This project demonstrates how to create private cocoapod.
Quickly create pod-template
Run the following command:
pod lib create '<Your Pod Name>'
It will actually help give you a jump start by providing a standard directory structure with a bunch of boilerplate files necessary for a high quality pod. pod lib create isn't the only way to create your pod, but it is the easiest.
Run the following command:
pod spec create '<Your Pod Name>'
A Podspec file, or Spec, describes a version of a Pod library. It includes details about where the source files are located, which files to use, the build settings to apply, dependencies, frameworks used and other general metadata such as the name, version and description for the Pod.
- version
A Podspec is essentially a snapshot in time of your CocoaPod as denoted by a version number. When you update a pod, you will also need to update the Podspec’s version. You can change it to any version that is suitable to you but make sure that it is the same version as your Git tag version.
For example:
s.version = "1.0.0"
- source
Replace this URL with the Git download URL from the “Create your podspec file manually” section of the 'Podspec' you created above. In general, it’s best to use either a http: or https: URL to make it easier for other users to consume. You can use an SSH URL if you want, but you’ll need to make sure that everyone on your team — and whoever else needs access to the CocoaPod — already has their public/private key pairs setup with your Git host.
For example:
s.source = { :git => "", :tag => s.version }
- source_files
Here you specify the public source files based on file extensions; in this case, you specify .swift as the extension.
For example:
s.source_files = "PrivatePod/*.swift"
- frameworks
If your pod is depending on other frameworks such as UIKit
, Foundation
, you can specify frameworks as the code below.
s.frameworks= 'Foundation', 'UIKit'
- resources
You also can specify resources such as storyboard
, xib
, image
, and xcassets
. When you set this option, it will add resources in Copy Bundle Resources
of Build Phases
s.resources = ["PrivatePod/*.xcassets", "PrivatePod/xib/*.xib"]
- subspec
are a way of chopping up the functionality of a Podspec, allowing people to install a subset of your library. do |s| = "PrivatePod"
s.source = { :git => "", :tag => s.version }
s.subspec 'SubPrivatePod' do |sp|
sp.source_files = 'PrivatePod/SubPrivatePod/*.swift'
With the above example a Podfile using pod 'PrivatePod'
results in the inclusion of the whole library, while pod 'PrivatePod/SubPrivatePod'
can be used if you are interested only in the SubPrivatePod
specific parts.
You can write Ruby
in the podfile
that can help you to configure the build setting
for each pods.
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
if == 'PrivatePod'
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['SWIFT_VERSION'] = '4.2'
config.build_settings['SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL'] = '-Onone'
The example project is under the Example
folder. If you are the first time to build this project you need to run pod install
from the Example directory first.
To integrate PrivatePod into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
target '<Your Target Name>' do
pod 'PrivatePod', :git => ''
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
import PrivatePod
- iOS 10+
- Xcode 10+
- Swift 4.2+
- CocoaPods 1.5.3+
Nixon Shih, [email protected]
PrivatePod is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.