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A Clojure(Script) library that lets you spec state-transition steps


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step is a library that lets you spec state-transition steps.


See the TodoMVC example from Re-frame spec'd with step:



org.clojars.protocol55/step {:mvn/version "0.2.0"}


[org.clojars.protocol55/step "0.2.0"]


Namespaces are split between Clojure and ClojureScript:

  • Clojure: protocol55.step.alpha, protocol55.step.alpha.specs
  • ClojureScript: protocol55.step-cljs.alpha, protocol55.step-cljs.alpha.specs


A step is defined as a tuple of:

[state action state']

We use protocol55.step.alpha/stepdef to define a step spec.

We'll begin by defining the state and action specs for our system:

(s/def ::drink (s/tuple #{:drink}))
(s/def ::fill (s/tuple #{:fill}))

(s/def :in-between/v (s/int-in 1 10))
(s/def :in-between/state (s/keys :req-un [:in-between/v]))

(s/def :empty/v #{0})
(s/def :empty/state (s/keys :req-un [:empty/v]))

(s/def :full/v #{10})
(s/def :full/state (s/keys :req-un [:full/v]))

In the example above the system defines a state modeling a cup of water with a single key :v (volume) whose value can be 0-10.

We then have two actions - ::drink and ::fill, which are Re-frame style tuples containing a keyword as the intent of the action.

Next we define the state variation specs. It's important to note that we are using the same names with different qualifiers here. Because of limitations of the keys spec this will only work with :opt-un and :req-un.

With those in place we'll define our step spec:

(stepdef ::step
  ::drink (:in-between/state :empty/state)
  ::fill  (:in-between/state :full/state))
  ::fill (:in-between/state))
  ::drink (:in-between/state)))

Each form within stepdef is defined as:

(state & (action (& state')))

This specifies the starting state of the step and then one or more action-to-next-states pairs.

The ability to define multiple next-states (state') for an action lets us model more complex systems than a normal state machine state -> action -> state' tuple would.

Conformance for steps looks like the following:

(s/conform ::step [{:v 1} [:drink] {:v 0}])
;; => [:in-between [:drink [:empty [{:v 1} [:drink] {:v 0}]]]]


[state-qualifier [action-name [state'-qualifier step-tuple]]]

Exercising gives us results conforming to our step spec:

(s/exercise ::step)

([[{:v 0} [:fill] {:v 2}] [:empty [:fill [:in-between [{:v 0} [:fill] {:v 2}]]]]]
 [[{:v 1} [:drink] {:v 2}] [:in-between [:drink [:in-between [{:v 1} [:drink] {:v 2}]]]]]
 [[{:v 10} [:drink] {:v 1}] [:full [:drink [:in-between [{:v 10} [:drink] {:v 1}]]]]]
 [[{:v 10} [:drink] {:v 2}] [:full [:drink [:in-between [{:v 10} [:drink] {:v 2}]]]]]
 [[{:v 0} [:fill] {:v 3}] [:empty [:fill [:in-between [{:v 0} [:fill] {:v 3}]]]]]
 [[{:v 10} [:drink] {:v 1}] [:full [:drink [:in-between [{:v 10} [:drink] {:v 1}]]]]]
 [[{:v 10} [:drink] {:v 5}] [:full [:drink [:in-between [{:v 10} [:drink] {:v 5}]]]]]
 [[{:v 4} [:drink] {:v 0}] [:in-between [:drink [:empty [{:v 4} [:drink] {:v 0}]]]]]
 [[{:v 10} [:drink] {:v 8}] [:full [:drink [:in-between [{:v 10} [:drink] {:v 8}]]]]]
 [[{:v 8} [:fill] {:v 10}] [:in-between [:fill [:full [{:v 8} [:fill] {:v 10}]]]]])


stepdef accepts an optional map of options as its second argument. It allows two keys: :extra-defs and :data-def.

Extra defs

:extra-defs can be used to create multiple specs with additional restrictions on the kinds of steps produced.

