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ASP.NET Core 5.0 and Ubisecure SSO integration with OpenID Connect


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ASP.NET Core 5.0 and Ubisecure SSO integration with OpenID Connect


This is a sample ASP.NET Core 5.0 application to illustrate integration with OpenID Connect Auhthorization Code flow.

The aspnet31 branch has a previous version for ASP.NET Core 3.1.


An OpenID Connect Client needs to be configured with information about the OpenID Connect Provider and client credentials. This sample app puts these configuration items into appsettings.json file as properties of OpenIDConnect key:

  • issuer - name of OpenID Connect Provider
  • client_id and client_secret - client credentials registered with OpenID Connect Provider
  • redirect_uri - this value must match deployment and is registered with OpenID Connect Provider
  "OpenIDConnect": {
    "issuer": "",
    "client_id": "public",
    "client_secret": "public",
    "redirect_uri": "http://localhost:19282/public"

Code review

Most code files are as generated by the Visual Studio 2019 ASP.NET Core wizard. The files modified for this integration are


The following indicates OpenID Connect is used to authenticate new anonymous users trying to access the application. Cookies are used to persist an authenticated session. Do review details of ASP.NET Core cookie authentication before going into production: how large will the cookie or cookies become and how is their integrity protected?

                .AddAuthentication(sharedOptions =>
                    sharedOptions.DefaultScheme = CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
                    sharedOptions.DefaultChallengeScheme = OpenIdConnectDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;

Here I'm setting up the built-in OpenID Connect client of ASP.NET Core to be interoperable with Ubisecure SSO. I'm reading some settings from appsettings.json.

                .AddOpenIdConnect(options =>
                    var oidc = Configuration.GetSection("OpenIDConnect");
                    var redirectUri = new Uri(oidc.GetValue<string>("redirect_uri"));
                    options.Authority = oidc.GetValue<string>("issuer");
                    options.ClientId = oidc.GetValue<string>("client_id");
                    options.ClientSecret = oidc.GetValue<string>("client_secret");
                    options.CallbackPath = redirectUri.AbsolutePath;
                    options.ResponseType = "code";
                    options.ResponseMode = null;
                    options.DisableTelemetry = true;
                    // workaround for
                    if (!"https".Equals(redirectUri.Scheme) && redirectUri.IsLoopback)
                        options.CorrelationCookie = new CookieBuilderFilter(options.CorrelationCookie);
                        options.NonceCookie = new CookieBuilderFilter(options.NonceCookie);

Note that the previous code has a SameSite cookie workaround that lets this app run on http://localhost.

Make sure your Configure method enables authentication and authorization.




HomeController has a single operation that sets the model to current user. [Authorize] tag tells the ASP.NET middleware that access to this controller requires authentication.

    public class HomeController : Controller
        public IActionResult Index()
            return View(User as ClaimsPrincipal);


The following generates a simple html list showing all claims received from OpenID Connect provider

@model System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal

<!DOCTYPE html>

        @foreach (var claim in Model.Claims)


Use Visual Studio 2019 to launch AspNetCoreSample application on http://localhost:19282

This application is also deployed live on Azure Web Apps at

Command line

You first need to install Git tools and ASP.NET Core runtime

The following will launch the application on http://localhost:19282

git clone
cd AspNetCoreSample
dotnet run


  • C# 94.5%
  • HTML 5.5%