Get custom car insurance packages and make payments
- Get Custom Car Insurance Packages
- Make Insurance Payment
- MongoDB
- Express.js
- React
- Node.js
- Install the dependencies of both backend and frontend using command:
npm install
- Build using command:
npm run build
- Start the backend using command:
npm run start
- Start the frontend using command:
npm run dev
Getting a Quote
- Select the car Brand
- Select the car Model
- Type in the Year of the Model
- Select Area
- Check accident history
- Click
get quote
Selecting Packages
- Click the desired package card
Updating Insurance Form
- Type in data for all the empty fields
- Click
Proceed to Payment
Making Payment
- In order to make payment the user needs to be logged in
- If the user already has an account, type in the login credentials and click
- If the user is new first
and thenlogin
- After logging in add a
16 digit
credit card number - Add expiry date in the format
- Add
3 digit
CVV code - Click
This project uses:
atomic design
pattern for Reactstyled-component
for styling React Componentsreact-router-dom
for navigation and passing dataaxios
for fetching data from mongoDBbcrypt
for password encryption