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ZeroDayToolKit - Fanmade Hacknet Expansion

a Hacknet Pathfinder mod that aims to provide tools for better immersion and tighter gameplay.

Please DM or mention @pr_d on discord if you encounter any bugs or weirdness using the mod.

New Commands

Some commands are DISABLED BY DEFAULT as it can either ruin the immersion, or vastly change how one approaches cracking, and can be considered cheating if used in a non-0DTK extension / basegame. you may enable these features via <EnableCommand> explained below.

  • / <message...>: Send chat in IRC/DHS. (DISABLED BY DEFAULT)
  • btoa <file> / atob <file>: Encode/Decode files to Base64.
  • binary <-e/-d> <file>: Encode/Decode files to Binary.
  • date: Prints current time to console. (DISABLED BY DEFAULT)
  • echo [content...]: Prints content to console.
  • expr <expression>: Resolve a math expression.
  • head <file> [line] / tail <file> [line]: Prints first/last (default: 10) lines of the file to console.
  • history: Prints command history to console.
  • hostname [-i]: Prints the name (or IP address if -i is provided) of the connected device.
  • man <command>: Prints help for that command.
  • mkdir <foldername>: Create a folder.
  • more <file>: Alias of cat.
  • pwd: Prints the current working directory
  • touch <filename> [content...]: Create a file.
  • zip <folder> / unzip <folder>: Zip/Unzip folder via gZip.

New Executables

Every executables except for the ones labelled feature custom-made Hacknet-style graphics.

  • #SSH_SWIFT# / >S>.SSH.$w!f7.>S>: Opens port 22 (SSH).
    • Counterpart to FTPSprint, it vastly speeds up SSH break-in compared to vanilla.
  • #PACKET_HEADER_INJECTION# / :pkthdr::: Opens port 80 (HTTP WebServer).
    • Takes more time, but vastly less RAM compared to vanilla. Useful for packing in remaining spaces.
  • #SQL_TX_CRASHER# / THE_LAST_RESORT: Opens port 1433 (SQL Server).
    • This program will re-enable firewall and proxy if the target has any.
    • This program stays for long after the process is completed, encouraging players to manually kill it.
  • #PORT_BACKDOOR# / thanks from /el/ <3: Opens port 0 (Backdoor Connection).
    • Port 0 (Backdoor Connection) can be opened on ANY OS, essentially working as a free port.
    • This process takes a long, long time.
  • #GIT_TUNNEL# / GitTunnel For Hacknet BETA: Opens port 9418 (GitTunnel). (NO GRAPHICS YET)
    • deletes the /log folder upon successful hack. MAY LOSE INFORMATION!
  • #MQTT_INTERCEPTOR / mqttpwn:r63: Opens port 1883 (MQTT Protocol). (NO GRAPHICS YET)
    • if MQTT port is present, you must connect to it before you can open SSH or FTP ports. (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
  • #CLOCK_V3#: ???
  • #VPN_BYPASS#: ???
  • #TELE_SMOOTH#: ???
  • #EOS_ROOTKIT#: ???
  • #SOFT_SNOOZE#: ???
  • #TRACE_FREEZER#: ???

New Extension Actions

  • <SetRAM ram="float">: Sets the RAM amount of the player.
  • <RunCommand command="string">: Runs a command on that OS.
  • <ResetIRCDelay target="computer_id">: Resets the IRC Delay for that OS, useful for branching IRC logs. (see Conditions)
  • <SetNumberOfChoices choices="int">: Sets the number of choices for interactive IRC logs. (see Conditions)
  • <DisableCommand command="string"> / <EnableCommand command="string">: Prohibits usage of certain commands, useful for blocking chat by disabling /. (see Conditions)
  • <EnableStrictLog targetComp="computer_id"> / <DisableStrictLog targetComp="computer_id">: Makes it so that this PC also detects (dis)connection logs. you MUST delete all logs and ForkBomb yourself out to be hidden if strict log is on.

New Extension Conditions

  • <OnFileCreation [target="computer_id" path="path" name="string" content="string"]> / <OnFileDeletion [target="computer_id" path="path" name="string" content="string"]>: Triggered when a specific file is created or deleted on an OS.
  • <OnIRCMessageAny [target="computer_id" user="string" notUser="string" minDelay="float" maxDelay="float" requiredFlags="string" doesNotHaveFlags="string"]>: Triggered when a user sends a message to the IRC chat. set user="#PLAYERNAME# to have it trigger when a user sends something.
  • <OnIRCMessage [target="computer_id" user="string" notUser="string" minDelay="float" maxDelay="float" requiredFlags="string" doesNotHaveFlags="string" word="string"]>: Triggered when a specific word is said on IRC. Case and spacing insensitive.
    • You may use & and | to create AND / OR operation between words. for example, what&this|that would match what is this and what is that but not this and that.
  • <OnIRCMessageTone [target="computer_id" user="string" notUser="string" minDelay="float" maxDelay="float" requiredFlags="string" doesNotHaveFlags="string" tone="string"]>: Triggered when a user responds with a specific type of message. currently supported tones are no, yes, help, hey and number 1 through 10.

