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sophistry edited this page Aug 2, 2012 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the ProMailQueue wiki!

Not much here yet, I recommend you have a look at app/Config/bootstrap.php and app/Config/ProMailQueue.php.sample.

Queue Emails

By default ProMailQueue intercepts messages sent by CakeEmail and injects them into one of the queues for delivery. This behavior can be disabled in ProMailQueue's configuration.

Admin Interface

The plugin provides a web interface to Manage and Create new Queues, list queued messages.

ProMailQueue makes no assumptions about securing your application, its recommended that you protect access to the admin interface with some type of Authentication/Authorization system like AuthComponent.

Mailer Shell

Process queued messages from the command line using the one of the following commands

//deliver emails from all queues
cake ProMailQueue.mailer run

//deliver emails from select queues
cake ProMailQueue.mailer run high medium

//or for available commands execute
cake ProMailQueue.mailer run


ProMailQueue will support CakePHP's new Events System new to 2.1.

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