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Presentator v2 REST API JS client


This repo is for the older Presentator v2 and it is no longer maintained.

Simple and compact (~7kb gzip) JavaScript client (browser and node.js) for the Presentator v2 REST API (based on axios HTTP client).

This repository is READ-ONLY. Report issues and send pull requests in the main Presentator repository.


Using npm

npm install presentator-client --save

ES6-style import:

import PresentatorClient from 'presentator-client'


<script src="/path/to/dist/client.min.js"></script>


var client = new PresentatorClient('my_api_url');

client.Users.login('[email protected]', 'my-password').then(function (data) {
    // success...
    // see axios response schema -
}).catch(function (e) {
    // error...


Creating new client instance

var client = new PresentatorClient(baseUrl = '', token = '', axiosConfig = {});

Instance methods

Each instance method returns the PresentatorClient instance to allow chaining.

Method Description
client.setBaseUrl(url) Sets the http client base url address.
client.setToken(token = '') Sets or removes Authorization request header.
client.setLanguage(lang = 'en-US') Sets or removes Accept-Language request header.
client.enableAutoCancellation(enable = true) Enables or disables cancellation of duplicated requests
client.cancelRequest(cancelKey) Cancels single request by its cancellation token.

API resources/services

Each resource call returns a Promise object. More detailed API docs related to the resources could be found here.