The Following conditions are meant to be used alongside the TraceV2 system. see below for more information.

  • <OnCrash [requiredFlags="string" doesNotHaveFlags="string" targetComp="computer_id" targetNetwork="network_id"]>: When that OS or Network's "Head" has crashed due to ForkBomb and such. Defaults to the current OS/Network if written within a TraceV2 or Computer tag.
  • <OnReboot [requiredFlags="string" doesNotHaveFlags="string" targetComp="computer_id" targetNetwork="network_id"]>: When that OS or Network's "Head" has rebooted after a crash.
  • <OnRebootCompleted [requiredFlags="string" doesNotHaveFlags="string" targetNetwork="network_id" RequireLogsOnSource="bool" RequireSourceIntact="bool"]: When that Network has finished its Retrace timer. only fires RequireLogsOnSource if any of the Network's devices have logs on them, and only fires RequireSourceIntact if sys/netcfgx.dll is still on any of the devices.
  • <OnHostileActionTaken [requiredFlags="string" doesNotHaveFlags="string" targetComp="computer_id" targetNetwork="network_id"]>: when a hostile action (hacking attempt, commonly tripping trace) is taken.

TraceV2/Track: Brand new type of Trace timer


Before I introduce TraceV2, we must create a Network. a Network is a group of nodes with a head node that functions as a group. To create a Network, create a /Networks folder in your Extension folder, and add an XML file like such.

Networks may have following properties alongside Computers and aforementioned conditions:

  • <trace time="float">: Determines the Track time.
  • <reboot time="float">: Determines the Retrace time.
  • <onStart>: shorthand for OnHostileActionTaken.
  • <onCrash>: shorthand for OnCrash.
  • <onComplete>: shorthand for OnRebootCompleted.
  • <afterComplete [requiredFlags="string" doesNotHaveFlags="string" RequireLogsOnSource="bool" RequireSourceIntact="bool"] every="int" offafter="int">: triggers after OnRebootCompleted, counter increases every connection / connect you make. if its equal to every, afterComplete triggers and the counter resets. if it triggered offafter times, the counter shuts off. the counter shuts off prematurely if RequireLogsOnSource or RequireSourceIntact fails at any moment.
    • This is to keep haunting the player after they have failed to remove logs or something, so that they go back and remove logs, idk, go wild.

Trace V2

Trace V2 is a Network-wide trace that does not go away when connected away from the OS. it acts similarly to screenbleed, but without all the effects so it can be used more liberally.

Once any OS in the system detects hostile activity, a cyan Track timer turns on that fails similarly to Trace.

Once the head of the Network is shut off, Track timer will change to a gray Retrace timer, letting you close connections and forkbomb the rest of the OSes, delete the logs, etc.

Once the Retrace period is over and everything is good, it is considered that the player has won.

See This Video for a visual showcase of Trace V2 and other things this mod adds.

Localization Support

You can set the extension's language to dynamic to enable multiple locales in a single extension.

Include {{key}} in place of the text to make it be influenced by locales.

create a /Locales folder in your extension, and put xml files in there. here is an example of such a file.

setting the exact attribute to true makes it so that it does not partially replace letters.

    <l key="back">Back</l>
    <l key="ok">OK</l>
    <l key="cancel" exact="true">Cancel</l>

you may also put these files inside .../Hacknet/locales/Custom to apply the translation key for all extensions.

If downloaded via the installer, the mod also adds complete font support for Korean.

Other, Miscellaneous Tweaks...

  • SFX Volume Slider. adjustable in options.
  • You can now use Sequencer.exe -i (also applies to Kaguya's Trial) to instantly start the challenge.
  • You can now use ComShell.exe -t to trap all shells.
  • A typo in usage message for ComShell is fixed.
  • Tracking Logs are smarter. (does not count connect/disconnect logs UNLESS <EnableStrictLog> is enabled for that device.)


  • 0.2.3: added pwd, added rdy to yes tone, proper error messages on executables, fixed bug with disabling commands between save/load
  • 0.2.2: Fixed command disables not being saved, added strict log functionality, added exact locale functionality, specified some things in README, fixed some korean locale things, changed bindecode and binencode to binary [-d/-e], added echo, date, expr, history, man, hostname, head and tail, added <EnableStrictLog>/<DisableStrictLog>, help is properly sorted, autocomplete is properly disabled for disabled commands, added initial disabled command list
  • 0.2.1: Updated to PF 5.3.0, Fixed IRC condition bug, made dynamic locale read a lot faster (appearantly +=ing string a million times is not good for your OS), added custom command description, and change description based on disabled commands for help menu. Added proper README.
  • 0.2.0: Added graphics for PortBackdoor, Dynamic locale support, Sound Effect Volume setting
  • 0.0.2: Refactored half the mod
  • 0.0.1: Initial release