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Getting profiles

Poutnik edited this page Apr 25, 2017 · 10 revisions
  • Recommended for most users is to get one of selected profiles:

    • Download the latest archive from Brouter profiles releases.
    • Review the present Legend files and related wiki information.
    • Unpack and transfer the chosen profile(s) to profiles2 sub-folder of Brouter data folder ( Its placement is device specific ).
  • If the listed/generated profiles do not suit your needs, and/or if you want to experiment, try to flip profiles flags and tweak the profile numerical parameters, namely MTB_factor and smallpaved_factor, according the wiki info and your needs/interests.

  • If you want profiles based on the latest versions of the profile templates, and if you use Windows, you can Use this Windows batchfile sedbatch.bat via the same procedure I generate the profiles:

    • Check its prerequisities inside the batch code, i.e. presence and provided location of

      • sed.exe ( sed and wget can be provided by cygwin installation - see comments in sedbatch.bat )
      • wget.exe (optional, if you are fine with manual downloading the templates)
      • 7z.exe utility ( optional, needed just for the packing)
    • Run the batch sedbatch.bat from the Windows command line with these parameters:

      • main if you want to get major foot/bike/car profiles
      • all if you want to get all foot/bike/car profiles
      • any combination of car bike foot to get all profiles just for some transportation modes.
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