for details.