Resource Description
πŸ”“ client.Previews.authorize(slug, password = '', bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Generates a project preview token and authorizes access to a project link.
πŸ”“ client.Previews.getOne(previewToken, queryParams = {}) Returns summary of a project preview
πŸ”“ client.Previews.getPrototype(previewToken, id, queryParams = {}) Returns preview details for the specified project link prototype.
πŸ”“ client.Previews.getAssets(previewToken, queryParams = {}) Returns list with all project guideline sections and assets.
πŸ”“ client.Previews.getScreenCommentsList(previewToken, page = 1, perPage = 20, queryParams = {}) Returns list with all project preview screen comments.
πŸ”“ client.Previews.createScreenComment(previewToken, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Creates a new screen comment for a preview screen.
πŸ”“ client.Previews.updateScreenComment(previewToken, id, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Updates the status of a primary screen comment within the preview screens.
πŸ”“, details = '', bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Reports a project link for spam, malware or other abusive content.
πŸ”“ client.Users.getAuthMethods(queryParams = {}) Returns array list with all configured application auth methods and clients.
πŸ”“ client.Users.getAuthClients(queryParams = {}) (DEPRECATED) Returns array list with all configured application auth clients.
πŸ”“ client.Users.authorizeAuthClient(client, code, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Authorizes a user via auth client and generates new user authorization token.
πŸ”“ client.Users.register(bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Registers a new user (aka. creates an inactive regular user).
πŸ”“ client.Users.activate(activationToken, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Activates an inactive User model associated with the provided activation token.
πŸ”“ client.Users.login(email, password, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Performs active User model authorization.
πŸ”“ client.Users.requestPasswordReset(email, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Sends a forgotten password email.
πŸ”“ client.Users.confirmPasswordReset(passwordResetToken, password, passwordConfirm, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Resets the password for a single user by a password reset token.
πŸ”’ client.Users.refresh(bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Refreshes user authorization token.
πŸ”’ client.Users.requestEmailChange(email, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Sends a request to change the authorized user's email address.
πŸ”’ client.Users.confirmEmailChange(emailChangeToken, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Confirms authorized user's email address change.
πŸ”’ client.Users.sendFeedback(message, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Sends user's feedback for Presentator to support.
πŸ”’ client.Users.getList(page = 1, perPage = 20, queryParams = {}) Returns paginated users list (super users only).
πŸ”’ client.Users.getOne(id, queryParams = {}) Views single user.
πŸ”’ client.Users.create(bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Creates a new user (super users only).
πŸ”’ client.Users.update(id, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Updates an existing user.
πŸ”’ client.Users.delete(id, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Deletes an existing user.
πŸ”’ client.Projects.getList(page = 1, perPage = 20, queryParams = {}) Returns paginated projects list.
πŸ”’ client.Projects.getOne(id, queryParams = {}) Views single project.
πŸ”’ client.Projects.create(bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Creates a new project and automatically assign the current authorized user as an administrator.
πŸ”’ client.Projects.update(id, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Updates an existing project.
πŸ”’ client.Projects.delete(id, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Deletes an existing project.
πŸ”’ client.Projects.getCollaboratorsList(id, queryParams = {}) Returns list with all project's collaborators (including guests).
πŸ”’ client.Projects.searchUsers(id, searchTerm, queryParams = {}) Searches for new project admins (project linked users).
πŸ”’ client.Projects.getUsersList(id, queryParams = {}) Returns list with all linked project users.
πŸ”’ client.Projects.linkUser(id, userId, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Links an active user to a project (aka. adding new project admin).
πŸ”’ client.Projects.unlinkUser(id, userId, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Unlinks an active user from a project (aka. removing existing project admin).
πŸ”’ client.ProjectLinks.getList(page = 1, perPage = 20, queryParams = {}) Returns paginated project links list.
πŸ”’ client.ProjectLinks.getOne(id, queryParams = {}) Views single project link.
πŸ”’ client.ProjectLinks.create(bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Creates a new project link.
πŸ”’ client.ProjectLinks.update(id, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Updates an existing project link.
πŸ”’ client.ProjectLinks.delete(id, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Deletes an existing project link.
πŸ”’ client.ProjectLinks.share(id, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Shares a project link with other users (including guests) by sending an email to them.
πŸ”’ client.ProjectLinks.getAccessed(page = 1, perPage = 20, queryParams = {}) Returns paginated list with accessed project links by the authorized user.
πŸ”’ client.GuidelineSections.getList(page = 1, perPage = 20, queryParams = {}) Returns paginated guideline sections list.
πŸ”’ client.GuidelineSections.getOne(id, queryParams = {}) Views single guideline section.
πŸ”’ client.GuidelineSections.create(bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Creates a new guideline section.
πŸ”’ client.GuidelineSections.update(id, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Updates an existing guideline section.
πŸ”’ client.GuidelineSections.delete(id, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Deletes an existing guideline section.
πŸ”’ client.GuidelineAssets.getList(page = 1, perPage = 20, queryParams = {}) Returns paginated guideline assets list.
πŸ”’ client.GuidelineAssets.getOne(id, queryParams = {}) Views single guideline asset.
πŸ”’ client.GuidelineAssets.create(bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Creates a new guideline asset.
πŸ”’ client.GuidelineAssets.update(id, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Updates an existing guideline asset.
πŸ”’ client.GuidelineAssets.delete(id, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Deletes an existing guideline asset.
πŸ”’ client.Prototypes.getList(page = 1, perPage = 20, queryParams = {}) Returns paginated prototypes list.
πŸ”’ client.Prototypes.getOne(id, queryParams = {}) Views single prototype.
πŸ”’ client.Prototypes.create(bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Creates a new prototype.
πŸ”’ client.Prototypes.update(id, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Updates an existing prototype.
πŸ”’ client.Prototypes.duplicate(id, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Duplicates an existing prototype with its screens, hotspot templates and hotspots.
πŸ”’ client.Prototypes.delete(id, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Deletes an existing prototype.
πŸ”’ client.Screens.getList(page = 1, perPage = 20, queryParams = {}) Returns paginated screens list.
πŸ”’ client.Screens.getOne(id, queryParams = {}) Views single screen.
πŸ”’ client.Screens.create(bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Creates a new screen.
πŸ”’ client.Screens.update(id, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Updates an existing screen.
πŸ”’ client.Screens.bulkUpdate(bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Bulk updates all screens within a single prototype.
πŸ”’ client.Screens.delete(id, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Deletes an existing screen.
πŸ”’ client.Hotspots.getList(page = 1, perPage = 20, queryParams = {}) Returns paginated hotspots list.
πŸ”’ client.Hotspots.getOne(id, queryParams = {}) Views single hotspot.
πŸ”’ client.Hotspots.create(bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Creates a new hotspot.
πŸ”’ client.Hotspots.update(id, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Updates an existing hotspot.
πŸ”’ client.Hotspots.delete(id, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Deletes an existing hotspot.
πŸ”’ client.HotspotTemplates.getList(page = 1, perPage = 20, queryParams = {}) Returns paginated hotspot templates list.
πŸ”’ client.HotspotTemplates.getOne(id, queryParams = {}) Views single hotspot template.
πŸ”’ client.HotspotTemplates.create(bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Creates a new hotspot template.
πŸ”’ client.HotspotTemplates.update(id, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Updates an existing hotspot template.
πŸ”’ client.HotspotTemplates.delete(id, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Deletes an existing hotspot template.
πŸ”’ client.HotspotTemplates.getScreensList(id, queryParams = {}) Returns list with all linked hotspot screen models.
πŸ”’ client.HotspotTemplates.linkScreen(id, screenId, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Links a single screen to a hotspot template.
πŸ”’ client.HotspotTemplates.unlinkScreen(id, screenId, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Unlinks a single screen from a hotspot template.
πŸ”’ client.ScreenComments.getList(page = 1, perPage = 20, queryParams = {}) Returns paginated screen comments list.
πŸ”’ client.ScreenComments.getOne(id, queryParams = {}) Views single screen comment.
πŸ”’ client.ScreenComments.create(bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Creates a new screen comment.
πŸ”’ client.ScreenComments.update(id, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Updates an existing screen comment.
πŸ”’ client.ScreenComments.delete(id, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Deletes an existing screen comment.
πŸ”’ client.ScreenComments.getUnread(queryParams = {}) Returns all unread screen comments for the authorized user (with eager loader metaData).
πŸ”’, bodyParams = {}, queryParams = {}) Marks a single screen comment as read for the authorized user.


# build and minify for production
npm run build

# run unit tests
npm test