A flip book is a book with a series of pictures that vary gradually from one page to the next, so that when the pages are turned rapidly, the pictures appear to animate by simulating motion or some other change.
This repo consists of a compiler built on python to interpret "flip" language. "Flip" language is a language I was supposed to built to do some tasks.
The repo consists of .flip files which have code written in flip language.
i) human_life_span.flip : this file has an image name and number of pages to display Eg. - 01 05 child.jpg
ii) apple.flip : this file has two image file names Eg. - apple.png newton.jpg
i) fc human_life_span.flip -o human_life_span.pdf : This command will take the flip file as input and generate a flipbook in pdf format
ii) fc human_life_span.flip -o human_life_span.pdf : This command will take the flip file as input and generate a flipbook in gif format
iii) fc apple.flip -o applenewton.pdf : This command will take the apple.flip file as input and generate a flipbook in pdf format for apple falling on newton.
i) run shell.py
ii) Use any compiler command (from above) to execute flip language commands (.flip file)
iii) Use ctrl+c to exit from shell.py (compiler)