(stepdef ::step
  {:extra-defs [::state-action :no-state'
                ::states       :only-states
                ::action       :only-action]}
    ::drink (:in-between/state :empty/state)
    ::fill  (:in-between/state :full/state))
    ::fill (:in-between/state))
    ::drink (:in-between/state)))

Restriction keys are as follows:

  • :no-state' - [state action]
  • :only-states - [state state']
  • :only-action - [action]

These can be useful for specing functions that take a partial bit of a step, such as a next-state function that takes a state and action and produces a next state.

We can combine the actions and states into specs and use those to check such a function.

(s/def ::action (s/or :drink ::drink :fill ::fill))

(s/def ::state (s/or :in-between :in-between/state
                     :empty :empty/state
                     :full :full/state))

(defn next-state [state action]
  (case (first action)
    :drink (update state :v dec)
    :fill (update state :v inc)))

(s/fdef next-state
  :args ::state-action
  :ret ::state)

We can also make use of the :fn of fdef to unform ret and args to fully validate against our full ::step spec:

(s/fdef next-state
  :args ::state-action
  :fn (fn [{:keys [ret args]}]
    (let [step (conj (vec (s/unform ::state-action args) (s/unform ::state ret)))]
      (s/valid? ::step step)))
  :ret ::state)

Data def

:data-def can be used to assign a data representation of the forms in stepdef to a variable.

(stepdef ::step
  {:data-def step-data}
    ::drink (:in-between/state :empty/state)
    ::fill  (:in-between/state :full/state))
    ::fill (:in-between/state))
    ::drink (:in-between/state)))

The above will define both the ::step spec definition as well as

(def step-data
   {::drink #{:in-between/state :empty/state}
    ::fill #{:in-between/state :full/state}}
   {::fill #{:in-between/state}}
   {::drink #{:in-between/state}}})

One use for this data is to generate state transition graphs. We'll use the fsmvis library.

Assume we have the stepdef above defined in a namespace protocol55.step.example. We can define a file to generate our graph like so:

(require '[fsmviz.core :as fsmviz])
(require '[protocol55.step.example :refer [step-data]])

(def transitions
    (fn [[state m]]
        (fn [[action states']]
          (map #(mapv keyword %&)
               (repeat (namespace state))
               (repeat (name action))
               (map namespace states')))

(fsmviz/generate-image transitions "example-graph")

This outputs the following svg*:


* This is not the exact svg. fsmviz defines an initial state of nil which produces an unconnected black dot when using our transitions. I've edited it out in the image above.



[k & forms]
  Defines a spec that validates a step as-per the transitions
  specified in forms. A step is a tuple of [state action state'].

  Forms are of the shape:

    ::drink (:in-between/state :empty/state)
    ::fill  (:in-between/state :full/state))

  where all keywords are registered specs.

  Optionally, the second argument can be a map of options that accepts the
  keys :extra-defs and :data-def, detailed below.

  :extra-defs - A vector of bindings of key => step restriction key.

  This outputs the extra defs as specs with the specified restriction.

  Restriction keys are as follows:

  :no-state'   - [state action]
  :only-states - [state state']
  :only-action - [action]

  For example:

  (stepdef ::step
    {:extra-defs [::state-action :no-state'
                  ::states       :only-states
                  ::action       :only-action]}
      ::drink (:in-between/state :empty/state)
      ::fill  (:in-between/state :full/state))
      ::fill (:in-between/state))
      ::drink (:in-between/state)))

  will define ::step, ::state-action, ::states, and ::action specs.

  :data-def - A symbol that will define a map representation of forms.

  For example:

  (stepdef ::step
    {:data-def step-data}
      ::drink (:in-between/state :empty/state)
      ::fill  (:in-between/state :full/state))
      ::fill (:in-between/state))
      ::drink (:in-between/state)))

  will define both the ::step spec and

  (def step-data
     {::drink #{:in-between/state :empty/state}
      ::fill #{:in-between/state :full/state}}
     {::fill #{:in-between/state}}
     {::drink #{:in-between/state}}})


A Clojure(Script) library that lets you spec state-transition steps








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