A web app that implements interactive 2D interface on the palm using webcams without requiring depth-sensing capabilities.
This project also includes various version of the app for conducting user studies for hand interactions via browser and webcam.
install typescript globally
sudo npm i -g typescript
generate tsconfig.json
tsc --init
./node_modules/.bin/eslint --init
- try loading gif https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/introduction-to-computer-vision-in-javascript-using-opencvjs
MariaDB in docker docker run -p 3306:3306 -d --name docker-mariadb -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password mariadb: docker inspect docker-mariadb | grep 'IPAddress' docker exec -it docker-mariadb /bin/bash mariadb -u root -p CREATE DATABASE prantordb; CREATE TABLE prantordb.desserts (name VARCHAR(100)); INSERT INTO prantordb.desserts VALUES ('churros'), ('gelato'), ('halo-halo'), ('mochi');
curl requests curl localhost:3000/desserts curl -X POST localhost:3000/create/users
- start btn 125% larger
- debug mode deactivate
- dynamic active
- practice session repetitions 2
- remove marked cell info from previous trial
- increase width of hand image
- hide techniques not used update sequence of combinations to be shown to userIDs
- check input space of start button for H2S Relative Finger