This scaffold creates in seconds for you a professional environment. Code a application in HTML(5), (S)CSS, TS(X) and JS(X). All what you need for Apps.
- Webpack (Bundler)
- TypeScript (Code in ES6 or higher)
- Preact (TSX and JSX)
- Redux-Zero (Storage)
- Babel (Compile back for Browserslist to last 2 versions or other options)
A total solution for your projects. You have with this scaffold the followed.
- 5 Prompts for create the project.
- Automatically install dependencies after scaffolding ready.
- Development Server with Hot Module Replacement (HMR) ready.
- Welcome window with introduction for next steps after install.
- Configs was splited to development and production.
- Split to:
- webpack.config.js (common)
- (merged with webpack.config.js)
- (merged with webpack.config.js)
- tsconfig.js (merged with &
- Split to:
- Plugins inside and ready to add more.
- Inside Plugins:
- You can create more components, example components inside and chooseable.
- Inside components:
More information over the Project Structur
- Check your NPM version
npm -v
- Additional you can install NVM (Node Version Manager) to change version.
- We use
(Yeoman Generator) to install the scaffold and start with it.
- Also install yeoman global
npm install -g yo
To use only in your project.
Switch to your projects folder, to install it in the project.
username$ cd /Users/username/projects/
And install.
projects$ npm i generator-webpack-preact
Now call yeoman.
projects$ yo
If promt a call
? 'Allo prod3v3loper,! What would you like to do? (Use arrow keys)
Run a generator
> webpack-preact
or say yeoman directly the generator you want to use.
projects$ yo webpack-preact
Enter and create your project. You are ready to developing.
To use it from everywhere install the generator global.
projects$ npm i -g generator-webpack-preact
No local install need anymore, you cann now call everytime everywhere yo webpack-preact
projects$ yo
If promt a call
? 'Allo prod3v3loper,! What would you like to do? (Use arrow keys)
Run a generator
> webpack-preact
or directly
projects$ yo webpack-preact
Enter and create your project. You are ready to developing.
And we become a promt, after choose our generator webpack preact
? Customer name? (customer)
? Project year? (2019)
? Project name? (newsletter)
? Components you want to use? (type comma seperated) (counter)
? Want you install all dependencies? Y/n
After answerring all questions, start the create process.
create src/index.tsx
create src/scss/style.scss
create public/index.html
create package.json
create global.config.json
create tsconfig.json
create webpack.config.js
create src/components/counter/actions.js
create src/components/counter/counter.js
create src/components/counter/store.js
The following structure is created after the prompt input. With the typed data.
βββ customer/ (prompt: project name)
| βββ year/ (prompt: 2019)
| βββ project/ (prompt: newsletter)
| βββ public/
| | βββ index.html
| βββ src/
| | βββ scss/
| | | βββ style.scss
| | βββ index.tsx
| βββ components/ (prompt: type comma seperated)
| βββ counter/
| βββ actions.js
| βββ counter.js
| βββ store.js
But the idea behind it is to collect and manage all our projects in our projects folder. So every time we call the generator in our projects folder and create a new project with customer name, it will be added to the others.
βββ customer/ (prompt: project name)
| βββ year/ (prompt: 2019)
| βββ project/ (prompt: newsletter)
| βββ public/
| | βββ index.html
| βββ src/
| | βββ scss/
| | | βββ style.scss
| | βββ index.tsx
| βββ components/ (prompt: type comma seperated)
| βββ counter/
| βββ actions.js
| βββ counter.js
| βββ store.js
βββ another-customer/
| βββ 2018/
| | βββ project1/
| | | βββ ...
| | βββ project2/
| | βββ ...
| βββ 2019/
| βββ project1/
| | βββ ...
| βββ project2/
| βββ public/
| | βββ index.html
| βββ src/
| | βββ scss/
| | | βββ style.scss
| | βββ index.tsx
| βββ components/ (prompt: type comma seperated)
| βββ counter/
| βββ actions.js
| βββ counter.js
| βββ store.js
Now run and see the Magic :)
Switch to the new project folder we have created. (You typed in the prompt default newsletter)
projects$ cd /Users/username/projects/customer/year/newsletter
If you not installed dependencies in the prompts, then install first.
newsletter$ npm install
This command start the Server with the hotmodule.
newsletter$ npm run dev
This command build the dist folder with the end product.
newsletter$ npm run prod
To close (stop the localhost server) the NPM run type in console (Terminal): Ctrl + C
Create your own components, or request a feature issue. Here two samples.
Import your sass or css files in easy way. Import all your images and videos.
.maa-slider {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
&__inner {
overflow: hidden;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background-color: lightgrey;
&__list {
list-style: none;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
This example will show how to get pictures or videos from a folder with this setup.
import "./scss/slider.scss";
import { h, render, Component } from "preact";
export default class Slider extends Component {
images = [];
videos = [];
constructor() {
// Load all images from foler
this.images = this.importDefault(
require.context("./img", false, /\.(png|jpe?g|svg)$/)
// Load all videos from folder
this.videos = this.importDefault(
require.context("./video", false, /\.(mp4)$/)
importDefault(r) {
return r.keys().map(r);
render(props) {
this.items =, key) => (
<li class="maa-slider__item">
<img src={item} alt=""></img>
return (
<div class="maa-slider">
<div class="maa-slider__inner">
<ul class="maa-slider__list">{this.items}</ul>
projects$ npm uninstall generator-webpack-preact
projects$ npm uninstall -g generator-webpack-preact
Please use the issue tab to request a:
- Bug
- Feature
Choose template and report a bug or feature you want issues.
Please read the contributing to contribute.
Please use the Security section for privately reporting a vulnerability.
You find generator-webpack-preact in Yeoman generator, NPM and on Github.
NPM - generator-webpack-preact
GitHub - generator-webpack-preact