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A Basic Stable IDE config for Neovim

This repo is my personal neovim config. The latest config that I use corresponds to the latest version of the plugins and the previous configs have a release tag (neovim version) associated with them.

Migration guide to lazy from packer

Now this config uses lazy.nvim as a plugin manager, so if you are migrating from packer you should probably remove $HOME/.local/share/nvim and re-open nvim to re-install the plugins to not face any issues.

Install Neovim 0.10

You can install Neovim with your package manager e.g. brew, apt, pacman etc.. but remember that when you update your packages Neovim may be upgraded to a newer version.

If you would like to make sure Neovim only updates when you want it to than I recommend installing from source:

NOTE Verify the required build prerequisites for your system.

git clone
cd neovim
git checkout release-0.10
sudo make install

Install the config

Make sure to remove or backup your current nvim directory

git clone ~/.config/nvim

Run nvim and wait for the plugins to be installed

NOTE (You will notice treesitter pulling in a bunch of parsers the next time you open Neovim)

NOTE Checkout this file for some predefined keymaps: keymaps

Get healthy

Open nvim and enter the following:


You'll probably notice you don't have support for copy/paste also that python and node haven't been setup

So let's fix that

First we'll fix copy/paste

  • On mac pbcopy should be builtin

  • On Ubuntu

    sudo apt install xsel # for X11
    sudo apt install wl-clipboard # for wayland

Next we need to install python support (node is optional)

  • Neovim python support

    pip install pynvim
  • Neovim node support

    npm i -g neovim

We will also need ripgrep for Telescope to work:

  • Ripgrep

    sudo apt install ripgrep

Install Lazygit

  • Ubuntu
LAZYGIT_VERSION=$(curl -s "" | grep '"tag_name":' |  sed -E 's/.*"v*([^"]+)".*/\1/')
curl -Lo lazygit.tar.gz "${LAZYGIT_VERSION}_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz"
sudo tar xf lazygit.tar.gz -C /usr/local/bin lazygit
lazygit --version
  • Mac (Homebrew)
brew install jesseduffield/lazygit/lazygit

NOTE make sure you have node installed, I recommend a node manager like fnm.


I recommend using the following repo to get a "Nerd Font" (Font that supports icons)




To add a new LSP

First Enter:


and press i on the Language Server you wish to install

Next you will need to add the server to the server list: servers

Formatters and linters

Make sure the formatter or linter is installed and add it to this setup function: conform

NOTE Some are already setup as examples, remove them if you want


You can install new plugins here: plugins

Here is the wiki for installing new plugins refer to this: wiki


  • Comment.nvim - Smart and Powerful commenting plugin for Neovim.
  • conform.nvim - Lightweight yet powerful formatter plugin for Neovim.
  • gitsigns.nvim - Super fast git decorations implemented purely in lua/teal.
  • grug-far.nvim - Find and Replace plugin for neovim.
  • indent-blankline.nvim - This plugin adds indentation guides to all lines (including empty lines).
  • lazy - lazy.nvim is a modern plugin manager for Neovim.
  • mini.nvim - Library of 40+ independent Lua modules improving overall Neovim experience with minimal effort.
  • neo-tree.nvim - A Neovim plugin to browse the file system and other tree like structures in whatever style suits you.
  • nvim-autopairs - A super powerful autopair plugin for Neovim that supports multiple characters.
  • nvim-cmp - A completion engine plugin for neovim written in Lua.
  • nvim-lspconfig - Configs for the Nvim LSP client.
  • nvim-tree.lua - A File Explorer For Neovim Written In Lua.
  • nvim-treesitter - Uses tree-sitter interface in Neovim to provide syntax highlighting.
  • nvim-treesitter-context - A plugin that shows the context of the currently visible buffer contents.
  • nvim-ufo - The goal of nvim-ufo is to make Neovim's fold look modern and keep high performance.
  • telescope.nvim - telescope.nvim is a highly extendable fuzzy finder over lists.
  • todo-comments.nvim - A lua plugin to highlight and search for todo comments like TODO, HACK, BUG in your code base.
  • toggleterm.nvim - A neovim plugin to persist and toggle multiple terminals during an editing session.
  • tokyonight.nvim - A dark and light Neovim theme written in Lua ported from the Visual Studio Code TokyoNight theme.
  • vim-sleuth - Automatically adjusts 'shiftwidth' and 'expandtab' heuristically based on the current file.
  • vim-visual-multi - Multiple cursor plugin for Vim/Neovim.
  • which-key - A lua plugin that displays a popup with possible key bindings of the command you started typing.


The computing scientist's main challenge is not to get confused by the complexities of his own making.

- Edsger W. Dijkstra


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