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General Path to 1.0

Trent edited this page Jun 23, 2017 · 53 revisions

Road Map to iohyve 1.0 Release

0.8.0 Goals

  • Take a second look at automatic restarts of guests, and provide documentation.
  • Bug test and document rcboot (migrate boot -> rcboot)
  • Check for verbose boot logging (to warn if cpu wont work). See #229
  • Add new guest property bootmedia to always boot from an ISO before the first zvol (disk0).
  • iohyve import/export to/from a file (ZFS send/receive).
  • Allow virtio-blk and n1000 emulation.
  • Add $PAGER support to isolist and fw list.
  • Add ability to clone a guest without a disk

0.8.1 Goals

  • Properly handle filenames with spaces as long as surrounded by quotes.
  • Replace snapshot functions with automated zfstools like functionality. (Automation)
  • Better UEFI support and documentation (more disks + passthrough?)
  • Allow different volmodes for ZVOLs.
  • Take a look and create a recipe for CentOS guests without XFS. See #224 Completed thanks to @vdanen and now mentioned on the main README.

0.9 Goals

  • Cleanup how we list things again (list vs. info etc...)?
  • Suggestions?
  • Separate functions into libraries?
  • Documentation Sprint to create Handbook-type Wiki. (Clean it up a bit)

1.0 Goals

  • If you like it you should put a ring on it.
  • Interactive mode?
  • ncurses type front end?