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100 Days of Code - Python Pro Bootcamp 2023

Welcome to my 100 Days of Code journey with Dr. Angela Yu's Python Pro Bootcamp for 2023! This repository will serve as a collection of all the code and projects I work on during this course.

About the Course


  • Deepen my understanding of Python programming.
  • Build practical applications and projects.
  • Develop good coding practices and habits.

Daily Progress

  • Day 1: Introduction to Python and Variables
  • Day 2: Understanding Data Types and Manipulating Strings
  • Day 3: Control Flow and Conditional Statements
  • Day 4: Randomisation and Python Lists
  • Day 5: Python Loops
  • Day 6: Python Functions & Karel
  • Day 7: Python Hangman Game
  • Day 8: Function Parameters & Caesar Cipher
  • Day 9: Dictionaries, Nesting and the Secret Auction
  • Day 10: Functions with Outputs & Calculator App
  • Day 11: Blackjack Capstone Project
  • Day 12: Scope and Namespacing in Python
  • Day 13: Debugging Techniques
  • Day 14: Higher Lower Game
  • Day 15: Local Development Environment Setup
  • Day 16: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) - Coffee Machine
  • Day 17: The Quiz Project & the Benefits of OOP
  • Day 18: Turtle Graphics - Hirst Painting
  • Day 19: Instances, State, and Higher Order Functions
  • Day 20: Snake Game Part 1 - Animation & Coordinates
  • Day 21: Snake Game Part 2 - Control, Direction, and Collision Detection
  • Day 22: Build Pong - The Famous Arcade Game
  • Day 23: The Turtle Crossing Capstone Project
  • Day 24: Files, Directories, and Paths
  • Day 25: Working with CSV Data and the Pandas Library
  • Day 26: List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet
  • Day 27: Tkinter, args, kwargs, and Creating GUI Programs
  • Day 28: Tkinter, Dynamic Typing, and the Pomodoro GUI Application
  • Day 29: Building a Password Manager GUI App with Tkinter
  • Day 30: Errors, Exceptions, and JSON Data - Improving the Password Manager
  • Day 31: Flash Card App Capstone Project
  • Day 32: Send Email (smtplib) and Manage Dates (datetime)
  • Day 33: API Endpoints, API Parameters - ISS Overhead Notifier
  • Day 34: API Practice - Creating a GUI Quiz App
  • Day 35: Keys, Authentication, and Environment Variables - Send SMS
  • Day 36: Stock Trading News Alert Project
  • Day 37: Habit Tracking Project - API Post Requests and Headers
  • Day 38: Workout Tracking Using Google Sheets
  • Day 39: Capstone Part 1 - Flight Deal Finder
  • Day 40: Capstone Part 2 - Flight Club
  • Day 41: Introduction to HTML
  • Day 42: Intermediate HTML
  • Day 43: Introduction to CSS
  • Day 44: Intermediate CSS
  • Day 45: Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup
  • Day 46: Create a Spotify Playlist using the Musical Time Machine
  • Day 47: Create an Automated Amazon Price Tracker
  • Day 48: Selenium Webdriver Browser and Game Playing Bot
  • Day 49: Automating Job Applications on LinkedIn
  • Day 50: Auto Tinder Swiping Bot\
  • Day 51: Internet Speed Twitter Complaint Bot
  • Day 52: Instagram Follower Bot
  • Day 53: Web Scraping Capstone - Data Entry Job Automation
  • ...


  • Each day may include one or more small projects or exercises to reinforce learning.

How to Use This Repository

  • Each day's progress is documented in its respective folder.
  • Detailed explanations, code snippets, and thoughts are included in the corresponding files.


  • Feel free to use this repository as a reference or for inspiration in your own learning journey.
  • If you have any suggestions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out!

Connect with Me


Special thanks to Dr. Angela Yu for creating this amazing Python Pro Bootcamp!

Happy coding! 🚀


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