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Boton Chou edited this page Nov 2, 2013 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the libcumatrix wiki!


The only thing libcumatrix needed is CUDA. On linking, libcumatrix needs:

  1. -lcuda (

  2. -lcublas (

  3. -lcudart (

By default, the root directories containing CUDA is "/usr/local/cuda". If you wish to change it, open the "Makefile" and change CUDA_ROOT to where it lies.

How to Use

Just type "make" and run the following programs:

  1. ./benchmark

  2. ./example1

  3. ./example2


For an older version of CUDA sdk, Thrust Library did not lie directly in "/include/thrust" (something like /include/thrust-1.5.1). Create a symbolic link for it using the following command:

$ ln -s /usr/local/cuda/include/thrust-1.5.1 /usr/local/cuda/include/thrust

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