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Enriching Diversity of Synthetic Images for Person Detection


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Enriching Diversity of Synthetic images for improving camera based patient monitoring.



This repository contains code for generating synthetic people in diverse unseen poses. The resulting dataset is used as training data for developing better objection detection networks.


Camera-based patient monitoring is undergoing rapid adoption in the healthcare sector with the recent COVID- 19 pandemic acting as a catalyst. It offers round-the-clock monitoring of patients in clinical units (e.g. ICUs, ORs), or at their homes through installed cameras, enabling timely, pre-emptive care. These are powered by Computer Vision based algorithms that pick up critical physiological data, patient activity, sleep pattern, etc., enabling real-time, pre-emptive care. In this work, we develop a person detector to deploy in such scenarios. These algorithms require huge quantities of training data which is often in shortage in the healthcare field due to stringent privacy norms. Therefore looking for solutions to enrich clinical data becomes necessary. An alternative currently popular among the Computer Vision community is to use synthetic data for training, created using 3D modeling software pipelines. However, this type of technique often has limitations in data diversity and data balancing as desired variations need to be provided explicitly. In this thesis, we propose a data augmentation method for enriching diversity in synthetic data without using any additional external data or software. In particular, we introduce a pose augmentation technique, which synthesizes new human characters in poses unseen in the original dataset using Pose-Warp GAN. Additionally, a new metric is proposed to assess diversity in human pose datasets. The proposed method of augmentation is evaluated using YOLOv3. We show that our pose augmentation technique significantly improves person detection performance compared to traditional data augmentation, especially in low data regimes.

The following picture gives the overall objective. objective


To reproduce the results of this work, follow the steps mentioned below. The image below is provided for reference.


Step 1: Preparing data

For this work, we used the SURREAL dataset as the dataset to augment. This implementation is not limited to just synthetic characters. Feel free to use any other "people" dataset that suits your application.

  • Run to extract image frames from video files in SURREAL dataset. The script saves RGB images, GT bounding boxes and pose keypoint files. Set appropriates paths and frames/video.
  • Run inside the gaussian directory. Choose suitable no of images, paths and other variables in converts bounding box from SURREAL format to the format acceptable in Pose-Warp GAN. It also converts bboxs to the format given in YOLOv3 format.
  • Download images to be used as background from Google Open Images. The download section of the site provides instructions. Better, use this repository to for easier download.
  • Download 2000 images and corresponding annotations from MPII human pose dataset.

Step 2: Augment poses

Run cells in aug_plots.ipynb notebook to generate new poses from existing poses. The picture below shows some examples of generated poses using this method.


The picture below shows existing poses in the source dataset and newly generated poses overlapped on a PCA projected 2D space.


Step 3: Generate people

  • Run inside pose_warp directory to generate people depicting those poses that were generated in the previous step. The script takes as input 1)RGB images of people with backgroung 2)Required pose. The output is a new character depicting the conditioned pose along with corresponding mask file. Edit to change paths and other parameters. The codes are based on the repository Pose-Warp GAN. The picture below shows some example outputs.


  • Run cells in gopen.ipynb for pasting newly generated people on images from Google Open Images as backgrounds. The cell under comment #SINGLE TRAIN procduces images having 1 person per image and the cell under comment #MULTI TRAIN procduces images having multiple people per image. The script also generates bbox annotations in YOLOv3 format. Select required number of images to be generated. Augmented images produced in this manner serves as the training data for the next step. Some example images are shown below:


Step 4: Training and Validation

All training and testing scripts are based from this YOLOv3 repository. For pre-training YOLO network with synthetic augmented data, run the script Edit for adjusting paths and other parameters. For training with real data from MPII dataset, replace with in Test your trained YOLOv3 model by running the script Select appropriate paths and datasets to test on by editing To obtain test results on objection detection metrics(Precesion, Recall, F1 score, mAP), run To obtain pretty Precesion vs Recall curves for different models, run followed by Some results of object detection on MPII human pose dataset is shown below:


Picture below shows the result of augmenting training data with multi annotation images of synthetic people regarding person detection performance.



This work has adapted code from: