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PRISMS-PF (Version 2.3)

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@david-montiel-t david-montiel-t released this 04 Mar 03:18
· 395 commits to master since this release

Moderate update to 2.2, released in July 2021. The main changes are new applications, new postprocessing scripts, improvements in performance, bug fixes and comparibility with the latest version of deal.II.

Added Features:

  • New applications:
    • corrosion_microgalvanic: Simulates the evolution of the metal-electrolyte interface during free immersion due to the microgalvanic coupling between anodic and cathodic metals.
    • alloySolidification_uniform: Simulates solidification of a binary alloy at uniform temperature.
    • allenCahn_conserved: Simulates a system undergoing Allen-Cahn dynamics subject to global (as opposed to local) conservation.
  • New postprocessing scripts. The following Python scripts for suite post-processing suite were added:
    • - This script creates a pseudocolor (in 2D) or contour (in 3D) plot for each outputted time states and saves the serieas of plots as png images.
    • - This script calculates the following quantities for each of the time states:
      • Number of domains, defined as the number or separate regions based on the values of field variable, "n". Each interconnected region for which n>0.5 is counted as a separate domain.

      • Average domain size (area in 2D and volume in 3D)

      • Standard deviation of the domain sizes

    • - This script splits the output .vtu files into several files, allowing for parallel visualization in VisIt or ParaView.
  • New options for nucleation were added: an option to set the time interval for then nucleation is allowed and an option to allow for microstructure evolution before the first nucleation event.
  • Improved the method for grain detection when reading data from a DREAM3D microstructure file.
  • Added depencency of element degree for time step used in initial smoothing after reading from a DREAM3D microstructure file. This avoids posible numerical instabilities.
  • Added Troubleshooting/FAQ page with the most common compilation/runtime errors and the way to fix them.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed incomplete loop to detect dirichlet boundary conditions in
  • The code now correctly updates time-dependent non-uniform Dirichlet boundary conditions.
  • Updated input file parameters.prm for grainGrowth_dream3d application
  • Fixed several typos and errors in the documentation of built-in applications

Other Changes:

  • Updated comparibility with deal.II version 9.5.x

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.2...v2.3